April 27, 2009
Primary school pupils prepare for mass skipping event
More than 1,000 youngsters at Banff primary schools are gearing up for a simultaneous skipping at the start of May, organised by NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire Council.
"This is the first event in Grampian involving so many children skipping at exactly the same time," says Jill Smith, Assistant Health Improvement Officer with NHS Grampian. "The pupils, aged 5 to 11, are very excited to take part and have been working hard preparing for this special event on May 6."
"Through the council's Active Schools programme, 1,200 young skippers at eight primary schools have benefited from coaching by internationally renowned skipping expert Silvanna Matheson. Silvanna has also trained teachers, so they can support the pupils in what has turned out to be a very popular activity," explains Susan Mackintosh, Active Schools Coordinator for Aberdeenshire Council.
The joint NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire Council initiative involves every child from Aberchirder, Bracoden, Fordyce, Ordiquhill, Portsoy, Banff, Macduff and WhitehillsPrimary Schools, to skip at the same time on the same day in May for 10 minutes at their school. The project is part of a series of activities to encourage youngsters to keep fit and healthy.
"We chose skipping because it is an inexpensive physical activity which is easy to learn, fun to do, doesn't require specialist equipment or sports areas and- most importantly- is good for your health," adds Jill.
The Mass Skipping event starts on Wednesday May 6 with:
- 9.30am - pupils assemble on their playing fields
- 9.40am - a demonstration by a 'Skip to Beat' member (Skip to Beat is the skipping group led by Silvanna Matheson)
- 9.45am - the simultaneous 10 minute skip
- 10am - Award Ceremony (see notes)
The event will be filmed and produced as a DVD by pupils of BanffAcademy and awards will be made to schools and groups.
Sponsors for the special event include Ken Barbour (Builder), Macduff Shipyards, Deveron Coaches, Scotframe, Aberdeenshire Sports Council and Co-operative Group, Banff, and Sangs have donated a bottle of water for each child. The Council-run Community Schools Network has donated all the skipping ropes.
Notes to editor:
There will be photography opportunities and, after the award ceremony, interview opportunities with teachers and pupils at Aberchirder, Bracoden, Fordyce, Ordiquhill, Portsoy, Banff, Macduff and WhitehillsPrimary Schools.
If you wish to attend, contact Jill Smith on 01261 815980, or Susan MacKintosh on 01261 813391 before May 6.
Representatives from NHS Grampian and Aberdeenshire Council will be at each school.
The Skipping Awards:
- WholeSchool Approach Award- to be presented to a school that includes their whole school community (pupils, parents, staff and the wider community) prior and during the event
- Active Afterschool/Lunchtime Skippers- to be presented to the school that can demonstrate how they have developed, or have planned to run, skipping sessions during lunchtime and after school
- Most Improved P1-P3- this award will be nominated by skipping coach Silvanna Matheson, who has been monitoring progress during her school visits
- Imaginative Skipping Shape- all schools will be given the opportunity to win this award by creating the most imaginative skipping shape, either using the whole school or just a class
- Most InteractiveSchool Message- each school will be expected to record an opening speech, poem, song, dance etc, delivered by nominated pupils to go onto the DVD
For further information, please contact:
NHS Grampian Corporate Communications, on 01224 554400,
or Linzie Carson, Aberdeenshire Council Communications Team, on 01224 664611.
Corporate Communications
NHS Grampian
(01224) 554400