Cardiac Catheterization Lab

The following orders will be implemented. Orders with a “” are choices and are NOT implemented unless checked.

Initial all handwritten order modifications and the bottom of each page when indicated (multipage).

1. Do you expect that the patient’s condition will require a hospital stay that will cross two midnights (includes the time spent in outpatient- ED, surgery, OBS) and the patient has medical necessity for an inpatient admission?

Yes, admit as inpatient, proceed to # 2No, place in observation

2. If admitted as inpatient, Inpatient Physician Certification:

Diagnosis: ______

Level of Care:  Critical  Intermediate  Acute Care Location/Specialty Unit Preference______

Impella patient: Level of care: Critical Care and CVICU bed only

3. Telemetry: If patient Medical/Surgical, must complete form # 36084

4. Isolation:  Contact  Droplet  Airborne For: ______

5. Consults: Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Services for PCI pts

 Physician: ______

 Case Management Referral

 Nutrition Services/Dietitian


6. Diagnostics:

 Portable CXR STAT  Routine Reason: ______

 Portable CXR in AM Reason: ______

ECHO: STAT  Routine  In AM Reason:  Evaluate LV function  Other:______

Read by:______

 Post PCI Patient:

12-Lead ECG STAT immediately post procedureReason: Post PCI InterventionRead by:______

AM: CBC, Chem 7, Magnesium level

Order 12-Lead ECG STAT PRN, if patient complains of chest pain

Lipids with Direct LDL if not already done

 12-Lead ECG In AM Reason: ______Read by:______


 Troponin T x 1 time or  q 8 hrs

CK  x 1 time or  q 8 hrs

 CKMB  x 1 time or  q 8 hrs

 Daily: CBC, Chem 7, Magnesium level

 Bedside glucose monitoring ac & hs and at 0300 (Call physician for BG > 180 mg/dL x2 consecutively)

7. Initiate Sleep Apnea Orders (form # 21266) if OSA screen is positive for suspected or reported sleep apnea

8. Diet: NPO  Full liquid, advance to Cardiac after sheath removed

 Resume:  Regular CardiacDiabetic ______calorie Renal

9. Place Foley catheter if pt is unable to void; remove Foley when bedrest is complete


10.Vital signs:

  • Sheath in place: vitals,procedure site, and neurovascular checks q 15 min x 4, then q 30 min x 2, then q 1 hr until removed
  • After Sheath Removal Hemostasis Achieved: vitals, procedure site, and neurovascular checks q 15 min x 2, then q 30 min x 4, then q hr x 4, then per unit routine or until discharge

11. Maintain INT until discharge

12. O2 per Protocol (form # 34431)

13. Continuous Cardiac Monitoring with ST segment monitoring in 2 leads

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*3-13217*FORM 3-13217 REV. 06/2014 Page 1 of 4



Cardiac Catheterization Lab

The following orders will be implemented. Orders with a “” are choices and are NOT implemented unless checked.

Initial all handwritten order modifications and the bottom of each page when indicated (multipage).

14.Sheath Removal Order:

Sheath pulled in CathLab  Closure device applied  No closure device applied

15.  Femoral cath site: keep affected leg immobilized as needed; bedrest x ___hrs (Do not elevate HOB > 30° while on bedrest)

16.  Remove sheath per Sheath Removal Policy (# 6670-03). Notify physician before sheath removal if BP >165/90.

17.Notify physician of the following:

  • Bleeding/hematoma
  • Temp > 38.4°C (101°F)
  • HR < 50 or > 130
  • Arrhythmias or angina
  • Symptomatic hypotension > 40 mmHg drop in systolic baseline and/or systolic pressure < 90
  • Systolic BP > 160 mmHg; Diastolic BP > 100 mmHg
  • Unrelieved chest, back, or leg pain, itching, rash or flushing
  • Peripheral vascular changes in affected extremity: numbness, tingling, decreased or absent pulses, and/or temperature change (if changed from the initial presentation)


For patient on Heparin: Remove sheath when ACT < 180seconds
If ACT is: / Recheck in:
≥ 180 but < 220 seconds
≥ 220 but < 250 seconds
≥ 250 but < 300 seconds
> 300 seconds / 45 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
 For patient on Angiomax: Remove sheath 2 hrs after infusion discontinued, or per physician order


May go home 30-60 min after discharge criteria met and procedure site stable:

  • Able to tolerate PO fluids
  • PAR score ≥ 9 or at pre-procedure level. If PAR ≤ 8 discharge by Physician orders.
  • Ambulate with minimal assistance

Follow up with physician in _____ weeks

Notify physician if patient experiences any complications

Follow up with Primary Care Physician


20. Continue IVF ______at ______ml/hr IV for ______hrs

21.If on metformin (Glucophage, Glucovance), hold for 48 hrs post procedure


 81 mg po  325 mg po daily first dose tomorrow If unable to take po, give 300 mg rectally daily

OR I have confirmed that Aspirin is a current medication order.

OR DC Aspirin; contraindicated due to Allergy Coagulopathy/Active Bleeding Other______


Plavix (clopidogrel):

300 mg 600 mg po NOW if not already given, then 75 mg po daily starting in AM

 Effient (prasugrel), avoid in > 75 y/o unless diabetic or hx of MI, < 60 kg, Hx of TIA/Stroke, or CABG surgery likely

60 mg po NOW if not already given, then10 mg po daily starting in AM

 Brilinta (ticagrelor): use only with Aspirin 81 mg maximum daily maintenance dose

180 mg po NOW if not already given, then 90 mg po BID starting this PM

The following orders will be implemented. Orders with a “” are choices and are NOT implemented unless checked.

