Painting II Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Smith
Credits: .5
Art 8020: Painting II
Prerequisites: grades 10 to 12; successful completion of Foundations of ArtAND Painting I Art 8020.
In this course the student learns the fundamentals of painting. Basic painting techniques and materials are explained by the teacher and then explored through varying assignments by the student. The fundamentals of color mixing and color theories are worked with by the students as they create paintings with various painting media including watercolor and acrylic. Painting assignments involve subject matter ranging from landscapes to still life, with emphasis on multiple styles and techniques.
Objectives: At the conclusion of the course, each student will demonstrate:
- An increasing mastery of a variety of artistic media
- An increased understanding of art vocabulary
- A better ability to speak intelligently about art and art processes
- An increased understanding of art history
- An increased mastery of good craftsmanship in the creation of works of art
- The ability to fulfill requirements of the course and projects in an efficient, quality minded approach
- The ability to form valid, independent artistic judgments
Course Requirements: All students are required to report to their scheduled class and work productively. In order to achieve the highest grade possible, students should:
- Participate in class discussion and class activities at the highest level of commitment
- Complete all out-of-class assignments
- Complete all quizzes and exams
- Complete all in-class assignments
- Maintain a clean orderly workspace and art environment
- Respect and follow the school’s code of conduct.
Course Activity: “You learn to create art by creating art.”Class time will be devoted to course projects, demonstrations, lecture, interactive class projects, and class critique; basic use of the materials; the intellectual possibilities of creating art; art history; and the understanding and application of the formal visual elements of design and their use as a language to organize or express visual ideas.In addition, you can expect to spend a considerable amount of time outside of class to work on out-of-class assignments.
Grading:Assignments are designed to give students information and experience in various artistic endeavors, furthering development of abilities and understanding.Grades will reflect how well students have addressed the issues, goals, and requirements of each task.Grading will also take into account: progress, participation, attendance, and the completion of all assignments.Absences, tardiness, early departures, lack of preparation, incomplete assignments, and poor craftsmanship could detract from your grade.
Suggested Materials:In order to create meaningful artwork as part of fulfilling the production portion of the course, it will be important to purchase materials for your use outside of class.The minimum you could purchase includes the basics:
- Pencils (wooden, number 2 or softer “B” lead)
- Eraser (Pink Pearl or Mars Plastic)
- Folder (required for every class)
- Notebook and/or sketchbook
Most materials will be provided in class. Students may sign out materials for use outside of class at the discretion of the teacher. Please be aware that if you do elect to sign out materials, you will have an obligation noted in the office if the materials are not returned in a timely manner.If you sign out materials and do not return them, you cannot sign out other additional materials.
A list of economical acrylic paints and other supplies can be obtained at the request of a student or a parent.
Additional art room policies, procedures, and other information will be posted on the teacher site of “Smith, Greg” accessed from the high school website under “Teacher Pages.”
Research project:A research project may be administered by the instructor.The research project is comprised of two parts:a written section and an original piece of artwork.An outline detailing the specifics for each course level is forthcoming.Work that is not submitted by the due date will have its grade reduced at the discretion of the instructor.You will receive an incomplete grade until the written project is submitted.If the work is copied, the district’s policy on plagiarism will be applied.
Evaluation:Successful quarterly grades will require a 60% or better in all of these course components:
- Midterm (if applicable)
- Final Exam
- Research Project
- Participation in class discussions/critiques
- Sketchbooks (if applicable)
- Class assignments
- Most projects are assessed using the following criteria:
- Fulfillment of requirements
- Craftsmanship (skill with the tools)
- Creativity with the theme (risk taking)
- Overall appearance/success of the work
- Participation in class
- Out-of-class assignments (provided by the instructor)
- Extended assignments worth more than 100 points must be submitted in order to avoid an incomplete grade
If a student fails to submit one or more extended projects that are worth more than 200 points, an incomplete grade (for the marking period or for the year) may be administered at the teacher’s discretion.
Every student is responsible for submitting work missed due to absence (for any reason), within the designated time period determined by the instructor.It is the student’s responsibility to see the instructor for guidelines regarding missed work.If an absence is unexcused, your right to make up work may be forfeit.
Assignments submitted after the due date will be penalized 10 points per week, and may be submitted up to the close of the coinciding marking period.
Students may elect to resubmit assignments/projects to increase the initial grade on any given project within a marking period.However, the highest grade on the resubmission is determined by the promptness of the original assignment.(For example, if the original assignment was submitted a week late, the highest grade for the resubmission would be 90)
- Come to class prepared with materials necessary for participation including but not limited to:
- Notebook and/or folder
b.Sketchbook or paper to draw (not ruled)
d.References for projects
e.Coming to class unprepared means you are unable to fully participate in the class activities, and this behavior mayresult in a detraction of your grade because of your inability to complete class work.
2.No food or drink is permitted outside of the cafeteria.If I see it, you will lose it, and it will result in disciplinary action.
3.No electronic devices are permitted in classrooms unless you have permission from me.This includes but is not limited to:
a. CELL PHONES in a non-instructional use (i.e. texting friends)
c.IPODS, nooks, etc.
d.Personal listening devices.Headphones may not be worn in the classroom (even around your neck).
4.Arrive in a timely manner.Tardiness results in disciplinary action EVERY TIME you are late.
5.You are required to make full use of the time allowed during class.Wasting time is considered not participating, and this behavior will result in a detraction of your grade.
6.Complete ALL assigned work to the best of your ability.All projects, unless specified differently, are worth 100 points.If you fail to complete a project or assignment, it will result in a “ZERO” grade.
a.Late work is accepted with penalty only if class time WAS NOT WASTED which resulted in the assignment being incomplete past the due date.
b.Extended projects worth more than 100 points that are not submitted will result in an incomplete grade for the marking period and/or for the year.
a.Return borrowed supplies to where they belong
b.Clean palettes
c.Clean work space and tables
d.I reserve the right to take disciplinary action for students who do not follow this policy.I reserve the right to photograph evidence of non-compliance to use as evidence.
8.Be respectful of yourself and others.You will get more out of your art experiences if you are working to the best of your ability and if you share your experiences with others.