Useful Websites:

Purple Mash - to support computing skills

Topic –


Home Learning

Please help your child to complete weekly home learning.

Home learning is sent home every Thursday to be returned the following Wednesday at the latest. This includes one piece of maths and topic homework. Spellings are sent home on the same sheet. Thank you for your support with Home Learning – some of the learning journals are wonderful!


·  Named PE kit needs to be in school every Wednesday. Year 6 need their wellies and waterproofs on Fridays for Forest School. Year 5 need their swimming kit on Fridays. We will be outside for lessons this half term, so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for outdoor PE.

Please do not hesitate to contact staff at school if you have any questions regarding your child’s learning. Thank you for your support.

Curbar Primary School

A guide to your child’s learning this half term.

Autumn Term 1 – Year 5 and 6

Miss Gregory and Mr Beahan


This term our focus will be on Ancient Greece. We will be writing our own quest myth. They will be looking at the historical facts to support the myth; using the poetry of Homer’s Iliad. They will look at evidence from Greece and Turkey today to write an information text.


Reading sessions will focus on teaching the children how to analyse and answer questions about a text. We will look at a range of text types and use skills of inference and deduction to answer questions. The focus text to start with will be ‘Stig of the Dump’.

You can help your child at home by-

·  Make sure your child reads at least 5 times a week, recording this in their reading record.

·  Ask your child to talk about the book they are reading and talk around the story (using skills of inference and deduction)

·  Help your child to practise their fortnightly spellings

Ask your child to…

Look at the word. Say the word. Cover the word. Write the word. Check the word. Put the word into an accurate ‘Five Star’ sentence (correct punctuation, correct spelling, cursive handwriting)


In maths we will be learning about:

-  Place value

-  Addition and subtraction strategies

-  Solving word problems

-  Problems associated with Ancient Greece

You can help your child at home by-

·  Practising times tables skills

·  Practising number bonds to 100


The theme of our science this half term is ‘Let’s light up our lives!’ (Light)

We will be learning about: how light travels; how we see things;
exploring the way that light behaves, including light sources, reflection and shadows. They will talk about what happens and make predictions.

You can help your child at home by-

·  Discussing shadows and how they are formed and change

·  Discussing how the eye works

We will also be learning-

Computing – topic research; musical composition

French – We will be using the book ‘Luc et Sophie’ to revise basic conversations

RE – the significance of light/enlightenment in world religions

PE-/Games – Extra time games and multi-skills and swimming

DT – links to topic – Experimenting with ‘moving monsters’

Music - Listening games and musical monster compositions