“Preparing for the Animal Resource (AR) Exam”

August 30 - 31, 2010

National Harbor – Washington, DC

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center

Course Description: The theme of this management development course is “Preparing For the Animal Resource Exam”, which will cover Regulations, Policies and Procedures, IACUC, Human Resources Management as well as other AR topics. This course will provide attendees with tools to assist them in preparing for the AR exam.

Course Agenda: The course will be held 2 days prior to the NCAB meeting at the same location. The program hours are 1 PM – 6 PM on Monday, August 30 and 8 AM – 5 PM on Tuesday, August 31. Continental breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. Maximum number of participants is 30.

Course Instructor s:

Carolyn Malinowski holds a Master’s Degree in Biology, and is a graduate of the ILAM program,. Her certifications include RLATG, CMAR and CPIA. Carolyn has been in the lab animal field for 9 years and currently works at the Center for Comparative Medicine at NorthwesternUniversity as the Manager of the Training Program.

Cammie Symonowicz holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from KennedyWesternUniversity and is a graduate of the ILAM program. Her certifications include LATG and CMAR. Cammie has been in lab animal for 16 years and currently works at Bristol Myers Squibb as an Operations Manager.

Daphne Molnar, MBA, BShas been with the University of Michigan Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine for almost ten years. Her certifications include LATG and CMAR. She has given her talents to a number of increasingly responsible positions, from working as an Animal Technician, Animal Care Supervisor, and Breeding Colony Manager to her current position as a Senior Training Specialist.

To register for thisAR Prepatory course: Download and complete this form. Fax or mail it to LAMA –fax number and address included below.

 $225 Registration Fee(Does not include exam fee, study material or hotel costs)

Deadline for course registration isAugust 23, 2010

Should you like to sit for the AR exam following the course, please visit to register for theAR exam and to order study materials. The deadline for exam applications is August 23, 2010. The exam will be offered at the meeting on September 1, 2010.

Name / Degree and Title
Organization / Phone
Address1 / Fax
Address 2 / Email
City, State, Postal Code / Country (if other than US)
CANCELLATION POLICY: LAMA event registration fees are refundable up to two weeks prior to the event, minus $50 processing fee. Two weeks before the event, no refunds will be issued. All refund requests must be made in writing and sent via email, mail or fax.
In accordance with the Title III of the American Disabilities Act we invite all registrants to advise us of any disability and any request for accommodations relating to their specific needs. Please submit your requests as far as possible in advance of the first day of the event.
Payment Information
Checks must be in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank and made payable to the LAMA. LAMA EIN: 52-1828124
Please remit to:
7500 Flying Cloud Drive #900 Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: 952.253.6235
Fax: 952.835.4774
Email: / Check Credit Card Type: American Express Master Card Visa
Card Number / Expiration Date
Cardholder Billing Address
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