Meeting of Great Bentley Parish Council
5 MAY 2016


Present: Cllr J Hills (Chair), Cllr B Herbert, Cllr R Taylor, Cllr P Drew, Cllr L Edwards, Cllr R Adams, Cllr K Plummer and Cllr G Wright. Also in attendance were TDC Cllr McWilliams and approximately 20 members of public.

Public questions

1.  Mr Bishop enquired about the previously reported pavement defect between the Garage and the Hair Salon on Plough Road. The Clerk agreed to report this defect again.

2.  It was noted that the Queens birthday celebrations on the Green were well attended and enjoyable.

3.  Mrs Bishop complained about the increase in vehicles parking outside the school on Plough Road.

05.16.030 Apologies for absence: Cllr P. Balbirnie.

05.16.031 Minutes of the last meeting: The Council reviewed the minutes of the meeting held on 7 April. Cllr Drew proposed them, Cllr Plummer seconded them and they were agreed as a true record.

05.16.032 Declarations of Interest: Cllr Adams declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 05.16.038 relating to Mr Dorling his son-in-law.

05.16.033 Information & Reports:

a) Chris Morris Ass. Station Car Park Enhancement Proposal: Cllr Adams reported Chris Morris Associates response to a request to work up an enhancement plan for Station Car Park. Cllr Wright proposed, Cllr Plummer seconded and members Resolved: To accept the proposal pursue this proposal.

b) John Knowles Ass. Letter: An enquiry relating to temporary parking on the Village Green. The Clerk was asked to respond by telephone.

c) South Heath Road Traffic Issue. Cllr Drew spoke with the resident who raised this issue and has agreed to prepare a LHP application.

05.16.034 County and District Councillors Reports:

a)  District Councillor - Cllr L. McWilliams outlined the changes to the Village of the Year award. It was agreed that Parish Council wishes to continue to support this initiative. Cllr McWilliams referred to an incident of washing concrete and depositing it (fly-tipping) on a highway verge.

b)  County Councillor - Cllr A. Goggin had submitted his apologies; he has a County Council meeting to attend.

05.16.035 Other Reports:

a)  PCSO: The Clerk reported that the new PCSO Julia Brandon will commence duties on 10 May 2016.

b)  TDALC: Cllr Taylor reported that the latest TDALC report (attached as Appendix A) had been circulated previously and that he had nothing to add.

c)  Transport: Mr Harry reported that Network Rail has all but finished Station works and now all that remains is approximately 5 weeks of painting to complete the project. The footbridge has been retained further to a proposal to replace it with a new footbridge.

d)  Footpaths: Nothing to add to Mr Gollifer’s previously submitted report.

e)  Caretaker: Nothing to add to Mr McWilliam’s previously submitted report.

f)  Village Events: All events are now shown on the events calendar on Parish Council’s website.

05.16.036 Correspondence:

a)  Special Recognition Request – Mr Calmus has nominated a local resident for a special recognition. It was agreed to consider this request.

b)  Members Allowances Report 2016/17 – TDC: Noted.

c)  Speeding concerns on Plough Rd – Mr Shipp. The Clerk was asked to contact Sgt. Dan Heard to get the Speed watch training organised.

d)  Highway suggestions – Mr Drew. Read out his two LHP proposals. One for speed signs, a 20mph speed limit and boundary marker blocks along the Southside track. Agreed to include on a future agenda.

e)  Southside Track concerns – M Forbes-Smith: It was agreed to refer to matters to the Greens Working Party and the Clerk was asked to respond to Mr Forbes.

05.16.037 Parish Clerk Report: The Clerk noted that he has nothing further to add to his previously circulated report, which is attached as Appendix B.

There was a discussion relating to Mrs Nuttall’s concern about speeding traffic along Thorrington Road. Cllr Taylor suggested that we revisit the issue of the introduction of speed bumps and/or 20mph speed limit in village. It was agreed to respond to Mrs Nuttall accordingly.

05.16.038 Finance Report: An updated monthly expenditure report (attached as Appendix C) was tabled. This was proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Herbert and approved for expenditure.

05.16.039 Village Green Working Party: Cllr Herbert presented his amended report attached as Appendix D.

i.  A progress report was provided on the line of memorial trees behind Chapel Terrace.

ii.  It was agreed to wait until we appoint a contractor for the kerbing works and then make an informal approach regarding the proposed drainage works.

iii.  It was agreed to replace 2 x bins close to the Spinney.

iv.  It was agreed to issue instructions to the verge cutting contractor without further reference.

v.  It was agreed if necessary Cllr Herbert can when required bring in a machine to level Southside.

vi.  The Clerk was asked to charge GBFC and/or GBCC for the fertilizer applied.

vii.  It was agreed to purchase the herbicide to treat the edge of the Pond.

05.16.040 Public Engagement Working Party: Cllr Drew presented her report.

i.  The Clean for the Queen litter picking was successful.

ii.  The Housing Needs survey forms have been delivered. The Clerk was asked send thank you letters to sponsors. Cllr Drew to provide details.

iii.  The Queen Birthday Beacon was a huge success.

05.16.041 Wayleave Agreement: Further to a request from BT for a wayleave agreement across the Village Green, it was agreed for the underground cable but the Council is not happy for the erection of a junction box.

05.16.042 Annual Parish Meeting: There was a discussion about the format for the meeting on 16 June 2016. A number of initiatives were suggested. It was agreed to provide refreshments 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting and leave the Public Engagement Working Party to set the agenda.

05.16.043 Minor Infestation of Japanese Knotweed (JKW): The Clerk was asked to report the infestation to DEFRA. It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Herbert treats the infestation and repeats the treatment as necessary as per expert advice to see if it can be eliminated. If this fails we can bring in a professional company.

