Present:Cllr. M. Newton (Chair)
Cllrs: R. Needham, P. Finn, A. Aldis, S. Nash, S. Boughton and K. Read.
J. Young (WTC Estates Open Spaces), E. Gent (WTC, Minute Taker)
Peter Hill & Angela Daisley (WAGA); Glyn Evans, Dr Chris Gibson (Wivenhoe Watching Wildlife)
1. Apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. P. Booth, A. Vaughan, N. Tile and N. Lodge.
Cllr S. Boughton arrived at 7:51
Cllr S Nash arrived at 7:35
1a. Nominate and elect new Chair of Estates Open Spaces.
Cllr. Newton suggested it is tradition for the Deputy Mayor to take this. Cllr. Needham declined the offer. Decision is to be deferred.
2.Minutes of the Estates Open Spaces Meeting held on 14 August 2017.
Cllr.Needham enquired about the Action points from the August meeting, theMinute Taker informed the committee of actions which are closed, pending or still open.
Minutes of theEstates Properties Meeting held on 14th August 2017 were signed as a correct record.
3. To consider any points raised by Members of the Public.
Cllr. Newton suggested moving Allotments earlier in the agenda as two members of WAGA were at the meeting and this was AGREED.
5a. Allotments
Peter Hill and Angela Daisley from WAGA discussed their proposals regardingplot sizes, waiting list rules and Allotment security. WAGA have concerns about previously sub-divided plots as some are as small as 2.5 rods, which limits what can be grown.WAGAreported that there are 138 allotments and 125 allotment holders, 13 of which have two allotments. Cllr. Read expressed concern over ceasing plot sub-divisions as this has been a way of addressing the current waiting list.
WAGA have conducted a surveyfinding that 4 people wanted a larger plot and 1 person a smaller one. WAGA would like to change the waiting list rules so that allotment holders can swap their current plot for a larger or smaller one and not have to go to the bottom of the waiting list. Cllr. Newton commented that someone who may be struggling with their current plot as it was too large could end up waiting years for a smaller one. Peter Hillmentionedthe 2 acres of land behind the allotments and the 4.5 acres of land behind the Fire Station which have been promised to WAGA/Wivenhoe Town Council for future allotments space, and said this land will be ample space to clear the waiting list. Cllr. Aldis pointed out that WTC/WAGA don’t have the land yet, and this is dependent on the Neighbourhood Plan being adopted and subsequent housing development. This could take years so shouldn’t be considered when voting.
WAGA proposed the following.
- Resident whose husband recently passed away would like to take on the allotment and have her name on the contract. This was AGREED.
- No more plots which measure 5 rods and under to be sub-divided.This was AGREED.
- When an allotment holder gives up a plot, offer it to existing plot holders who have said they want a larger or smaller plot. Under present rules, they have to join the bottom of the waiting list and wait. The plot which then gets vacated then gets offered to next person on waiting list.This was AGREED.
- If an allotment holder wants a larger allotment and plot comes available which was once part of the original plot, that person can reunite the two plots into one larger one. This was AGREED.
- If a person wants a smaller allotment, then they should be offered the next small one which becomes available and their ’larger plot’ be offered to the next person on the waiting list making sure that the person who is taking it on realisesthe commitment. This was AGREED.
- Allotments – Proposal, 2 names on contract (from the same household) and this will be called a ‘household tenancy’. This was AGREED.
Cllr. Aldis enquired about setting up email for correspondence and contracts to save time and postage costs for WTC. WAGA report that not all their members have access to a computer or an email address. Cllr. Aldis added that since this isthe second time in recent years that an allotment holder has passed away and the spouse has wanted to take on the allotment, there should be an amendment to all contracts so spouse/family member has their name on the contract too. Cllr. Newton asked WAGA if they can use their News Letter to inform their members of the needed change to contracts.
Peter Hill went on to talk about WAGA’s hope for CCTV to prevent crime from happening at the allotments. He reported that non-members are dumping waste at the allotments compost area and proposed CCTV on top of one of the Cricket Clubs out buildings (powered bythe Cricket Club) and at theWAGA trading hut.
