Permission granted by All Saints Episcopal Church by Rev. Slovak, Duncan, OK C. 2011



160 Ridge Road Rev. Msgr. Gregory J. Parlante, KHS, Pastor

Chadds Ford, PA 19317Mrs. Joanne McManus, MEd., Director





Dear Parents,

What an awesome responsibility, an awesome gift is your child!

On the day you presented your child for Baptism, you took on the added responsibility of not only caring and providing for your child, but you promised to be the first and best teachers in the ways of Faith.

I am always utterly amazed at how parents are able to manage this responsibility. But you know as well as I do –it’s never done in a vacuum and you can’t do it alone. With all the pressures of life and all the activities and commitments sometimes it is hard to remember that Jesus always comes first.

I thank you and congratulate you for sharing your Faith with your child and cooperating with our talented, volunteer teachers who, like you, love your child and love Jesus.

Sincerely in Christ,

Reverend Monsignor Gregory J. Parlante



Mission Statement ……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……..1




Class Schedule…………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………3


Safe Environment……………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………...3


Home-Based Catechesis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Parental Participation……………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………...….6

StudentResponsibilities ..……………..………….….……………………………………………………………………………….…..7




Class Cancellations…….………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………..….9


Early Dismissal..………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………….……9

Parking Lot……………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………..……10




Learning Challenges/Health Concerns…………………………………………………………………………………………….....11

Medication Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….11

Progress Reports…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

Lost & Found…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….12




Bully Behavior………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…14

Sexual Harassment………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….15

Peanut/Nut Free……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….15


Acceptable Practices of Technology…………………………………………………………………………………………………...15





CYO Sports………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18

Vacation Bible School…….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18



St. Cornelius Faith Formation Program of Children Handbook

160 Ridge Road Chadds Ford, PA 19327

Pastor: Msgr, Gregory J. Parlante, KHS (610)459-2502

Director: Mrs. Joanne McManus, M.Ed.

(Revised 2014)


We in the St. Cornelius Parish Faith Formation of Children Program proclaim Jesus Christ in Word, Sacraments and Charity. Through Word, Sacraments and Charity we discover who Jesus is for us, and deepens our relationship with Him.

Come discover Jesus at St. Cornelius!


In support of the St. Cornelius Parish Mission Statement, the Faith Formation for Children Program provides the public and private school students of the parish with a Catholic Religious Education. It acknowledges their parents/guardians as the primary educators of faith development and supports these parents/guardians in partnership in educating the students in their faith formation. In collaboration of our Pastor, administration, faculty, staff, parents and parish community, we strive to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a model for our children. In this Christian environment we hope that the students will grow through their knowledge, work, example and service to the Catholic Church, learning how to make their faith living, conscious and active. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia creates guidelines for the teaching of religious


education for the parishes. Under the direction of the Pastor,the Director of Faith Formation for Children, the Policies and Procedures manual, and in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Guidelines, determine the management and education policies of Saint Cornelius Faith Formation for Children Program. Implementation of these school policies and curriculum guidelines are the co-responsibility of administration and faculty.

The Goals of St. Cornelius Faith FormationOf Children Program

  1. To recognize parents as the primary catechists of their children and assist them by providing sound catechesis on the catechism of the Catholic Church.
  2. To cultivate the student’s knowledge of the Catholic faith through biblical teaching, the teaching of church history and doctrine, the study of each person of the Trinity, the understanding of the Holy Mass and the study of the lives of the saints.
  3. Develop a desire to have a close relationship with Jesus through spiritual practices of prayer, song, reception of the sacraments and attendance at weekly Mass and Holy Days.
  4. To have a respect and devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary the Mother of God.
  5. Create in the student an eagerness to share their faith through social practices of charity.



Registration begins at the end of January. Current students receive a Re-registration form in class. Registration is announced in the Sunday Parish Bulletin every week from January through May. An email notice is also sent to those families who have not re-registered. The deadline for registration is May 15th. After that date the registration fee increases. Early registration is beneficial to securing a preferred day and time. It also allows us to plan for the number of classrooms, desks, books, and catechists we will need for the Fall.

Registration for any day or for any class will be closed when the student limit is met. This is done for safety, comfort ( desk/desk size availability is limited) and for the ability to teach effectively. Early enrollment is beneficial to securing preferred day and time. The registration form must be accompanied by payment in full. Registration fees are non-refundable. Requests for any changes must be in writing (phone calls will not be accepted) and will be honored if there is room.

If this is the first time for registration for a new student, a baptismal certificate and any other sacramental certificates must be presented with the registration form. Be sure to bring in any IEP forms, Medical issues and forms, and custody papers.

