Literacy Planning
Preseason Election Research: Civic Literacy
By accessing grade-level informational texts on Scholastic and Newsela, students will explore candidates, election issues, the election process, facts about what a Caucus does, and what they are for, how they work, and how they compare to primary voting. Students will learn how to sift through informational texts and draw conclusions and inferences.
3/21 – 3/25
Vocabulary strategies: Context Clues, Glossary, Dictionary
Reading and Comprehension Strategies: Search and Retrieve, Identifying Importance, Making Inferences, Cause and Effect, Drawing Conclusions, Using Evidence, Making Predictions, Questioning, ABK, Summarizing.
3/21 –YWBAT determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
YWBAT Compare and contrast one author’s presentation of events with that of another.
- Warm up: who are your top three candidates? Why? THEY NEED TO TURN THIS IN
- Discuss briefly and respectfully (end by 8:30)
- Finish Webquest on laptops
- Last page of webquest graphic organizer
- Finish 3 articles and quizzes first
- If students don’t finish articles/quizzes by the end of class, they should still vote
- Reflection: write a paragraph about this assignment. Use the following questions to guide you (write these on the board):
- Did you learn something?
- Did you read something that interested you?
- Do you feel better informed about the 2016 presidential election process?
- Do you feel better informed about the 2016 presidential candidates?
- What did you like best about the assignment?
- How could this assignment be even better?
3/22 - YWBAT engage effectively in collaborative discussions building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
YWBAT analyze and draw conclusions about voting trends among youth in Utah.
- Warm up: Finish/turn in reflection
- Discuss
- Newsela voting analysis
- Where do we stand?
- What do we do now? Presentations?
- Let the Circle Be Unbroken
3/23 - YWBAT analyze and draw conclusions about voting trends among youth in Utah.
YWBAT compare and contrast voting data and display conclusions.
- Warm up: World Down Syndrome Day write to learn
- Newsela results/Utah results analysis
- Graph/display data
- Library
3/24– YWBAT practice organizing your ideas, drafting and finalizing writing within a given time period.
- Warm up: describe each writing style in your own words: Argumentative, Persuasive, Informational, Opinion
- Opinion essay: using animals for testing
- Frontload tomorrow’s SAGE practice writing exam
- Let the Circle Be Unbroken
3/25– YWBAT practice organizing your ideas, drafting and finalizing writing within a given time period.
- Warm up: follow directions on board to start SAGE practice exam
- SAGE writing practice