Present:- Cllr. F. Hill (Chairman), Cllr. K. Haines, Cllr. J. Coussins and Cllr. J. Shorthouse

Present:- Cllr. F. Hill (Chairman), Cllr. K. Haines, Cllr. J. Coussins and Cllr. J. Shorthouse


Present:- Cllr. F. Hill (chairman), Cllr. K. Haines, Cllr. J. Coussins and Cllr. J. Shorthouse

In attendance:- R. Parker (Clerk), Cllr. L. Chilton and Cllr. P. Smith.

Public Participation

Cllr. P. Smith gave information regarding a Workshop to be held on Wednesday March 22nd at Sharps Pottery Museam – 5.30 – 8.00pm

The workshop is open to everyone and will offer advice to anyone considering starting a business and becoming self employed.

Cllr. L. Chilton confirmed that she was still fully supportive of lighting at the bus stop for Bladon House. She understood that a petition had been started with many names included.


1/3/17Apologies for absence

Received and accepted from Cllr. G. Plowman, Cllr. D. Smith, Cllr. D. May and Cllr. M. Stanton

2/3/17Variation in order of business

No change deemed necessary

3/3/17Declarations of members interest

None declared

4/3/17Planning applications and decisions

27 Main Street, Newton Solney – rear extensions

Brook Bank, Hollow Lane, Winshill. Erection of two dwellings

The Old Bakehouse, Main Street, Newton Solney – Sycamore tree crown reduction – to be decided

The Lodge, Newton Road, Newton Solney – extension and alterations. To be decided

Erection of garage/workshop at 213 Bretby Lane – approved

6 Newton Park, Newton Solney -Demolition of conservatory, new windows/cladding and rear extension – approved

Newton Solney School – demolition of existing classroom and provision of an ecobuild nursey school – to be decided.

There had been no further developments regarding the possible Sales Lane site at Winshill

Objections to be raised by Parish Council in respect of applications for Brook Bank and 27 Main Street

5/3/17 To confirm the minutes of previous meeting held on 10th February 2017

These were circulated, read and approved – proposed by Cllr. J. Coussins and seconded by Cllr. J. Shorthouse – unanimous confirmation.

6/3/17 To determine which items of the agenda should be taken with the public excluded

No change deemed necessary

7/3/17 Outstanding Matters

Cllr.Hill reported that the remnants of the bonfire in November was still on the site – He will discuss the problem with Cllr. G. Plowman.

8/3/17 Clerks Report

The Clerk reported that he had re-submitted an application for a grant of £10,000 to form a trim trail from the Big Lottery Fund. The previous application seems to have gone missing. The ground alongside the playground equipment has been strimmed and is due to be properly mown shortly. The Clerk confirmed that whilst he had reported approx. two months ago the faulty Speed Activated Sign and various potholes to Derbyshire County Council nothing had yet been done. The damaged grass verge off Church Lane had also been forwarded to Derbyshire County Council last month by Cllr. L. Chilton – No response as yet

9/3/17 Chairmans Report

There are two planters on his drive – the Clerk will obtain the necessary compost for them prior to them being planted and positioned within the Parish. Cllr. Hill will also make enquiries in respect of the lawnmower that the Parish Council have promised to help replace.

10/3/17 Reports from Councillors

Cllr. J. Shorthouse advised that the Village Hall had received payment of the insurance claim – less excess charges. The Village Hall AGM will be held on 4th April 2017. The title deeds for the Village Hall had now been received from the land registery. A plant sale will be held in May. The Village Hall bank account now stands at £14,147.92

11/3/17 Village Plan.

The draft Village Plan had been submitted to all those parishioners that had left their e-mail address. A number of parishioners had submitted further information which had been distributed to the councillors. These were thoroughly discussed and it was agreed that Cllr. Hill would create the Final Village Plan. It will be added to our website.

12/3/17Bus Shelter

Enquiries had been made with a local joiner asking for the price of repairing the existing shelter – no quotations received as yet. It is hoped that a final decision whether to repair or replace will be made at our next Parish Council meeting when available funds can be more accurately assessed. An enquiry had been received asking if an illuminated sign could be included showing the time of the next bus – The Clerk to make enquiries with the bus company.


Accounts for payment – R. Parker – allowable expenses – 1 month£19.50

R. Parker – Annual Salary£1087.88

Inland Revenue – Income Tax£271.97

DALC – Annual Membership£201.83

SDDC – Dog Bin£66.92

To consider requests under s 137None

The Parish Hall bank account stands at £9055.75 plus £6000 on deposit. The new financial year starts in April when additional funding will be received.

14/3/17Date & Time of next meeting

Friday 14th April at 7.45pm at Newton Solney Village Hall – however as this is Good Friday it may be changed.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm