(Recorded by Assistant Administrator)

Present Chairman Cllr B Russell

Councillors Mrs S Cliffe P Fellows D Higgs Mrs B Johnson (arr 7.35pm)

P Knowles D Mapp R McKinney Mrs P Moisey

12 members of the public


Proposed by Cllr D Mapp, seconded by Cllr Ms J Kingman and unanimously

RESOLVED; to approve the reasons for apology for absence from Cllrs T Holmes,

C Pattison, Mrs H Powell, Mrs J Smith and JA Smith

1764P DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (Declarable Pecuniary Interest – DPI & other interests)

Cllr D Higgs Minute 1770P Member of SKDC Development Control Committee, not

Taking part in discussion or vote

Cllr Mrs S Cliffe Minute 1770P/g Trustee of Bourne United Charities

Cllr P Knowles Minute 1770P/f Location is close to daughter’s residence

1765P REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION – there were none


Cllr Mrs S Woolley indicated that she wished to speak on agenda item 8/Minute 1770P/a

Resident 1 indicated a wish to speak on item 8a/Minute 1770P/a

Resident 2 indicated a wish to speak on item 8a/Minute 1770P/a

Resident 3 indicated a wish to speak on item 8a/Minute 1770P/a

Resident 4 indicated a wish to speak on item 8d & h/Minute 1770P/d & h

7.35pm Cllr Mrs B Johnson arrived and declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda items a & e/Minute 1770P/a & e as the applicants are known to her


Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and

RESOLVED; to adopt the Notes of the meeting held on 02.04.13 as a true record and for

the Chairman to sign them as the Minutes of the above meeting


Cllr D Higgs reported that he had attended an SKDC Development Control Meeting where the

application concerning the Old Bakery had been discussed (S13/0270/FULL/PC1). He informed

members that the application will include wooden doors and windows, an item which had been a

concern for BTC, and was approved

1769P QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS – there were none


Resolved to forward the following observations:

a) Ref: S12/3271/FULL/PC1

Applicant Mr L Hammond

Proposal Erection of 50kw wind turbine hub height 36.4m

Location Land at Main Road, Dyke

Cllr Mrs S Woolley addressed the meeting: she had been approached by many Dyke residents

and has grave concerns for road safety in the area. She stated that there are many accidents at this site and has consulted with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and Highways concerning the application and has also contacted SKDC with her misgivings. Cllr Mrs Woolley stated that many of the minor accidents here have been caused by a lack of concentration and that the wind turbine could cause motorists to have a momentary lapse and make the area more dangerous. She had also been informed that residents hadn’t been able to see the yellow planning application sign.

Resident 1 who lives in Dyke stated that the turbine standing at 150’ including the rotor blades will have a major visual impact on the village. Whilst out driving he had seen many wind turbines all built in areas such as near a gas power station and by an airfield, not in wholly rural areas. He felt that turbines should be built in semi-industrial areas whereas Dyke is rural. The turbine will have a dramatic effect on the landscape and will be very intrusive. He also had concerns that when the turbine is de-commissioned who would carry the cost of removal of the concrete base.

(At this point Cllr D Higgs was able to inform the meeting that included in the planning application was the restoration to existing land use on de-commission in 20 years)

Resident 2 pointed out that she had searched for the yellow notice and had found it on a telegraph pole and turned towards the field. There was no footpath there and very long grass and in other words if people didn’t know the notice was there they would not have seen it. She had contacted Mr Lifford, case officer of SKDC who visited the site and turned the sign around.

Resident 3 raised concerns regarding wildlife in the area as he had seen bats there. He had major concerns about the appearance of the wind turbine and felt that it would distract motorists.

During lengthy discussions many members agreed that the wind turbine was an eyesore and located in entirely the wrong place. It was felt that it would cause havoc at the Dyke junction. Cllr D Higgs mentioned a bill has been introduced in the House of Lords re minimum distances between turbines and residential properties which will depend on the size of the turbine.

