Sunday March 30th 2014

Good morning everyone! Welcome back.

Today’s lesson
Pronunciation: dictation and word stress (Workbook page 49)
Vocabulary: words with more than one meaning (workbook page 49)
Phrasal verbs – (Student’s Book p. 60)
(Present perfect active introduction – if there is sufficient time)

Next week there is a competition between classes. We are playing a football match against them.

I took part in a sports competitionat school.

Chelsea vs (versus) Arsenal

Versus = against

Career South Korea

business / degree / interesting
foreign / resign / applicant
fluent / Japan / editor
record (n.) / career / journalist
(to) record
import / import
contract / contract
discover / Argentina / political
pollution / competition / experience
behaviour / absolutely / interpreter
interpret / publication


Interpreter = person who interprets

To interpret


To translate

A stain = a mark (noun)

There is a stain / a mark on your shirt

To remove a stain.

Verb = to stain

I stained my shirt with coffee at the dinner yesterday

Your lungs contract and expand

Monday March 31st 2014

Good morning everyone! Welcome back.

Today’s lesson: Headway Intermediate Unit 7
Present perfect active – Student’s Bookpages 54-56
Phrasal verbs – (Student’s Book p. 60)
Homework: page 45 Workbook.

To be in charge of something = to be responsible for something.

Mohammed is in charge of a squad of cadets. Hani is responsible for the WhatsApp group. Feras was in charge of the barbecue.

“All is lost” (with Robert Redford) directed by JamesChandor

Interviewer - interviewee

Workbook page 43 ex. 2

2) When did Shunpei Yamazaki become the world’s most successful inventor (since Edison).

3) How old was Ranulph Fiennes when he became…….

4) When did Messi play his first international game for Argentina?

Tuesday March 31st 2014

Good morning everyone! Welcome back.

Today’s lesson: Headway Intermediate Unit 7
Present perfect
Phrasal verbs – (Student’s Book p. 60)
Homework: page Workbook.

To bump into / run into somebody = to meet somebody by accident.

To bump into / to run into an old friend, a colleague

Last week I bumped into / ran into an old friend when I was in London.

To come across something = to discover by accident

I came across a picture of my friend in the local newspaper yesterday.

I came across my old pc in the garage the other day.

..has escaped..

… have been awarded …

…has hit…

…have been laid off…..

… Lewis has been knocked out….

Lewis knocks out Martinez in 5th round.

He announced his resignation.

His resignation was announced.

He has announced his resignation.

His resignation has been announced.

I resigned from my job.

I was fired from my job.

I retired when I was 65.

Bob was retired because he was over 70.

Bob was asked to retire because he was over 70.

To slip slippedslipped (pronunciation = /slipt/)

To get (have) something done.

To do something.

I got my hair cut.

I cut my hair.

I got my pc repaired.

I repaired my pc.

I got married.

I married my girlfriend.

What tenses are used in the pairs of sentences below?

Discuss the difference in meaning between the pairs of sentences:

How many goals has he scored?

How many goals did he score

How many books did he write?

How many books has he written?

Wednesday April 1st 2014

Good morning everyone!

Today’s lesson: Headway Intermediate Unit 7
Complete Workbook exercises.

I braked and skidded because there was oil on the road.

I ended up on the pavement and my car was written off.

To brake

To skid (x vehicles, bicycles)

To slip (x people)

To update your CV




I speak Spanish fluently.

I speak fluent Spanish.

Passive = object + verb form + past participle

Feras was promoted.

Feras has been promoted.

Feras will be promoted