MINUTES of aMEETING of the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party (SPFWP) held on Monday 17 November 2008 at 8.00pm at Silkstone Pavilion.

PRESENT:Chairman - D Walker –SUCC

L Boswell (SUJFC u’15’s), A Downes (SUJFC u’10’s), A Horsfeild (SUFC Adults), S Jackson (SUJFC u’13’s), T Morgan (SUJFC u13’s), J Pickering (Silkstone B Band), R Stier (Silkstone Parish Council), M Taylor (SUJFC u12’s), J Ward (SUJFC u11’s), G Wells (SUJFC u16’s)


RESOLVED to accept apologies from K Canadine (Parish Clerk), S Chambers (SUCC),

R Leech (Silkstone Parish Council) and C Shepherd (NCT Bumps and Babies)



RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 08. Minutes signed by the chairman.


The clerk has received an e-mail from Cllr Liddell advising that the Hallmark scheme is now on hold until further notice.

Rockin the Rec contribution to Parish Council has now been received.

Notice of increase in valuation for rates received – Parish Council will be appealing the increase.


All user groups had been issued with a budget summary with their agendas. S Chambers sent an e-mail to the clerk requesting a further breakdown of the handymans costs – these will be provided at the next meeting. Cllr Stierhighlighted the number of one off payments made in 2008 and G.Wells pointed out that the expenditure is split 50% on salaries, 20% on maintenance costs and 10% on energy and water bills. He suggested that these areas need to be concentrated on when looking at ways to reduce expenditure.

The latest bank statement for the Silkstone Playing Fields Management Committee has been received and shows a balance of £582.99 No debits had been taken on the statement to 31 October 08 so the account will now be closed and the monies transferred to the Parish Council.


The emergency light in football changing room 2 has been repaired.

The chairman signed the health and safety book.

Comment book – Lights and heating fans are being left on especially in the football changing rooms. These should be switched off in each room. The double doors to the multi purpose room have been damaged and needed a new lock due to being forced open without keys.

Graham Wells suggested that a check list be issued to all user groups to cut down on these problems. Aidan Downes suggested a sign reminding user groups to switch off lights etc be placed next to the alarm key pad at the front entrance. Cllr Stier has found a key cupboard door key.

Colin Warings hours for September were 12 hours cleaning and 5.5 on repairs. October 15 hours cleaning and 5.5 hours on repairs.

Cllr Stier confirmed that the thermostat has now been set to 25 degrees and the timers set to come on when building is occupied and go off when building is vacant. The thermostat and timers should not be adjusted by user groups.

The gas bottle and BBQ left in the cricket score board area will be removed by the cricket club.


The NCT bumps and babies will be leaving the pavilion on 15th December 08. The Harriers have booked the pavilion for 29th November 08. No further bookings received.


T Morgan will provide sufficient safety fencing and posts for clubs to erect at both corners of the football pitch. Any costs to be reimbursed by clubs.

The tractor is in for a service.

Concerns raised over the poor drainage of the football pitch and the number of games called off.

RESOLVED that the Clerk be asked to contact Nuttal Yarwood for copies of drainage plans to allow Cllr Stier to check location of drain runs.

RESOLVED that Graham Wells will arrange to meet Henry from STRI to look at the pitch for his opinion.

RESOLVED that the shrub border agenda item be deferred to the next meeting.


Signs express have received a payment from the insurance company to manufacture and erect a new sign for the recreation ground at the petrol station.

All outside lights have been repaired.

Cllr Stier advised that the scouts and guides have submitted a planning application for the proposed new scout building.

Metal posts have been removed to Barnsley Timber yard.

CARE will cut back the banking on 22 November 08.

A Downes requested more yellow paint for junior pitch

Cheques for the 2008/09 grounds man fee were received at the meeting from senior football and the under 10’s football team.

08-60DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday19th January 2008 at 7.00pm at the SilkstonePavilion.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

SPFWP Minutes 17 November 2008