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March 19, 2004
Prepare our kids for their future jobs!
Join the Congressional Science & Math Education Caucus
Dear Colleague:
Science and technology underpin our economic strength and national security; thus, science and math education and technical training are enormous and pressing needs. We must invest in our children to develop their talent and enable them to compete in the knowledge-based, global economy. You can help by joining the Science and Math Education Caucus.
The U. S. Department of Labor projects that new jobs requiring science, engineering and technical training will increase four times faster than the average national job growth rate. All workers-from office assistants to rocket scientists-will need a fundamental understanding of math, science, and engineering as well as technical know-how to succeed.
Unfortunately, a full third of U.S. students perform below basic levels in science and math on assessment tests. At the advanced level, only two of every 100 high school graduates will obtain an engineering or advanced degree while the numbers are even more dismal when examining women and minorities who choose to go on in math and science.
There are no quick fixes to this problem; however, working together we can make a difference. As co-chairmen of the Science and Math (STEM) Education Caucus, we invite you to join the Caucus. (STEM stands for “science, technology, engineering and mathematics.” This acronym is often used by the scientific and educational communities when discussing education issues). With your support, the Caucus will become a respected voice for strengthening our math and science and technical education system at every level from K-12 to graduate education.
The recent Hart-Rudman Commission report stated that “the inadequacies of our systems of research and education pose a greater threat to U.S. national security over the next quarter century than any potential conventional war that we might imagine.” You can help alleviate this threat. Join the Science and Math (STEM) Education Caucus. Return the form on the back of this letter or call Ellen Burns (Mr. Ehlers x53831) or Jennifer Barrett (Mr. Udall x52161) to join.
Vernon J. EhlersMark Udall
Member of CongressMember of Congress
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
Science & Math (STEM) Education CaucusScience & Math (STEM) Education Caucus