There are just two Taylor messuages and possibly one widows third latterly
Ref DD/121/29/2 1550
Gersum 8s paidThomas Tailour holds one tenement with the
to the lordappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s
warrant as before and renders per annum4s 7d
1572 Gersum 8s Thomas Tallour holds by warrant dated 15 July 33 Edward VI for the term of his life etc one tenement with the land belonging to the same. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid; 4s 7d
1579 jurors Thomas Taylyor one cottage viz one fire-house, a barn, a garden, one parcel of ground in the Spring containing by estimation one rood, with the half of a close or croft by estimation one rood and a half lying under Cravenbanke. Yearly rent is 4s.
DD121/32/1 1583
1583 Gersum 8sThomas Tallour holds by warrant dated 15 July 3 Edward VI for the term of his life etc one tenement with the land belonging to the same. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid; 4s 7d
23.2.1589 / Agnes / Thomae / Tailor23.2.1589 / Alice / Thomae / Tailor
18.6.1592 / Isabella / Thomae / Tailor
Thomas Taylor haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotaige one laythe one garden the moyty of one Crofte one Rod of land at the Spring yeat with Comon of pasture in the more and fields belonging thereunto now in the tenure of the said Thomas of the rent of 3s 7d To have and hold yelding And paying for his fyne 40s Provided he suffer Tho his father to Occupy the pmysses during his lyef
Thomas Hall haithe taken of the said Commissioners the moytie of one Croft Or Close lyinge under Craven bank lait pcell of one Tenement in the tenure of Thomas Tayllor & by him with the licence of the lait Earle his Lpp father assigned unto Willm Tayllor brother of the said Thomas of the rent 12d (see his will, a miller) To have and hold yelding And payinge for his Fyne 15s
DD 121/29/23
Thomas Tailor for a tenement at Giggleswick / 3s1621 Fine £9 Thomas Tailor holds by indenture dated 8 May 4 James of England etc One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 3s,
And all houses etc, Except etc, as in the former leases of G,
To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste
Yielding 3s rent at the feasts aforesaid equally,
And for Moore Rent 12½d at Michaelmas only,
With the like reservations for suit of court and mill, and like covenants and conditions as in former leases of Giggleswick.
[Note in RH margin:
And for Moore Rent 12½d
paid by Tho. King 4d]
9, 7, 1610, Thomas, TAILER, , Elizabetha, LINDSAY, , , , , , ,
, , Thomas died 1638, , , 5, may, 1626, Elizabeth, Tailor, wife, Thomas, G, ,
., 1615, 28.12.1615, Johannes, Thomae, Tailor, Giggleswick, , , , , , , , ,
., 1619, 19.9.1619, Anna, Thomae, Tailor, Giggleswick, , , , , , , , ,
., 1621, 18.2.1621, Robertus, Thomae, Tailor, Giggleswick, , , , , , , , ,
1633, Thomas Tailer of Oxley wath, for living away from his wife, Tailer called but did not appear.10 April 1634Mr Dockerey the Vicar there certified the poverty of the said Tailer and affirmed “that he liveth from his wife only for maintenance”
This is one third of Richard’s property 1520/1499
Ref DD/121/29/2 1550
Gersum 15s 6dRobert Taillour holds one messuage and one
and it was paidbovate of land with the appurtenances in the same
to various peopleplace by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum10s 4d
as appears;And Anthony Dale was paid 5s, Richard Ratclyffe
5s, John Caterall esq 5s 4d and Thomas Lyster 2d
1553 William Tailour, the son of Robert Tailour, took as before, one messuage and one bovate of land, with the appurtenances, in the same place, in the tenure of the said Robert, to hold to him, after the death of the said Robert his father, and his wife, for the term of his life. And he renders annually 10s 4d, and for entry/gersum as appears.
Robert= ??
Ref DD/121/31/5 1572
Gersum 15s 6dRobert Tailour holds by the lord’s warrant dated30 Henry
[exact date not specified] October 30 Henry VIIIVIII
for the term of his life one messuage with the
appurtenances and one bovate of land with the
appurtenances. And it yields per annum at the
feast aforesaid;10s 4d
At willThe same Robert holds at the will of the lord one
parcel of waste land containing half a rood at
Bracanber. And it yields per annum at the feast
1579 Jurors Robert Talyor one messuage, one barn, one garden with other houses, one croft, by estimation they are all 6 acres. The rent 10s 4d. Improvements 3d.
1600 10s 7dHugh Taylor holds one mansion house with a barn, stable, yard and garden and also certain lands dispersed within the fields aforesaid.
