Preceptor’s Syllabus – Example (2 pages)



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Other Pharmacy Staff/Titles


Please refer to the school’s syllabus of the course/rotationlearning objectives. This rotation is designed to provide practical experience in providing pharmacy services for our patient population comprised primarily of ______.

Other Information

Some activities will require that you spend time away from the pharmacy. Please let a preceptor know where you will be during regular business hours. Generally, you should report to the pharmacy by____am; you are expected to stay until ____ pm. However, these hours are not set in stone; some days may start earlier and others may end later.

You will be regarded as a staff member. In this role, as a staff pharmacist, you are expected to be flexible and perform in a professional manner. While representing the pharmacy, please wear professional attire, including your name tag. Please store your cell phone in your bag with the ringer off or on vibrate.

Your preceptors are here to be your safety net; however they have various responsibilities that will make them unavailable from time-to-time. While participating in activities and completing assignments, note problems that you feel need to be addressed and potential areas of research to discuss with the preceptors. There may be some projects in which the students may work as a team. However, it is very important as the rotation progresses to perform tasks and projects individually.

______and ______will perform your evaluation in consultation with other staff.


Preceptor’s Syllabus – Example

Page 2


You will be given a variety of assignments/projects to complete during the rotation including but not limited to:

  • Participate in weekly blood pressure monitoring program (Thursdays 9-11).

•Participate in weekly injection clinic (Tuesdays 10-11).

  • Read assigned articles and discuss them at Thursday meeting with preceptors:
  • Week 1:Drug Regimen Review
  • Week 2:Hypertension and the older adult
  • Week 3:Dementia/Delirium
  • Week 4:Falls
  • Participate in diabetes monitoring program in IP assisted living (AL). Collect data before the end of the month for test strip use and blood sugar readings. Provide recommendations to prescribers if needed.
  • Prepare a new issue of the pharmacy newsletter (one page front and back) for the residents and our pharmacy customers. Topic:TBA
  • Prepare a new pharmacy bulletin board display. Topic:TBA
  • Host a roundtable discussion for the residents. Topic: TBA
  • Review medication regimens for assigned AL residents. Review recommendations with LTC Pharmacist and preceptors. Communicate problems and recommendations to prescribers and/or staff. Follow up on previous reviews.Input AL resident diagnoses into prescription sig field in the Rx30 system.
  • Participate in hospice visit with Hospice of Virginia. Hospice orientation on first Thursday from 1-2 pm.
  • Develop and present an in-service for the AL Staff. Topic:Diabetes Management.Set-up a time and day for the presentation with______. Make sure that a preceptor can be in attendance
  • Participate in other pharmacy clinic programs including: Part D consultations, point of care testing, disease state monitoring, patient education sessions, etc.
  • Provide and bill for MTM services for qualified beneficiaries.
  • Perform Med-Pass audits, cart inspections and station inspections in AL.
  • Project: Develop a program for residents interested in weight management

Please keep a log of your activities and accomplishments to be turned in to the preceptors at the final evaluation (spreadsheet on laptop). Write a letter to the incoming students to orient them to the rotation and get them up to speed on issues that require follow-up.