Proposed by Cllr B Russell, seconded by Cllr Ms J Kingman and resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council strongly objects to this proposal on the

following grounds:

·  It will have a major impact on traffic safety as a structure of this size will detract motorists attention from the road in an already accident-prone area

·  It is an extremely visually intrusive structure

·  The application is in entirely the wrong location; Dyke is a rural area and a wind turbine is out of keeping with the character of the village

b) Ref: S13/0674/MJRF/PC1

Applicant Mr K Pearson, Taylor Wimpey East Midlands

Proposal Reserved Matters application relating to residential development &

associated development, link road, estate roads, open space &

landscaping (including A1 retail/B1 office development)

Concerns were raised about the lack of parking proposed. There are too many houses proposed

on site with insufficient infrastructure to support them. Although the retail and office development was welcomed, there is poor provision of parking spaces for the homes. Bourne & Billingborough Policing Panel have been made aware of the double parking around Elsea Park and in places vehicles cannot get through. No allowance has been made for cars parking on the roads and cars parked half on the pavement cannot legally be moved if they are not causing an obstruction.

The legal requirement for adoption is allegedly that roads are 5m wide with a pavement on either side; parking restrictions will not be imposed on roads which have not been adopted. Maintenance on unadopted roads will have to be met by residents. No roads on this estate have been adopted so far.

Proposed by Cllr Ms J Kingman, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council applauds the inclusion of retail/office space

but has great concerns regarding the future adoption of roads on the

estate and ask whether SKDC are satisfied that the roads are of an

acceptable standard to allow for adoption. Also could SKDC confirm

whether parking allocation in this application is at least to the same

standard as in Zones 1-3 where problems already occur with a lack of

parking spaces and narrow roads causing obstructions to through


c) Ref: S13/0777/RM/PC1

Applicant Allison Homes Eastern Ltd

Proposal Reserved Matters application for residential development plots 64-65 Zone

1 Elsea Park (revised house types)

Location Plots 64 – 65, Area 2, Zone 1, Elsea Park

Proposed by Cllr P Fellows, seconded by Cllr D Mapp and unanimously resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections

d) Ref: S13/0778/MJRF/PC1

Applicant Allison Homes Eastern Ltd

Proposal Application to vary condition 11 of application S12/1512 relating to minor

Material amendments to plots 1-24, 33-35 & 37-71

Location Zone 3, Elsea Park

Resident 4 pointed out to the meeting the narrowness of roads in Zone 3, where 2 cars cannot

cross side by side and the roads are too narrow for lorries. He felt that the roads are under 5m

wide and do not have footpaths either side.

Members re-iterated concerns expressed with the earlier application for Elsea Park.

Proposed by Cllr P Fellows, seconded by Cllr D Mapp and resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections but would again point out

the problems caused by too few parking spaces causing residents to

park on narrow roads

e) Ref: S13/0791/FULL/PC1 & S13/7091/FULL/PL/PC2/AMENDED PLAN

Applicant Mr Carl Gibson

Proposal Demolition of 2 agricultural buildings & erection of new agricultural barn

Location Dock Furrows Farm, North Road

Proposed by Cllr Ms J Kingman, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections

f) Ref: S13/0795/HSH/PC1

Applicant Mrs K Taylor

Proposal 1st floor side & 2 storey side extension

Location 7 Broadlands Avenue

Proposed by Cllr P Fellows, seconded by Cllr R McKinney and resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections provided that this extension

Is exclusively for residential use

g) Ref: S13/0809/TCA/TC2

Trees in the Conservation Area

Applicant Bourne United Charities

Proposal Reduce & trim overhang to cherry plum tree

Location Land off South Street

Proposed by Cllr D Mapp, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and unanimously resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections

h) Ref: S13/0880/RM/PC1

Applicant Allison Homes Eastern Ltd

Proposal Application for Reserved Matters relating to plots 25-32 & plot 36, Zone 3

