To Green Connections Advisory Group:CDFO (Tony Tung); SDS (Karen Kwok); EPSociety(Peter Chan);

Copy:SEE(Johnny Chan; Michael Leung); SDS (Adele Wan); CAIO(Chanel Leung); EDGE(Patrio Chiu);CYEP(Constance Ching; Man Law); ELC(Flora Leung; Conny Yau)

Prepared by Sisi : Lai Sha Ho ; Reviewed by Robert Gibson

Date: 9Nov2012

Green Connections progress report24 September – 9 November 2012


Green Connections (GC)website was launched in October and hit on its Facebook page are gradually growing. It ran two events during the period and has two more scheduled this term. It supported two proposals to the Provost’s Campus Sustainability Fund.


  • Launch of GC Website and Facebook (total 91 likes till 9 Nov)
  • Giving talks in classes to promote GC to GE,AIS, BCH, SA, and SEE students
  • Outreach to NGOs including Clean Air Network, Feeding Hong Kong, Ark Eden and KFBG.
  • Proposal Preparation for Campus Sustainability Fund: Green Roofs on Walls (GROW), ‘You’re your Environmental Footprint - Waste Recycling Competition
  • Assist on12th to 18th October visit by team from Arizona State University.

Activities and events held:

  • Carbon Trading Game sessions for volunteer training at HKUST session andCityU sessions in Dr Steve Frost’s lesson
  • Bread Run for World Food Day: 15 CityU participants collected more than 1000 surplus bread from bakeries; Planet Room was set the first time as a drop off point.
  • Go Green PLA started regularly every Monday 14:00-15:00 at ELC lounge
  • Permaculture Taster Course Introduction (1stNovember by Mr. Steve Cran from Ark Eden)

Events in preparation:

  • Talk on Antarctica by Mr Joseph Chan (Swire) (20 Nov 2012)
  • Talk by Satish Kumar on “Long Way to Freedom, Short Path to Joy” (2 Dec 2012)
  • Permaculture 1-day Taster Course in Lantau Island (11 Jan 2013)
  • Volunteer work for Clean Air Network, with CYEP (Jan 2013 and onwards)
  • E-waste collection in campus, with Li Tong group (TBC)

Proposals waiting for approval from Campus Sustainability Fund:

  • Green Roofs on Walls (GROW): This proposal is a pilot for transforming CityU’s rooftops and vertical areas into permaculture gardens/farms. Upon approval, Green Connections will assist recruiting and training students to maintain the permaculture work and also to transfer the knowledge to the rest of CityU.
  • ‘Mind your Environmental Footprint - Waste Recycling Competition: This proposal encourages CityU students to give suggestions for CityU’s waste separation and recycling.