Cllr. Aldis informed the committee that without adequate light the images would be very poor and unclear. He also added that even with CCTV footage the police may not be able to investigate any crime. Cllr. Boughton suggested motion sensor flood lights, Peter Hill was concerned about them turning on frequently throughout the night because of animal activity,which may upset neighbors. Glyn Evans asked if the Cricket Club would also be interested in CCTV and may be able to contribute to the costs.
Cllr. Newton asked whether there was scope for setting up WAGA as a CIC, and Peter Hill said he was not keen on the idea.
Action Point: Town Clerk to organise a meeting to discuss CCTV and security at the allotments and how this could benefit the Cricket Club. Suggested attendees include WAGA, Colne Radio, Wivenhoe Cricket Club, WTC and Town Clerk.
3.i. Wivenhoe in Bloom request regarding boats outside WLH.
Cllr. Newton reported that Wivenhoe in Bloom seeks permission to remove the boats which have flowers planted inside, from the land at the front of the William Loveless Hall. They have explained that the soil in the boats is poor and the plants are struggling. It also limits what they can plant. Cllr. Finn asked about the history of the boats, and if they needed to be kept.Cllr. Needham added that as we are a riverside town it would be a shame to lose the nautical theme. Cllr. Newton proposed that Wivenhoe in Bloom are asked to provide the committee with a proposal for the area.
Action Point:Town Clerk to write to Wivenhoe in Bloom and request their proposal for the area, councilors would be pleased if the nautical theme could be carried on. This can then be voted on at the next meeting.
4. Estates Open Spaces Manager’s Report
The Estates Open Spaces Manager gave some information on the proposal for a prefabricated garage (donated by ColchesterAcademy) to replace thepaper shed in theyard. The costs involved are £2500 to prepare the site and transport and erect thegarage. It will be larger than theshed and would provide easier access for the Minibus. This will not affect access to the yard or the Scout Hut/Car Park.
Cllr. Needham enquired about the preservation of the old fireman’s hooks inside the current shed, the Estates Open Spaces Manager confirmed this will be preserved.
It was RECOMMENDED that this goes to WTC meeting on 16th October 2017 and a site plan provided for council members to view, this is being organised by Cllr. Newton.
5bi.Recommendations on JubileeGardens from Police meeting.
Cllr. Newton informedthe committee of the police meeting in September regarding anti-social behavior in theJubileeGardens. Residents who live close to the garden want to have the wooden structure removed as this is the cause for much of the trouble as it is being climbed and items thrown from it into neighboring gardens. The policewoman at the meeting made recommendations to thin out shrubs/trees between the garden and the KGV so the area is not as secluded, therefore less appealing to the youths who gatherthere; and to plant spikey plants at the fences. Cllr. Newton went on to report that ‘Celia’s tree’ is now very damaged and needs movingand probably replacing to prevent further vandalism to it.
Cllr. Read and Cllr. Needham expressed concern over removing the wooden structure as various community groups had help to fund it. Cllr. Aldis reported he sees families using this during the day and removing elements of it would be unfair to other people who use it.He agreed that somehow closing the area at night could prevent these problems. Cllr. Read suggested a barrier at the entrance to the road into the yard which is locked at night and CCTV in the area to deter antisocial activity. Cllr. Aldis also suggested a barrier to which WTC staff, Post Office staff, Munchkins Nursery staff and Scouts/ Rainbows staff have a key.
DECISION is to be deferred to next meeting.
5bii.Quotes for KGV Sign & Pontoon Sign
The committee looked at quotes for new signs for KGV and the pontoon. It was proposed that WTC pay for the signs and the WTC Estates team carry out the work to put them up. This was AGREED.
5c. Cemeteries & churchyard
5ci. Party wall issues. This was not discussed and is to be deferred to the next meeting as Cllr. Tile asked for it to be on the agenda.
