2017-2018School Supplies


PRESCHOOL: One box of 12 or 24 colored pencils; 1 box of 24 or 48 crayons; 1 bottle of white glue; 1 package of washable watercolor paints; large box of facial tissues; 1 box of crackers or cookies; 1 complete change of clothes; andfull sizebackpack that student can open/close without help.

KINDERGARTEN: Two boxes of crayons (eight basic colors); set of water color paints; 2 boxes of facial tissues; 2 bottles of white glue; backpack or book bag that student can open/close without help (prefer zippered and no draw string); 1 package of standard #2 pencils; set of watercolor markers (optional); 2 packages fine tip dry erase markers; 1 box of resealable sandwich bags; and 1 container baby wipes (no refill packages, they dry out too fast).

GRADE 1: Three dozen #2 pencils; 2 large pink erasers; 1 box of 24 crayons; 3 glue sticks; set of watercolor paints; scissors; colored pencils; sturdy box for crayons; backpack;2wide-ruled spiral notebooks;3 folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green); 1 box of baby wipes or refills; 2 boxesof facial tissues; 1 box sandwich size resealable bags and *PE shoes on PE day.

GRADE 2: Two dozen #2 pencils; 1 package pencil-top erasers; 1 box of crayons (limit 48); 1 (8 oz.) bottle of white glue; scissors; plastic box for supplies; 2 boxes offacial tissues; watercolor paints; 1 wide-ruled spiral notebook; two pocket folders (1 red, 1 green); backpack or book bag;4 dry erase markers;and *PE shoes.

GRADE 3: Two dozen #2 pencils; 8 oz. bottle of white glue (no glue sticks); 150 sheets wide-ruled lined notebook paper; 12-inch ruler with both standard and metric markings; pointed scissors; markers (water-based); colored pencils; 2 largeboxes of facial tissues; 1wide-ruledspiral notebook; backpack or book bag; and *PE shoes.

GRADE 4: Four dozen #2 pencils; 2 red ink pens; 300 sheets wide-ruled lined notebook paper; 4 spiral wide-ruled notebooks; 1 pocket folder; crayons; colored pencils; markers; 1 pink highlighter; 3 fine tip dry erase markers; pencil sharpener; white glue; scissors; large box of facial tissues; 1 pack index cards;12-inch ruler; headphones (optional); backpack; and *P.E. shoes. ** Please, no 3-ring binders

GRADE 5: Three dozen #2 pencils; 1 ink pen; white glue; 300 sheets college-ruled lined notebook paper; 3 spiral college notebooks; 1 composition notebook;scissors; colored pencils; crayons;markers; 1 highlighter ofEACH color: pink, yellow, and green; 1 pack 3x5 index cards; 12-inch ruler with both standard and metric markings; 1 package pencil top erasers; 1 large eraser; large box of facial tissue; 3pocket folders; backpack; and *P.E. shoes.

St. Maries Middle School

Grade 6-8: #2 pencils; eraser; red ink pen; blue or black ink pen; notebook paper; colored pencils; 3 ring binder; pocket folders; spiral notebooks; calculator with square root function (optional); ruler with both standard and metric markings; book covers (can be purchased or made at home); box of facial tissues; and *P.E. shoes. Students who purchase backpacks need to please make sure they will fit in school lockers. Backpacks are not allowed in the classroom.

UpRiver School

KINDERGARTEN: Twoboxes of crayons; 1 pair of scissors; 1 set of watercolor paints (basic colors, no neon); 1 large box facial tissues; 1 zippered backpack; 12 or more #2 pencils; 6 or more eraser caps; 1 hard plastic school supply box; 1 paint shirt; and 2 glue sticks.

GRADE 1: Pencils (at least 5 regular size #2 yellow); 1 box of 8 and 1 box of 24 crayons; one box of 8 washable colored markers; yellow highlighter; glue stick (no bottle glue); erasers (one big pink eraser and pencil top/cap erasers); scissors; large box of facial tissues; school box (must be easy for student to open and large enough to hold crayons, markers, glue stick, scissors, and extra pencils); a backpack (large enough to carry papers and folder without bending) and *P.E. shoes.Markers will be kept in their original box and not in the school box.

GRADE 2: One box of 16 regular crayons; 12 #2 pencils with erasers (replaced as necessary); notebook paper; 12-inch ruler with metric markings; glue stick;4 pocket folders; 2 spiral notebooks; scissors; water color paints; school box; 3 large boxes of facial tissue; a backpack or other book bag; plastic water bottle (optional but recommended); and *P.E. shoes.

GRADE 3: One box of crayons or colored pencils; 4 #2 pencils(replaced as necessary); notebook paper; 12-inch ruler with metric markings; glue stick;2 pocket folders; 2 spiral notebooks; scissors; school box or zippered pouch; large box of facial tissues; a back pack or book bag;plastic water bottle ( no larger than 20 oz.); and *P.E. shoes.

GRADE 4: One box of crayons or colored pencils; 4 #2 pencils (replaced as necessary); notebook paper; 12-inch ruler with metric markings; glue stick; 2 pocket folders; 2 spiral notebooks; scissors; school box or zippered pouch; large box of facial tissues; a backpack or book bag; plastic water bottle (no larger than 20 oz.); and *PE shoes.

GRADE 5: Three dozen #2 pencils; 2 pens; crayons; colored pencils; pencil box; eraser; 12-inch ruler with metric markings; protractor; compass; calculator; pointed scissors; pencil box or zippered pouch; 3-ring binder; 600 sheets notebook paper; 6 spiral notebooks; 1 composition notebook; 3 folders for homework and corrected papers; large box of facial tissues; a backpack or book bag; and *P.E. shoes.

GRADE 6: Three dozen #2 pencils; 2 pens; crayons; colored pencils; 2 large erasers; 12- inch ruler with standard and metric markings; calculator with square root function (optional); pointed scissors; pencil box or zippered pouch; 2 or 3 3-ring binders; 600 sheets notebook paper; 6spiral notebooks;3 composition notebooks;3 folders for homework and corrected papers; large box of facial tissues; Students who purchase backpacks need to please make sure they will fit in school lockers. Backpacks are not allowed in the classroom.

*P.E. shoes do not have to be new but must be washed (no black soles!)