Facilitating MG Volunteer Level 1Training
Register your intent to hold training by completing the online participation form by June 30 of the year prior to training. Reserve your manuals and publications and set your enrollment information using the RSVP format under the Training/Reserve Materials tab.
Set a registration deadline, preferably 2 weeks before the first class. This year that is August 21.
If possible, offer an orientation one or more times before the registration deadline or start of class to inform prospective students of the intention and expectations of this volunteer training program. See website (Training/Level 1: Interviews & Orientation tab) for suggestions.
Promote the Master Gardener Volunteer Training program locally (see sample press releases on website under Training/level 1: Marketing tab).
Prepare application packet with the following forms and send to prospective MGVs:
- Information about the local program
- Download and customize the 2012 schedule for your local program (see website Training/Level1: Statewide for file). Remember to schedule a 13th date for exam review and discussion of local volunteer opportunities – this can be at your convenience, not necessarily the week following the last class.
- Application form*
- Background check form*
- Volunteer agreement*
*must be signed and returned to local UWEX office to be considered for acceptance into program.
Order binders and optional publications. See the website (Training/ Level 1Binders & Publications tab) for more details.
Recruit MGVs for assistance during the training sessions to facilitate, lead discussions or other activities, and /or to present on local volunteer activities.
Work with local IT to prepare classroom for Blackboard Collaborate V12.
Process returned application packets:
- Transcribe contact information of all applicants from individual forms into Excel or other electronic file.
- Collect background check forms into a packet for submission to the Master Gardener Program Office.
- Keep Volunteer Agreements on file in the UW-Extension office or other secure location.
Sendthe following items to the MG Program Office by August 27 to allow time for processing. Training materials will not be sent to the training site until this information is sent to the MG Program Office:
- All background check forms, preferably as a group
- Your list of participants with names, addresses, and other contact info (phone and email) in an Excel file(see “Participant Info” on the MG website at more details) – send by email
- Do NOT send application forms or volunteer agreement forms to the Program Office!
Send acceptance letter to students admitted to program (after background checks have been completed and report is sent to you).