Please note that this list is for guidance only. Formulations sometimes change and are always being updated; seek clarification from the manufacturing company if needed .
Part II PoisonsBrand Name / Use
A-Chem Ltd / Drain Cleaner
Agrisense Funnel Trap Insecticidal Strip / Insecticide
Alpha Azinphos Methyl 22 EC / Pesticide
Alpha Chloralose (Pure) / Rodenticide
Alpha Chloralose 4% Ready Mixed / Rodenticide
Alphakil / Rodenticide
Ammonia / Cleaner
Amillatox / Weedkiller
Amour Quicksilver / Wheel Cleaner
Ashlade Flotin / Pesticide
Ashlade Flotin 2 / Pesticide
Ataka / Kettle Descaler and Bath Stain remover
Auto Shreds / Unknown
Barclay Carbosect / Pesticide
Barclay Total / Weedkiller
Basf Phorate / Pesticide
Best-in Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Best-in Drain Cleaner / Drain Cleaner
Birlane 24 / Pesticide
Blanchards Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Blanchards Spirits of Salts / Cleaner
Blue-Pac by Odex / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Boots Moth Killer / Insecticide
Bop / Insecticide
Borite Sanitary Cleanser / Sanitary Cleanser
Brestan 60 / Pesticide
Brestan 60 SP / Pesticide
Brillo Clearway / Drain Cleaner
Calmic Flykill / Insecticide
Campa Chem / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Campbells Disulfoton FE 10 / Pesticide
Campbells DSM / Pesticide
Campbells Nico Soap / Pesticide
Campbells Phorate / Pesticide
Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Challs International Buster Drain Free / Drain Cleaner
Chem-Kazi / Chemical Toilet Fluid
CIA Fentin-475-WP / Pesticide
CIA Paraquat 200 / Weedkiller
Clean-Sweep / Weedkiller
Cromessol Fly-Away / Insecticide
Cubisan / Pesticide
Cudgel / Pesticide
Culmstock Flying Insect Killer / Insecticide
Culmstock Mothproofer / Pesticide
Cytro-Lane / Pesticide
Dacamox 5 G / Pesticide
Darmycel Dichlorvos / Pesticide
DDVP (Toxicant) Strip / Pesticide
Deepclean Freeflow Drain Cleaner / Drain Cleaner
Defest Flea Spray / Insecticide
Descalite Kettle Descaler / Kettle Descaler
Dextrone X / Weedkiller
Dexuron / Weedkiller
Disclean / Brick Cleaner (except if a builder’s material)
Disyston FE-10 / Pesticide
Disyston P-10 / Pesticide
DNC (Winter Wash) / Tree Wash
Dog-Loon / Animal Toilet Cleaner
Doubledown / Pesticide
Du-Ter 50 / Pesticide
Duratox / Insecticide
Dyfonate 10G / Pesticide
Dyno-Rod Drain Free / Drain Cleaner
Ekatin / Pesticide
Elsan Blue Bags / Chemical Toilets
Elsan Blue Concentrate / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Elsan Blue Concentrated Sanitary Fluid / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Elsan Blue Lavatory Cleaner / Toilet Cleaner
Elsan Blue Perfumed Sanitary Fluid / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Elsan Concentrate / Disinfectant
Elsan Potti Kem / Chemical Toilets
Elsanol / Chemical Toilet Preparation
Endspray / Pesticide
Enzo Caustic Soda / Caustic Soda
Famatin 560 / Pesticide
Farmon PDQ / Weedkiller
Femex Granules / Pesticide
Fielder / Pesticide
Fly Bait / Insecticide
Folimat / Pesticide
Fonofos Seed Treatment / Pesticide
Formaldehyde Pond Treatment / Pond Cleaner
Formalin General Purpose Parasite Treatment / Pond Cleaner
Golden Malrin Fly Bait / Insecticide
Gramonol 5 / Weedkiller
Gramoxone / Weedkiller
Gramoxone 100 / Weedkiller
Grovex Zinc Phosphide / Pesticide
Gustathion MS / Pesticide
Hostathion / Pesticide
Improved Golden Malrin / Insecticide
Jenolite Bath Stain Remover / Bath Stain Remover