5cii. William Oakley report and stone quotes
The committee looked at the two quotes for the work to William Oakley’s damaged head stone. One quote was from Smiths which totaled £845 and one from Hunnaballs which totaled £372 + VAT. It was AGREED that WTC use Hunnaballs for the work.
5ciii.Cemeteries recommendations from auditor. To be deferred to Finance and Administration Committee as this is a financial matter.
6. Wildlife Charter
6i. Report from Estates Open Spaces Manager feasibility study
The report from the Estates Open Spaces Manager’s meeting with WWW was discussed. The committee discussed planting a hedgerow to fill the gap in the outside wall of the cemetery which edges Belle Vue Road. Cllr. Newton enquired about costs and upkeep and suggested WTC could ask CBC or a garden centre to sponsor this. Cllr. Nash suggested Wivenhoe in Bloom are contacted regarding organisations WTC could approach for possible sponsorship. Glyn Evans added that hedgerows would need no extra costs for maintenance. Cllr. Finn suggested buying hedgerow would be a low cost but will get some quotes and find out the best time of year to plant hedgerows.
Cllr. Finn proposed that the ‘frog plot’ in the old cemetery and the area of grass at the entrance be left un-mowed as part of the Wildlife Charter’s experiment to attract wildlife and encourage plant growth and asked if WTC could buy a sign for the area which explains why it isn’t being mowed.
The committee discussed the proposal of the hay meadow in KGV playing field, Cllr . Finn provided handouts which included a map of KGV with outlines of proposed areas at the top and bottom of the field and explained there would be no cost to carry this experiment out. Dr Gibson of WWW explained that the grass will need to be cut once a year to prevent tussock grass from forming as this can be difficult to manage, so at the end of September 2018 the grass should be mowed and left to grow again. The Estates Open Spaces Manager informedthe group that the WTC lawn mower will be able to deal with the grass after a year’s growth so no new equipment was required.
There were concerns over dangerous items being concealed by the longer grass, such as syringes or broken glass. Cllr. Finn suggested that the WTC litter picker be involved in this and WTC to make sure he has adequate protective clothing and equipment. Cllr. Read suggested he go on a sharps course.
Cllr. Aldis mentioned the previously discussed matter of signage and who will take control of this. Cllr. Newton and the Estates Open Spaces Manageragreed thatthe WTC Estates Team will do this.
Cllr. Needham proposed that Wivenhoe News/ Brightlingsea & Wivenhoe Chronicle are contacted and asked to run a feature on this for publicity so local residents understand what is happening and why there will be changes to the park. Cllr. Newton requested that there should be illustrations for publicity. Cllr. Read suggested this go onto the WTC website.
It was proposed that thearea shown at the meeting was to no longer have grass cut and would be left to grow until end of September next year when it will all be cut back (to stop tussock grass forming). This was AGREED.
6ii. Request from WWW for use of power for moth study evening
Cllr.Finn and Dr Gibsonreported that WWW will require electricity to power equipment for a moth study on 13th October. Cllr. Read reportedthere are outdoor plug sockets at Munchkins Nursery which could possibly be used and they could be approached and asked.
It was AGREED that theWWW can use outdoor plug sockets at Munchkins Nursery to power equipment for night time moth study. Munchkins to be notified and electricity meter to be noted before and after, payment made if necessary.
7. Smith’s Corner right of way.
Cllr. Newton informed the committee that the house to theSouth of Smiths Corner on The Avenue side was recently sold and as withthe previous owners they are parking on the grass of Smiths Corner, adjacent to their house. Cllr. Newton suggest that WTC should put up signs (compliant with S31 of the Highways Act 1980), stating that there is no right of way over the land.
Action Point:Town Clerk to action this, one sign at each end of the strip of land.
8. Bicycle Racks (Cllr. Tile).
Deferred as Cllr Nick Tile not at this meeting.
9. Date of the next Estates Open Spaces Meeting: 11 December 2017.
Meeting closed at 21.37