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Section 12-4.02C(8). Use for traffic control system signs.

Add to the end of section 12-4.02C(8)(a):

1. Use for a complete freeway closure. Edit as recommended by the transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager.

For a complete freeway closure,install the closure signs at least 7 days before closing the freeway. Notify the Engineer at least 5 business days before installing the signs.If the freeway is not closed on the posted day, change the closure to allow for a 3-business-day advance notice before closure.

2–3. Use if Standard Plan T10 is not listed on the Standard Plans List or if Standard Plan T10 is listed but does not apply to some locations. Insert the locations.

2. Use if more than 1 sign is required. Delete list items for signs that are not required.

If shoulders are closed at ______, use the following advance warning signs:

1.W21-5 (Shoulder Work)

2.W21-5b (Right/Left Shoulder Closed Ahead)

3.C30A(CA) (ShoulderClosed)

3. Use if only 1 sign is required.

If shoulders are closed at ______, use one of the following advance warning signs:

1.W20-1 (Road Work Ahead)

2.W21-5b (Right/Left Shoulder Closed Ahead)

3.C24(CA) (ShoulderWork Ahead)

4. Use for concrete pavement and approach slab replacement activities. If only 1 sign is required, (1) delete and at every 500 feet throughout the entire length of the closure and (2) change signs to sign in the last sentence.

For concrete pavement and approach slab replacement activities, place a Fresh Concrete(C43(CA)) sign at the start of the work area and at every 500 feet throughout the entire length of the closure. Keep the signs in place during the curing period.

5–8. Use for a District 7 project for ramp and connector closures.

Replace the paragraphs of section12-4.02C(8)(b) with:

5. Use for ramp or connector closures.

If a ramp or connector closure is allowed, post a special advance notice publicity sign, SP-1, at an authorized location at least 7 days before the ramp or connector closure.

6. Use for ramp closures if a ramp closure chart is not included in the project. Insert the number of signs.

For each ramp closed, post at least _____ portable freeway detour signs, SP-2, along the detour route and remove them at the end of each closure.

7. Use if 2 or more consecutive on-ramps are allowed or specified to be closed.

If2 or more consecutive on-ramps are allowed or specified to be closed, install SP-4 signs for the entrance ramp closures.

8. Use if off-ramps are allowed to be closed.

If an off-ramp isallowed to be closed, install an SP-3 or SP-5 sign for the exit ramp closure. Place the sign on the right shoulder of the freeway upstream of the preceding off-ramp.