05.16.044 Future agenda items: To receive suggestions for agenda items not included on the Clerks report.

i.  Consider a 20mph speed limit and intro of speed bumps next month

ii.  Mr Drew’s 2 x LHP Proposals.

iii.  Set parameters for audio broadcasts.

Public Questions

1)  Has an assessment been made on the benefits of the PCSO? No.

2)  Is there a service level agreement for the PCSO? No.

3)  It was reported that Gt Bentley may be in danger of losing our village pharmacy?

4)  TDC Cllr McWilliams reported that TDC does not publish live audio broadcasts.

5)  It was reported that the Fish Bar visited GBVH car park for the first time last night and it appeared to work very well.

6)  There was a suggestion that all organised firework displays in the village should be publicised to notify residents.

7)  Mr Camus asked if he will receive a response to his recent letter. Yes.


Report to Gt Bentley PC on TDALC

Notes from TDALC meeting 23rd April

The Secretary reported that responses from the 27 Parishes had been slow in coming in and, as there had been no negative responses, it was agreed that the letter be sent to: The Lord Chancellor’s Office, the Chief Constable of Essex as well as the two MPs with copies to be sent to all the County Councillors representing the Tendring District.

Chairman’s Report - The Chairman gave an oral report saying that the Highways issue was still outstanding and no response from County Councillor Rodney Bass nor an officer had been forthcoming. A short discussion on how it was not now possible to make contact direct with County Hall as all queries in connection with Highways matters, including reporting potholes and other maintenance issues, had to be directed through a County Councillor. It was agreed that a request be put in for a list of policies on signage, white line painting, bollards and maintenance schedules and that the County Councillors be asked to help get CCllr Rodney Bass and/or an Officer to attend a future TDALC meeting.

It was reported that a Public Notice had been published to the effect that where potholes and broken verges had been repaired, after top-dressing had been completed, white lines and cats-eyes would be restored where necessary. It was felt that this could mean that the County Council had no intention of instructing Ringway Jacobs to restore the white lines as they had indicated that it was considered a traffic calming measure to have none.

Invitations for future Speakers - The Chairman then asked members for their ideas of who could be invited to address a future TDALC meeting in addition to EALC attending the July meeting. Suggestions made immediately were: Lisa Hastings (Standards at TDC) as most Parishes had signed up to the new Code of Conduct it was felt that it would be helpful to invite her; Someone from TDC’s Legal Services Department to inform Parishes on what services they could tap into for advice but it was pointed out that most Parishes went direct to EALC for such assistance; and someone from one or more of the Assistance Dogs organisations to address the difficulties that people with assistance dogs face.

Matters of Concern to members

Weight Limited Roads - It was reported that the Police no longer attended incidents of overweight vehicles being on such roads but that Trading Standards Officers always turned up as this responsibility had been handed over. The view was expressed that it would have been nice if the Police and Crime Commissioner had let this be known. It was queried how Trading Standards officers had obtained the powers under Section 22 of the Road Traffic Act to undertake this function and the meeting was told that footage from ‘dash-cams’ would be acceptable evidence for prosecution.

Considerate Parking Initiative - The loss of PCSOs in most areas had meant that this initiative was no longer in use and, as police officers spent so much time on paperwork instead of being out and about, it was suggested that a ‘Parking Watch’ scheme be worked out, in view of the success of ‘Speed Watch’ in some areas.

Dog Fouling - The DNA scheme in Alresford was outlined; it was reported to have worked well where the owner was known to have persistently allowed their animal to foul the footway outside the shop; it was also reported that some London Boroughs had introduced a system which only allowed dogs which had been tested to enter public parks and that the Ramsey Recreation Ground, being private land, had an effective scheme for chasing up those who did not clean up after their dogs. It was reported that four Fixed Penalty fines had been paid where people had not cleared up after their dogs on the village recreation ground and that the Parish Council was looking into the legality of offering a reward to anyone reporting an incident of failing to clear up after a dog.

Litter on the A120/A133 - It was reported that a meeting had taken place the previous day between TDC Chief Executive, the portfolio holder and the County Council about litter picking on these and other roads. It was then reported that there were two major clean-ups a year due to the lack of funds to do more (it took four days to clear the full length of this stretch of highway) and that the ownership of the land dictated which organisation was responsible for making sure the verges were clean - it was possible for the owners to pay TDC to do this work.

It was pointed out that to clear the central reservation required the length of one carriageway being closed for the duration of the works. In relation to the waste transfer site it was suggested that the vehicles leaving it full could be directed to the nearby landfill site instead of the waste being taken further away but that this site also caused some litter to be blown onto the verges.

It was then pointed out that the verges are owned by the Highways Department of the County Council, the A120 was the responsibility of Highways England and TDC had the contract to litter pick - Highways England had stated that they would monitor this stretch of road along with all the others for which they are responsible.

It was agreed that the main problem was food containers being discarded and it was queried whether there were a levy which was charged on the food outlets and it was pointed out that McDonalds had a litter picking scheme, however, most outlets, not only McDonalds, were franchises and that there were hundreds of operators.

It was suggested that the Community Payback Scheme could be used for some of the litter picking where there was no danger but that it would have make a charge. It was then suggested that the only way to discourage people from dropping litter was to impose a penalty and enforce it.

As for fly-tipping, it was pointed out that TDC was very good at removing it but that, in some places, it had become grassed over and could no longer be seen also that it rendered lay-bys unusable and ditches blocked. It was then pointed out that where an area was kept clear, it discouraged littering. It was also pointed out that where verges were kept trimmed, it put people off leaving litter.