Information Sheet – KingwoodParkHigh School

Instructor: Mrs. Julie Payne Rm. 2303

Phone: (281)641- 6645 Conference period: 2


Welcome to my class. This is going to be an exciting year! My goal is your success. I expect your hard work as I have high expectations for you.

There are several ways to be successful this year. One of the most important ways is to attend school everyday. It is very difficult to catch up if you fall behind since there is a lot of material to cover in this class. You must get help during tutorials when you need it. If you have never really needed to study for a Math class before, you may have to do so now, so be sure to manage your time wisely. Doing your homework is so important to your grade and your overall success in this class.

Geometry requires spatial thinking and reasoning skills. Very strong Algebra skills are a must. Each student must learn all definitions, postulates, and theorems, as well as, be able to do proofs.

I. Grades:

  1. Tests –(summative) Tests count for 70% of the grade each six weeks. This will include all tests and projects. There will be at least three test grades each six weeks and one project each semester.

B. Daily – (formative) Daily work counts as 30% of the grade each six weeks.

This includes all homework and quizzes. Homework will be assigned almost every night

and is due the next day of class. All homework should be completed as if it were to be

graded with all work shown. Late penalties apply according to KPHS policy;

75-1 day late, 60-2 days late, 50-3 days late, and no credit after 4 days.

Again, ALL work must be shown for credit.

KPHS re-assessment policy states that a student may retest after failing a test for a maximum score of 70. Students may retest once per six weeks. In order to retest, the student must complete a form from the teacher, attend tutoring, and clear all zeros within one week from the original test day. A student that fails as a result of cheating is not able to retest. The last test of a grading period may not be eligible for reassessment due to time constraints.

II. Supplies:

Each student will need a binder and loose-leaf paper with sections for daily work, notes, tests, and quizzes. A colored pen or highlighter must be used to correct homework . It is suggested that a basic scientific calculator be purchased for homework. Look for the sin, cos, and tan keys which will be used for our trigonometry lessons. It would be appreciated if a box of tissues or a package of pencils could be donated for classroom use.

III. Tutoring Schedule:

Tuesdays – before school at 6:45 am

Thursdays – after school until 3:15 pm

If you need help at another time, please schedule an appointment with me.

IV. Absences:

Each student is responsible for making up any missed assignments when absent. Look at the agenda on the board to see what work was missed; if a worksheet was missed, ask me for a copy of it. The student will have one day for each day missed to make up the work before a late penalty is applied. All tests and quizzes must be made up by the end of one week from the date of the test. If not made up by the deadline, a zero will be entered in the gradebook. You must also copy any missed notes from a friend upon your return from an absence. To receive full credit for the assignment which was due on the day of your absence, write the word “absent” on the top of the page and place your work in the “late work” box upon your return to class.

V. Class Rules:

1)Respect others; this includes teachers, substitutes, administrators, classmates, and classroom visitors . If someone is talking (myself or a student), no one else should be talking.

2)Absolutely no talking during tests.

3)Show all work where work is needed. This will never change in my class!!!

VI. Teacher’s Web Page:

To access my web-page, go to the KPHS web-site, choose teacher pages, and select Julie Payne. On my web page you will find a calendar where you will see test dates and assignments and links to my favorite math web sites. Your most valuable resource will be the “downloads” section where you can retrieve any paper that I have given to you. I have included a link to your textbook and an online graphing calculator as well.

VII. Online textbook

Our Holt textbook is online. This is great news for you because it means that you can view the book at home and you can watch lessons for days you were absent. You can even watch a tutorial if you don’t know how to work a problem. Cool 

The website is:

The login information is as follows: username jpayne509

Password kphs2011

VIII. Calculators & Clickers

Each student will be assigned a calculator and clicker for in-class use only. If a student has his own calculator, a class one will still be assigned just in case the personal calculator was forgotten.

Humble ISD requires the student to read and sign the following statement:

“I understand that I am responsible for my calculator in this class. I understand that I am never to take any calculator that is not assigned to me, or take a calculator out of the math department. If I break my calculator or take it out of class and do not return it, I understand that I am responsible for replacing the missing calculator. I will not download games onto the school’s calculator. I understand that my calculator is a privilege and can be taken away from me. “

I would like to add that each student is responsible for retrieving the calculator and clicker before class and returning them to the slot at the end of class. A demerit will be written for a calculator or clicker left on a desk. Appropriate measures will be taken for messages or markings left on the calculator, as well as, any damage .


Dear Parents,

I am looking forward to a great year in Geometry with your child.

Please read the attached information sheet, complete this page, and send it back to me with your child. Pay close attention to the calculator section. Communication with you is very important, so please feel free to contact me whenever you have a question. The best way to contact me would be via email. My email address is : . Some of your questions may be answered easily by going to my webpage which can be accessed through our school website.


Julie Payne

Parent’s Name ______

Student’s Name ______

Phone: Home ______

Work ______

Best time to call : ______

Email: ______