Sum total13-0-9-2£4 15s 5d
Meadow 5-2-3-3
Arable 7-2-5-3
His beastgates in the common pasture
1583 Hugh Tayllor holdeth at will the 6th pte of one Rood laitlie improved at hugh riddinge of the rent of 1d
Hugh Tailor for one improvement / 10s 7dHugh Taylor December 1603
In the name of God amen the 14th day of December in the first year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign lord James by the grace of God king of England France and Ireland and Scotland the …. defender of the faith etc. Item I give and bequeath to Katherine my wife all the whole estate of my goods till my youngest son Thomas come to 24 years of age. And if that my lord the Earl of Cumberland do redeem my money at Candlemas my will is that my wife and her friends shall dispose the same to my two daughters. And [if] the said Earl do not redeem that my long lease do stand my will is that by the discretion of my wife and her friends my tenement may xxxx remain to some one of my sons and that the other may have some other portions made amongst them. And if my son Robert could be gottened to some trade with some mentor or such like trade it were better for him than to stay at home and have my tenement. And also my will is that my children may be kept at the school so far forth as my wife shall be able. And my wife shall be my executrix. Witnesses Giles Houghton, Richard Armetstead and Robert Taylor.
landholder, 14, 2, 1580, Hugo, TAILER, , Katherina, HOUGHTON,
, , , , , Hugh died 1603, is a will, , 1622, Katherine, Tailor, wid
24, ., 9, ., 1582, 24.9.1582, Jana, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
13, ., 11, ., 1585, 13.11.1585, Thomas, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
6, ., 8, ., 1587, 6.8.1587, Robertus, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
30, ., 5, ., 1590, 30.5.1590, Margeria, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
18, ., 10, ., 1592, 18.10.1592, Willelmus, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
18, ., 1, ., 1596, 18.1.1596, Ricardus, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
9, ., 9, ., 1599, 9.9.1599, Thomas, Hugonis, Tailor, , , , ,
7, ., 8, ., 1603, 7.8.1603, Anna, Hugonis, Tailor, died 1603, , , ,
1621 Fine £42 6s 8d
Katheryne Tailor holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James of England 1604
All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the yearly rent of 10s 7d, late before that time in the tenure of one Hugh Tailor deceased, and then in her tenure, And all houses etc, as before, Except etc as before, To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste, Yielding 10s 7d Rent per annum at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, And for Moore Rent 2s 5½d at Michaelmas only, With like reservations of suit of court and mill etc, and like covenants and conditions as in the former leases of G.
[Note in RH margin: examined 10s 7½d And for Moore R[ent] 2s 5½d Thereof This is 2d over; Ja. Dixon 2d Rog[er] Taylor 6d 3d ... Cr. Wildman 6d Roger Carre 20d]
[Note in LH margin: Thereof ... Taylor 4s 8d 2d ... Batman 4s Dickson 2d ... 6d ... Preston 9d ... Foster 2½d ... Foster 6d Wm. Atkinson 3½d]
In the name of God amen the 28th August 1607 I William Taylor of Giggleswick miller sick in body but of perfect memory praised be God almighty do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soul into the hands of almighty God my heavenly father believing by the merits of the death and passion of Christ to be saved. Also I give to my wife Elizabeth her lawful third throughout all my goods. And to my children unpreferred their portions. And for all the rest of [my] goods my debts and funeral expenses paid I give to my said wife whom I make executrix of this my last will and testament, these being witnesses: William Bateman and Henry Carr
, , , 6, 7, 1572, Willelmus, TAILER, , Elizabetha, CARR, ,
, , , , , William died 1607, is a will,
28, ., 5, ., 1573, 28.5.1573, Thomas, William, Tailor, , , , ,
29, ., 8, ., 1575, 29.8.1575, Gracia, William, Tailor, , , , ,
28, ., 9, ., 1577, 28.9.1577, Jana, William, Tailor married William Bateman 1605
5, ., 11, ., 1579, 5.11.1579, Margareta, William, Tailor, , , , ,
27, ., 11, ., 1586, 27.11.1586, Katherina, William, Tailor, , , , ,
At willWilliam Tailour holds at the will of the lord one
Respitedparcel of land called A Penny Butt at Meynes Feald
Dismissedat a rent of 1½d, one part of one close of half an
acre, and half a rood of land at Cragge at a rent of
11d. And thus they yield in total at the feast
Gersum £3 paidRobert Tailour holds one messuage with the land
to Richard Greneappertaining to the same by the warrant of the lord
lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum21s
The relict of Roger Tailour holds one messuage
with the lands appertaining [blank] and renders
per annum13s 4d
Henry Tailor son of Roger Tailor Deceased haith taken of the said Commissioners one mess two Laythes Three other houses and certeyne arrable land medow and pasture thereunto Lying conteyninge by estim 16 Acres within the fields of Mewith of the Rente of 13s 4d Now in the tenure of the said henrye To have and hold and paying For his fyne £9
Henry Tailor haith taken of the said Commissioners on messuage one Laythe one garden one oxgange of land meadow and pasture thereunto Lying of the rent of 15s4d now in the tenure of Robt Tailor To have and to holde and payinge for his fyne £7
Provydett that the said Henry shall suffer the said Robt his Father to occupie the prmsses Duringe His lyef and the moytie therof to His wyf During her widowhood
Gersum 63sRobert Tailour holds by the lord’s warrant, through2 Edw VI
Fully paidRichard Grene gentleman and other commissiaries,
dated 27 April 2 Edward VI for the term of his life
etc one messuage with its appurtenances. And it
yields per annum at the feast aforesaid21s
Ref DD/121/31/5
The same Robert holds at the will of the lord the sixteenth part of one rood of land and two parcels of houses on the lord’s waste. And they yield per annum at the feast aforesaid, Michaelmas; 2d