Location Zone 3, Elsea Park

Resident 4 reiterated his comments about the roads in Zone 3

Proposed by Cllr R McKinney, seconded by Cllr D Mapp and resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections but reiterates concerns

about the future adoption of roads which appear to fall short of the

standard set for adoption in terms of width and pavements on either


i) Ref: S13/0924/HSH/PC1

Applicant Mr & Mrs S Rudkin

Proposal 2 storey front extension

Location 35 St Gilbert’s Road

Proposed by Cllr D Mapp, seconded by Cllr R McKinney and unanimously resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections

j) Ref: S13/0911/HSH / PC1

Applicant Mr/s M Croft

Proposal Two storey side extension

Location 78 Willoughby Road

Proposed by Cllr P Fellows, seconded by Cllr R McKinney and unanimously resolved;

OBSERVATION; Bourne Town Council has no objections


A) For information only – to be received en bloc (Available for perusal)

a) S13/0261/FULL Meister Property; CofU from public bar to retail Angel Hotel, North St Approved

b) LCC – Emergency Road Closure; Dyke emergency carriageway patching works, Barnes

Drove on 22/03/13. Alt route A151 Spalding Road, Meadow Drove & Dyke Fen

c) LCC – Highways West General Maintenance Programme 2013/14; Bourne – Barnes Drove

(carriageway patching); Bedehouse Bank, Cherry Holt Rd, South Fen Rd & Willoughby Rd – major

utility works Western Power Distribution; Church Lane – footway/carriageway & drainage works

associated with residential development, The Croft/North Rd – minor access improvements,

Wherry’s Lane/Burghley St - core centre improvements.

d) S12/3277/FULL Avis; CofU from residential to day care centre for young adults with learning

disabilities; 4 St Gilbert’s Rd Approved

e) S12/3244/MJNF Hall & Hall; workshop extension, enlargement of car park, detached showroom,

detached vehicle storage building & associated external storage Graham Hill Way Approved

f) S12/2839/FULL Elsea Park Community Trust; Fitness trail Linear Park Withdrawn

g) S13/0243/FULL York; single storey office extension Victoria Stables, South Rd Approved

h) S13/0244/FULL Favell minor elevation change, detaching garage from the main dwelling &

reduction in lengths of north/south of dwelling R/O 10 West Road Approved

i) S13/0261/FULL Meister Property; CofU from public bar to retail Angel, North St Approved

j) S13/0272/FULL N Lavender, Alterations to shopfront, 56 North St Approved

Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr D Mapp and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive the above items a – j en bloc

B) Correspondence for Discussion

1) SKDC Street naming & Numbering - ~Development adjacent to 2 South Road

It will not be possible to number these new properties as part of South Road. It is proposed that

a new name be given to the development such as something like ‘Terrace/Mews’, South road

and the properties be addressed as Nos 1 to 4 as shown on the plan.

The developer’s proposals are as follows:

1. Renard Mews, South Road

2. Foxbourne Mews, South Road

3. The Old Train Yard, South Road

The first 2 names are in connection with the developer’s business name, Renard being the

French name for a male fox. There is an existing road in Bourne named as Foxley Court but the

name ‘Foxbourne’ is sufficiently different as to not cause any confusion. The third suggestion of

‘The Old Train Yard’ is in reference to the previous use of the site in connection with the former

Bourne Railway Station.

Proposed by Cllr P Fellows, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and

RESOLVED; to approve the name “The Old Train Yard” to reflect Bourne’s heritage

with the railway

2) SKDC Draft Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document – Consultation on Change of

Definition of Small Wind Turbines

Proposed Change (the only item to be considered) – The draft Wind Energy SPD (October

2012) includes a definition of small, medium and large scale turbines relating to the height of

turbines, with small scale wind turbines, defined as being up to 50metres in height (to blade tip).

SKDC is considering whether, for the purpose of the SPD, the definition of small scale wind

turbine should be reduced to 30metres in height (to blade tip).

SKDC is considering this change because it recognises that small turbines may still be

substantial structures in the landscape and that those towards the upper height limit for small

turbines of 50metres could have a significant impact and therefore ought to be subject to greater

scrutiny. It also reflects the experience of the council over the past 12 months in terms of the

type/size of wind turbines for which planning applications have been made within the district.

Proposed by Cllr D Mapp, seconded by Cllr P Knowles and unanimously

RESOLVED; to write to Planning Policy at SKDC supporting the changed definition

of small wind turbine



There was none

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9pm


Highways & Panning Committee meeting held on 23.04.13