Initial all handwritten order modifications and the bottom of each page when indicated (multipage).

24.Beta Blocker:

Contraindication to Beta-Blocker (please indicate):

Systolic BP < 902nd or 3rd Degree AV BlockInferior MI Bradycardia

Severe COPDSevere LV dysfunction with HFOther: ______


Lopressor (metoprolol) 5 mg IV over 2 min (Hold if systolic BP < 90 or HR < 60)

Repeat dose q 5 min for 2 more doses. (Hold if systolic BP < 90 or HR < 60)

And after 10 min, give Lopressor (metoprolol) as ordered below:

Lopressor (metoprolol) ____ mg po bid, first dose now if not given in ED. (Hold if SBP < 90 or HR < 60)

Coreg (carvedilol) ____ mg po bid with meals, first dose now if not given in ED. (Hold if SBP < 90 or HR < 60)

I have confirmed that a beta blocker is a current medication order.

25.ACE Inhibitor: _____ EF% if known

Contraindication to ACE Inhibitor:

Allergy Hyperkalemia Hypotension  Worsening renal function Other: ______


Vasotec (enalapril) 1.25 mg IV q 6 hrs (Hold if systolic BP < 90)

Prinivil (lisinopril) ____ mg po now and daily (Hold if systolic BP < 90)

Other: ______(Hold if systolic BP < 90)

I have confirmed that an ACE Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) is a current medication order.


26.Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB): _____ EF% if known

Contraindication to Angiotensin Receptor Blocker:

Allergy Hyperkalemia Hypotension  Worsening renal function Other: ______


 Cozaar (losartan) ____ mg po now and daily (Hold if systolic BP < 90)

Other: ______(Hold if systolic BP < 90)

I have confirmed that an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) or ACE Inhibitor is a current medication order.

27.Cholesterol lowering therapy:

Contraindication:  Allergy  Active or chronic liver disease  Other: ______


Lipitor (atorvastatin) ______mg po q pm.

Crestor (rosuvastatin) ______mg po q pm.

 Pravachol (pravastatin) ______mg po q pm.

Other: ______

I have confirmed that a cholesterol lowering agent is a current medication order.


 DC Heparin infusion

 DC Lovenox

 DC Angiomax (bivalirudin)

 Continue Angiomax (bivalirudin) up to 4 hrs post-procedure or bag complete, whichever first or ______

 Heparin infusion Protocol: Low Intensity (form # 28554), start ____ hrs after sheath removal

 No bolus

29.Aggrastat (tirofiban)

DCAggrastat (tirofiban) now or  once bag completed.

Continue Aggrastat (tirofiban) infusion ______hrs post procedure, see Aggrastat Protocol (form # 35422)

Begin Aggrastat (tirofiban) infusion,seeAggrastat Protocol (form# 35422)

30. Glycemic control: Initiate Insulin Management Orders (form # 36796)

Copy to pharmacy Order writer’s initials______

FORM 3-13217 REV. 06/2014 Page 1 of 3



Cardiac Catheterization Lab

The following orders will be implemented. Orders with a “” are choices and are NOT implemented unless checked.

Initial all handwritten order modifications and the bottom of each page when indicated (multipage).

PRN MEDICATIONSSee policy 520-06 for range orders and pain intensity guidelines.

31. If receiving insulin, initiate Hypoglycemia Treatment Standing Orders(form # 2513)

32. If critical or intermediate care:initiate Insulin SQ Corection Dose in Critical Care Standing Orders (form # 21386)

33.Electrolyte Replacement Protocol (form # 21340)

34.Vasovagal: Atropine 0.5-1 mg IV prn, may repeat after 5 minutes x 1 dose prn

NS 250 ml bolus IV x 1 dose, notify physician if blood pressure does not return to baseline

35.Chest pain: Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingual q 5 min x 3 doses prn.

36.Severe Pain or Chest pain unrelieved with max dose of SL Nitroglycerin(Hold for excessive sedation):

Morphine 2 mg IV q 5 min prn (up to a max of 10 mg in 2 hrs),

OR DC Morphine. Dilaudid (HYDROmorphone) 0.5-1 mg IV q 15 min prn (max2 mg in 30 min)

37.Moderate Pain:

Norco (HYDROcodone/acetaminophen) 5/325 mg or 10/325mg 1 tab po q 4 hrs prn

or  DC Norco. Percocet (oxyCODONE/acetaminophen) 5/325 mg or 10/325 mg 1 tab po q 4 hrs prn

38.Mild Pain, Temp>100.5F, HA: Tylenol (acetaminophen) 650 mg po or PR q 4 hrs prn

39.Nausea: Zofran (ondansetron) 4 mg IV or po q 6 hrs prn

 If N/V persists, add Reglan (metoclopramide) 10 mg IV q 6 hrs prn (5 mg if > 65 y/o)

40.Sleep: Ambien (zolpidem)5-10mg po at HS prn. If 5 mg given, may repeat x 1 dose after 2 hrs

If > 65 year old, begin with 5 mg po at HS prn, may repeat x 1 dose after 2 hrs

or  Other: ______

41.Anxiety: Ativan(lorazepam)0.5 - 1 mg po or IV q 8 hrs prn.

or DC Ativan. Xanax (alprazolam) 0.25 - 0.5 mg po q 6 hrs prn

42. Indigestion: Maalox XS (aluminum/magnesium/simethicone) 30 ml po four times daily prn

43.Stool Softener: Colace (docusate) 100 mg po bid prn; if patient has not had a bowel movement

44 Constipation: Milk of Magnesia (MOM) 30 ml po daily prn











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