The fee for registration is $200 for the first child and $50 for each additional child. There is also a $25 Facility Fee. Registration implies commitment to all sessions. The registration fee is non-refundable. Registration is required for those participating in Home-Based Catechesis.


Tuesday4:45 to 6:00 pm

Wednesday 6:00 to 7:15 pm


Recently instituted to the program was volunteering. Parents with students enrolled in the Faith Formation Program are required to volunteer 3 hours to CCD for safety; this translates to three classes of the Faith Formation Program to monitor the front door, the four hallways, and the parking lot. Please review Safe environment Program below for needed clearances. We anticipate your cooperation to make this the safest Faith Formation Program in the Archdiocese.


The Archdiocese has required that we instruct the students in the Safe Touch program each year. If you would like to review these lessons, they are available online at :

In addition, all catechists and aides have PA Criminal Background Checks, Child Abuse Clearance, and have attended the Protecting God’s Children training. This training is now being offered at St. Cornelius parish. Please check the Bulletin for dates and times.

We will strive to have in each classroom two qualified adults (teacher/teacher aide) present at all times for the protection of all involved, especially our children.


New Archdiocesan Requirements for Safety of our Children (July 30, 2013): ALL VOLUNTEERS who have any contact with children are required to obtain twoPA . Background Checks. The fees for these clearances has been waived. If you recently moved into the state of PA, a fingerprint clearance is also required and this has a fee. For more information concerning fingerprinting contact the DCIU at 610-938-9000. To meet the complete clearances for volunteering you will need:

  • PA STATE POLICE CRIMINAL HISTORY REPORT: This can be obtained at with results available within a few minutes. Renewal is required every 5 years. (Please print and give to Faith Formation Director)
  • PA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE AND CHILD ABUSE CLEARANCE CHECK: this form can be obtained online at :http: is required every 5 years. (Please print and give to Faith Formation Director)
  • Safe Environment Training Program
  • Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse
  • Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers 23 Pa C.S. Section 63442

As you become more active in the parish or even in your child’s other school you will soon find that these are basic requirements needed to participate with children (scouting, coaching, drama, music, etc.). We all want to create the safest environment for our children.


In cases of shared, joint or sole custody, parents must provide a copy of the custody papers before classes start in September. By Archdiocesan guidelines we are required to keep this information with the child’s file. Unless altered by the Court, separated or divorced parent both have rights.

It is the responsibility of both biological parents to provide the Parish with the latest, most up to date Custodial Order or Custody Agreement. St. Cornelius requests these documents at the time of registration. If either the Custody Order or Custody Agreement changes during the course of the year, it remains the responsibility of both biological parents to provide that document to the Parish immediately!

Our program abides by the provisions of the Buckley amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, our program will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the records and other program related information regarding the child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the program director with an official and latest copy of the court order dealing with the education/visitation of the child. It is also the parent’s responsibility to inform the Faith Formation Program of the addresses where the student’s records should be sent.

If a court order prohibits our releasing a child into the custody of a non-custodial parent, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the program director with an official copy of the court order or custody section of the divorce decree.



Parents requesting the Home-Based Catechesis Program must meet with the Director of the Religious Education Program at St. Cornelius to review the specific guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and St. Cornelius Parish. Parents are to state the need for requesting Home-Based Catechesis and are then requested to sign a contract stating that they will fulfill the necessary duties as a parent Catechist.

“Home-based catechesis is understood as the work of Catholic parents/guardians who undertake the formal religious education of their ownchild(ren) for any length of time and in their own home.

(Archbishop Charles Chaput, May 31, 2012.) At St. Cornelius Parish, Home-Based Catechesis is usually not permitted during the sacramental years.

At any time if the parent wishes to cease the Home-Based Catechesis program the child(ren) are permitted to return to the classroom and a class will be assigned.

The pastor reserves the right to end the Home-Based Catechesis to anyonenot fulfilling the requirements or duties of a practicing Catholic or violating the Home-Based Catechesis contract. In such circumstances the student needs to return to the classroom and may need torepeat the grade that wasincomplete.



The Christian home is the first school and the parents are the first to communicate the faith to their children” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #226)

Since example is more powerful than words, parents are urged to do the following:

+Provide an atmosphere of prayer in the home

+Attend Saturday/Sunday/ Holy Day Masses as a family

+ Know your Catholic Faith: involve yourself in the many parish opportunities

+Encourage frequent reception of the Sacraments of Penance (3 or 4 times a year) including Lent or

Advent Penance Services) and Eucharist weekly).

