Tasca preparatòria.

Preparatory task: Where to travel?

1.A country: Great Britain

1.1. Watch a video ofEnglish-speaking country:Great Britain.


1.2. Complete the chart with the information about the video.

Yes / Answer / No
I know the different countries that form United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
I know the name of the capital city of Britain. / .
I have learned the number of people that live there.
I know where the Prime Minister lives.
I know who the Head of State is and where she lives.
I know other famous towns and cities in Britain.
I know where William Shakespeare was born.
I know which two cities are famous for their universities.
I know the number of peopleworking the farmland.
I know how many National Parks there are in Britain.
I know a beautiful National Park in the north-west where people like to go on holiday.
I know what Stonehenge is.
I know what languages are spoken in Wales.
I know how many islands form part of Britain.
I know the name of a famous train station in London.

2.A city: London

2.1.Listento a description of London and complete the text with the missing words.


London is the ……………… city in Britain. More than eight million people live and …………… there.

London is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and for …………...

Modern ……………., modern shops and stores, ………………, theatres, museums, parks and …………. make London a different city. You can see Big Ben and the Houses of the Parliament, you can visit Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, the Tate Gallery, Covent Garden and plenty of different things that make London a very special …………….

Welcome to London!


2.2. Answer these comprehension questions about London.

-What is the biggest city in Britain?

-How many people work and live there?

-Why is it important for?

-What makes London a different city?

-What can you see there?

  1. Deciding where to travel.
  2. Get into groups and discuss what city you want to go to.

Do a description of the city in groups:

  • Look for the information on the Internet.
  • Keep some images or webpages which can come useful for the presentation.
  • To do a good summary, follow these instructions:

  • Write the final description.
  • Prepare a presentation, with some images.
  • You will do a presentation to your classmates.


Group work is a task which must be done with the implication of all the members in a group.Now you have to evaluate the dynamics of your group work so that we can work better in the future.

We are going to focus in three aspects: cooperation, participation and quality of the tasks. We are going to use the following evaluation criteria:

Needs to improve / Does it right / Excellent
Cooperation / Not listening nor helping the others. / Sometimes listening, sharing and giving support. / Always listening, sharing and giving support.
Participation / Not participating, not collaborating in the collective task. / Usually giving ideas. / Always giving useful ideas.
Quality of the tasks / Little reliability, incomplete works. / Sometimes giving quality work. / Always giving quality work.

Write the name of 3 members in the group (also yours) and evaluate each aspects of each of them.

Name / Cooperation / Participation / Quality of the tasks

Once completed, share your opinions with the group, so that you can improve your group task.

3.2.Complete the chart assessing what you have learned from the presentations and evaluate the presentations.

Not very good / Good / Excellent
Understanding, vocalization / Any effort to make themselves understood.
It is not clear or easy to understand. / Enough effort to make themselves understood. Sometimes is not clear or easy to understand. / Effort to make themselves understood. It’s clear and easy to understand.
Pronunciation / Not correct. / Correct. / Perfect.
Non-verbal communication / They don’t accompany the oral text with useful gestures and visual contact. / They sometimes accompany the oral text with useful gestures and visual contact. / They accompany the oral text with useful gestures and visual contact.
Description structure / It’s not well summarized and organized. / It could be better summarized and organized. / It’s well summarized and organized.
Harmony in group work / The presentation is not balanced and they don’t respect each other’s turn. / The presentation is quite unbalanced and sometimes they don’t respect each other’s turn. / The presentation is balanced and they respect each other’s turn.
Information, interest / The information is not interesting. / Some parts of the information are interesting. / The information is interesting.
Visual support, quality of the presentation / The images and presentation are not attractive or interesting. / Some images and some parts of the presentation are attractive or interesting. / The images and presentation are attractive and interesting.
What I have learned, what is new or surprising for me about the presentation.

You can use this chart to evaluate each aspect of each group.

Group / Understanding, vocalization / Pronunciation / Non-verbal communication / Description structure / Harmony in group work / Information, interest / Visual support, quality of the presentation

3.3.After-reflection: speaking practise.

-What do the different cities have in common?

-Is there any coincidence?

-Would you choose to travel there?

Now, you have some extra time to rethink your options. Maybe now you have changed your opinion about the city you want to visit. You can rethink the options and do the necessary changes.

Tasca principal

Main task: Planning the trip

  1. Buying the flight.
  2. Flight ticket: Have you chosen the destination?

Choose some days (up to 2 weeks from now) to go on a trip and check the ticket on the next web pages:

4.2.The boarding card: observe and check you understand the meaning of all the words.

4.3.Observe the boarding card and complete the chart with the information.

  1. Booking the stay
  2. Booking the accommodation: What kind of accommodation are you looking for?

-Many times it doesn’t depend as much on you, as it does on the budget (look for the definition).


-Here you have a relation of different accommodation types. Read them and classify them, rating from one-star to five-star.

5.2.Booking online: Have you decided what your budget allows you to book?

