Instructions For Completing Other Authorized User Hierarchy Form
- The Hierarchy is the foundation for your program
- The Hierarchy is similar to an organization chart for your agency
- It defines report recipients
- It establishes the billing account level
- Multiple billing accounts are not necessary, as there are no limits to the number of cardholders on an account
- State Agencies and Other Authorized Users using the State contract have separate hierarchies & therefore separate hierarchy forms
- The Travel and Procurement Cards each have a separate hierarchy and separate forms have been established:
- NYS Other Authorized User - Procurement Card
- NYS Other Authorized User - Travel Card
The Hierarchy Form
The Hierarchy form is an Excel spreadsheet with 31 columns the first 16 of which are to be filled out by the Authorized User. The 16 columns consist of one column for the bank number (1412 for Travel & 1413 for Purchase), seven columns for hierarchy levels (each containing a five digit number), and eight columns containing text information concerning entity name, address, etc.
When filling out the Hierarchy form you are to enter your information starting with Row 3 and use as many rows below that as is necessary to meet your needs. Do Not change the information in Row 2.
The seven hierarchy levels define the structure of the hierarchy and generally correspond to levels of your organization chart. Each hierachy level consists of a five (5) digit numeric, but they do have a corresponding definition or label for each level. The labels may vary based on the intricacy of the Authorized User's organization chart. Sample labels are listed below:
Column A -Bank Number (1412 - Travel) or (1413 - Purchase)
Column B -Level 1 - Other Authorized User Procurement or Travel (00133 or 10547)
Column C -Level 2 - Based on the type of entity. This number will be assigned when the entitiy's Risk Assessment is approved.
Column D -Level 3 - Billing Level, 5 digit number assigned by Citibank is associated with an agency name
Column E -Level 4 - This level has the same function as Level 3, but the number is defined by the Authorized User
Column F - Level 5 - Authorized User Defined
Column G -Level 6 - Authorized User Defined
Column H -Level 7 - Cardholder level - Authorized User Defined
Column I - Unit Name: 30 character alphanumeric. Name of reporting Unit. DO NOT USE ANY PUNCTUATION
Column J - Recipient: 30 character alphanumeric. Name of the individual designated to be the recipient of the report
Column K -30 character alphanumberic. Line one of the report recipient's address
Column L -30 character alphanumberic. Line two of the report recipient's address
Column M -15 character alphanumberic. City of the recipient address.
Column N -2 character alphanumberic. State of the recipient address.
Column O -10 character numberic(one space for hyphen) ZIP Code of Recipient address
Column P - "PurgeIndicator" Enter the letter "A" (without quotation marks) to indicate Add for all initial hierarchy submitals
Column Q -"Distr" Do not use - This column is filled in by Citibank (it set at 9 when electronic TBR reports are setup)
Column R -"ContrNum" Do not use - T This column is filled in by Citibank (It is the email address for the recipient of TBR reports)
Column S - "ReportOpt" Do not use - This column is filled in by Citibank (Name of the TBR report template)
The New York City portion of the organizational chart Below would be filled out as follows in the hierarchy spreadsheet:
Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Unit Name22001 / NYC DOT
22001 / 50001 / Bridges & Tunnels
22001 / 50001 / 60001 / Inspections
22001 / 50001 / 60001 / 70001 / Bridge Inspections
22001 / 50001 / 60001 / 70002 / Tunnel Inspections
22001 / 50001 / 60002 / Maintenance
22001 / 50001 / 60002 / 70003 / Paving
22001 / 50001 / 60002 / 70004 / Painting
22001 / 50002 / Traffic
22001 / 50002 / 60003 / Control
22001 / 50002 / 60003 / 70005 / Signals
(Other than Level 1, all numbers shown are examples only