+ Model Catholic ethics and gospel charity within and outside the family

+ Attend sacramental preparation programs

+ Reinforce the catechist’s work by seeing that their children arrive on time for class and complete

their homework

+Return signed communications and Progress Reports on time

+Support the code of acceptable behavior and dress which are enumerated under “Student

Responsibilities” on the next page.

+ Observe dismissal routine

+ Notify the CCD office and individual catechist about special learning or physical needs of their

children,; absences and emergency lateness; pertinent health and medical information; and

change of address, phone numbers or other family information.

Mass Schedule: 5:00pm Saturday; 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am and 7:00 Sunday

Monday through Friday 7:30 am Mass in Chapel

Sacrament of Penance: Saturday from 4:00 to 4:45 pm in the Daily Mass Chapel in our Church

Or Call the Parish Life Center at 610-459-2502

Eucharistic Adoration in the Daily Mass Chapel in the Church on Mondays from 8 am to 9 pm and on

Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm



The communication of religious truths needs an atmosphere of love and trust so that each child may have a fulfilling experience of faith. For this experience to take place, mutual respect is imperative. Student responsibilities for creating this atmosphere include the following:

+ Maintain a respectful attitude and speech to catechists and fellow students at all times.

+ Cooperation in classroom, during program projects and participation in church.

+ Reverent attention to and participation in prayer and teaching component.

+ Punctuality

+ Preparedness; always bring textbook, folder, pencils, paper for taking notes, completed

homework, and absence notes. (A $25 fee will be charged for a lost textbook.)

+ Attentiveness:No gum, foods or drinks are permitted. Cell phones must be turned off

and put away. No Gameboys, DS, IPods or other electronic games or equipment. Careful

listening to the catechist and to fellow students is respectful and beneficial.

+Appropriate dress: We do expect students to come dressed appropriately to learn, to

reflect a spiritual respectfulness of our bodies and to be safe. Therefore, rubber sole or

leather soled shoes or boots are permitted. No heals or flip flops. Pajama bottoms are not

permitted. For gentlemen, all hats and caps are removed when entering the building.

Sweat tops, hoodies, coats and jackets must be removed in the classroom. Young ladies

must refrain from wearing too tight-fitting pants, short shorts, excessive jewelry or tops that are

too revealing. Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather.

+ Behavior : Upon arrival please wait quietly in a line along the wall in the hallway until the

Catechist arrives. Respect others by keeping your hands, arms, legs, and personal

belongings to yourself. At the beginning and ending of class we stand facing the crucifix

with hands folded to recite group prayers. Obey the rules of the classroom that are set by

the teacher. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and a conference will be set up with

the parent(s) or guardian to determine the best plan of action.

+Respect the shared space: As we share this facility with the day students and teachers, we are

reminded to leave the rooms and school areas in good order if not, better.



All students will enter the school building through the FRONT DOORS ONLY. The front doors will be open 15 minutes before the session time begins. (Tuesdays 4:30, Wednesday 5:45) Students who arrive at their classrooms before their catechist should wait quietly in the hallway outside the classroom until the catechist arrives. For purposes of safety, no student is permitted in any classroom without an adult or catechist present. Punctuality is imperative! Students will be marked tardy if they arrive late.


If your child is absent from class, we would appreciate a phone call stating the student’s name and reason of absence. If there is a planned absence, please submit a note with the child’s name, grade and the date your child will be gone. You may wish to discuss with the teacher the work that needs to be covered. It is critical that the material be covered at home as there is limited time during the school year to repeat a lesson, especially for those students enrolled in a sacramental year. We will initiate a follow-up with parents of children who have accumulated two or more absences. Please note: two late arrivals count as one absence!

Excused absences are absences when children are ill, there is a death in the family or a health emergency. During excused absences, class work is made up upon the child’s return. Upon returning to class the student must present an absence note signed by the parent/guardian explaining the reason for absence. If no note is presented, the child will be marked as an unexcused absence. These notes are kept on file. Work is not usually provided in advance.

Unexcused absences are those absences whereby a student is absent; truant, or on a family vacation. Your child is responsible for making up the work missed.

Illness.If your child is ill and had not gone to school that day please refrain from sending them to class. They are to be 24hours free from being ill from any communicable disease. If your child should become ill during class the parents/guardian will be notified and the child must be picked up immediately.


To derive the maximum benefit from formal instructions and classroom activities, students should strive for punctual and consistent attendance.

Important information for reception of Sacraments:

First Penance and First Communion: According to policy, candidates preparing to receive First Penance and First Eucharist must have two years of religious education immediately preceding the reception of the Sacraments.