Check up the prices and availability on these websites:

Hotel / Beds / Facilities / Zone / Price / Availability / Advantages / Disadvantages / Do you like it?

To help you to decide, fill in the chart with the most important characteristics of each accommodation.

An advantage can be the distance within public transport, the lift, the possibility of cooking, the existence of a bar or restaurant, the distance within the city or town centre, the 24-hour reception…

5.3.Mailing for confirmation: make sure they have received your reservation by sending an e-mail to the owners of the accommodation site.

To write the e-mail, follow these instructions:

6. Planning the visit

6.1. What’s the best route?

-With your group, get a map of the city and do a list of the most interesting places to visit there.

-Look for any cultural sites like museums which may be worth visiting.

-Locate the sites you have chosen on the map and decide the best route to follow.

This is an example of a route in London. You can design one on your own of your city main attractions:

-Remember to measure the distances from point to point. Maps can be misleading! You should use a ruler to measure distances between places.

6.2. Getting along.

6.2.1.Are the distances too long? You may need to use public transport.

Look for the public transport in the area on the Internet and add them to your route.

6.2.2.When you get there, you will need to know how to buy the tickets!!

Listen to the following conversation, where a man is buying some train tickets.


-Hello, I need a ticket to London, Eusten, please.

- OK. One way or return, mate?

-Return, please. Return.

-That’ll be 37 pounds, please.

- Super, thank you very much.

- Here’s your change.

-Thank you.

6.2.3.Let’s practise the conversation in pairs.

6.3.Planning your meals.

Look for information on the Internet on the typical food they eat there and do a list of some possible meals to have there and possible restaurant or places to have them.

6.4.Time differences.

Check if there is any time difference between where you live and the place you travel to.

Use the following map to discover it.


6.5Writing the diary.

-Write the daily diary of your trip plan (a summary of what you plan to do every day).

-Remember to use all the information you have collected (flight tickets, accommodation times, timetables of visits, maps, distances and transport, meals...).

-Add the documentation to the diary.


6.5.1 GRAMMAR: The future: expressing plans.

-To express future plans we use the verb: GOING TO.

-On the first day, we’regoing to arrive at London at 10.00.

-First, we’regoing to check in the hotel.

-To do so, we’re going to take the metro until Victoria Station.

-Look at the following video to learn how it works.



-Now, let’s write a summary of your daily planning, using the correct form of the verbs.

Use your diary and summarize it.

Tasca d’ampliació

Later task: Let’s go!

  1. Packing the suitcase.

7.1.Airport instructions.

I think the man in the video will not be able to travel. You know that airport restriction rules about luggage are quite hard.

Here you have the legal basis of a popular airline company, Ryanair.

-Look for the information related to the luggage and highlight the most important points to take into account when packing your suitcase.

Example: Ryanair

7.2. Weather: weather forecast.

7.2.1. Listen to the weather forecast and fill in the blanks.


Welcome to the ______forecast. Now, let’s see what the weather is like ______. In the north of the country it’s very windy and ______. There is a chance of some _____ too, so don’t leave home without your umbrella! The ______is around 10º centigrade. In the east it’s ______all day today, I’m afraid. There may be a thunderstorm in the afternoon. The temperature is a bit higher, at around 13º. In the west and middle of the country the weather is dry, but ______. So no rain for you, but it is quite windy and the temperature is just 10º. The south of the country has the best weather today. It’s cloudy most of the time but ______this afternoon. The temperature is around 15º.

-Draw arrows with the weather as saidin the forecast.

7.2.2. GRAMMAR: The future, predictions.

- To express future predictions we use the verb: WILL.

-The general situation in the North of Scotlandwill be windy.

-It will be slightly warm in the south of Scotland.

-The maximum temperatures there today will be 16 degrees.

-Temperatures will be about 18 and 20 degrees.

-Search for the weather prediction of the city you are going to visit and fill in the diary with the weather predictions.

Here there’s a webpage you can use:


7.3. Clothes: do a list of the items of clothing you’ll be bringing on your trip.

Bear in mind the weather forecast you’ve checked and the airline restrictions you found before!!

8.At the airport.

8.1. At theairport

Airport plan-This is the plan of terminal A in Barcelona airport. Indicate where you can do the following actions.

8.2. Flight announcement


-Listen to the flight announcement and reflect on the pronunciation of these words:

announcement pleasant boardingflight delay


-Pay attention to the main vowels (with the stress) in the precedent words and classify them depending on their sound:

au / o / i / ei / e / ai / neutral e
terminal / terminal / terminal

8.2.2.Fill in the gaps now:

This is an …………………for passengers on Iberia………………IB 7839 to Madrid.

This flight is now…………………..at gate 19.

We apologize for the ……………………..and we wish you a ………………………flight.

8.2.3.Answer to the following questions.

-What is the flight number?

-Where does the flight go?

-Which boarding gate does it take off from?

-Does the flight go on time or on delay?







