/ Statistics Course Requirements

Professor Ted Cann


Office Hours: By appointment

Fall 2011

PREREQUISITES: MATH 003 Beginning Algebra, plus one additional college-level math course.

TEXTBOOK: Introductory Statistics, Neil A. Weiss, Addison Wesley, 9th Edition

CALCULATOR: TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84, or TI-84+ Graphing Calculator

ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken each class. Any student who is absent at most 3 times will have their lowest test grade dropped. This does not include the Mandatory Final Exam.

CLASS PARTICIPATION: Please come to each class prepared with your textbook, notebook, worksheets and calculator. Preparedness is essential to participation. Please be prepared to participate in class at all times. Your grade will reflect your preparedness and participation.

LATENESS: Please arrive to class on time and be ready to learn. Lateness is a distraction to the class as a whole. Please be aware that: 3 times late = 1 time absent.

Example: Student X is absent once but late 7 times. The 7 lates = absences. Therefore, Student X has a total of absences which is over the 3 absence limit and does not get his/her lowest test grade dropped.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Homework will be assigned at every class session. Be prepared to hand in your work for a grade at any time. This may or may not be announced in advance.

TESTS: Tests will be scheduled with a reasonable amount of notice. Therefore, there will be no make-ups allowed.


Quizzes 15%

Technology Assignments 15%

Preparedness/Participation 10%

COURSE WITHDRAWAL: Any student may withdraw from this course with a grade of W at any time until Saturday, November 5, 2011. After then, a student who does not complete the course will receive a grade of F. The grades of WP and WF are awarded only in exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control. This is in full compliance with WCC policy.

75 Grasslands Road • Valhalla, New York 10595

Westchester Community College is sponsored by the County of Westchester; affiliated with the State University of New York