Jeyes Kleen Off Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Jidds Kettle Defurrer / Kettle Descaler
Kay Dee Drain Clear / Drain Cleaner
Kay Dee Kettle Descaler / Kettle Descaler
Kilrock-K Kettle Descaler / Kettle Descaler
Klearwell Alphachloralose Bait / Rodenticide
Knave / Pesticide
Knock-Out / Drain Cleaner
Kontrol Kitchen Fly Killer / Insecticide
Landgold Aldicarb 10G / Pesticide
Landgold Paraquat / Weedkiller
Lannate 20L / Pesticide
Mangers Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Mangers Drain Clean / Drain Cleaner
Max Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Metasystox R / Pesticide
Mitavox / Pesticide
Moval Iron Mould Remover / Iron Mould Remover
Mr Muscle Concentrated / Drain Cleaner
Mr Muscle Drain Opener / Drain Opener
MTM Disulfoton P10 / Pesticide
MTM Phorate / Pesticide
Murphy DNOC / Unknown
Murphy Formaldehyde Soil Sterilizer / Soil Sterilizer
Nex / Pesticide
Nicotine 40% Shreds / Pesticide
Nicotine Dusts / Unknown
Nuvan 500 EC / Pesticide
Nuvan Staykil / Insecticide
Odex Racasan Improved Sanitary Fluid / Chemical Toilet Fluid
One Shot Instant Drain Cleaner / Drain Cleaner
Parable / Weedkiller
PDQ / Weedkiller
Pit Paf Insecticide / Insecticide
Power Blade / Pesticide
Power Paraqua / Weedkiller
Precede / Weedkiller
Quadrangle Super-Tin 4L / Pesticide
Racasan Sanitary Fluid / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Rampart / Pesticide
RCR Zinc Phosphide / Pesticide
Rentokil Alphakil / Rodenticide
Rodextra Mouse Bait / Rodenticide
Royal Gold Deodorizer / Chemical Toilet Preparation
San Izal Disinfectant / Germicide
Sapecom 10FG / Pesticide
Sapecom 240 EC / Pesticide
Savall / Pesticide
Scrubb’s Cloudy Ammonia / Cleaner
Scrubb’s Formulation / Unknown
Scythe / Weedkiller
Scythe LC / Weedkiller
Sentry / Pesticide
Sharpstow Laser Insect Killer / Insecticide
Shelltox Extra Fly Killer / Insecticide
Shelltox Fly Killer / Insecticide
Shift It Drain Opener / Drain Cleaner
Simoniz Drain Free / Drain Cleaner
Soltair / Weedkiller
Solvigran 10 / Pesticide
Sonar / Pesticide
Sorex Golden Fly Bait / Insecticide
Span Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Span Kettle Descaler / Kettle Descaler
Span Spirits of Salts / Cleaner
Speedway / Weedkiller
Speedway Liquid / Weedkiller
Standon Aldicarb 10G / Pesticide
Standon Paraquat / Weedkiller
Stefes Carbofuran / Pesticide
Stefes Paraquat / Weedkiller
Sundrops Ammonia / Cleaner
Sundrops Strong Ammonia Solution / Cleaner
Supaswat Insect Killer / Insecticide
Super Concentrated Sanitary Fluid / Chemical Toilet Fluid
Super-Tin 4L / Pesticide
Temik 10G / Pesticide
Tetra Homecare Caustic Soda / Drain Cleaner
Thiodan 20 EC / Pesticide
Thiodan 35 EC / Pesticide
Throttle / Pesticide
Tombel / Pesticide
Top Farm Fentin 475 WP / Pesticide
Top Farm Paraquat / Weedkiller
Top Farm Paraquat 200 / Weedkiller
Townex Mouse Bait / Rodenticide
Travis Perkins Mortar Cleaner / Brick Cleaner (except if a builder’s material)
Twinspan / Pesticide
Vapona Fly and Wasp Killer / Insecticide
Vapona Fly and Wasp Killer Spray / Insecticide
Vapona Fly Killer / Insecticide
Vapona Moth Killer / Insecticide
Vapona Professional Cockroach Killer / Insecticide
Vijurrax Spray / Insecticide
Vydate 10G / Pesticide
WBC Systemic Aphicide / Pesticide
Wintox / Pesticide
XL All Insecticide / Insecticide
XL All Nicotine 95% / Insecticide
Yaltox / Pesticide
Zinc Phosphide / Pesticide
ZP Rodent Bait / Pesticide