22ND Meeting of THE
(Mexico City, 21 – 30 April 2010)
Agenda Item 3: /Development of material for ITU-R meetings
Preparation to develop contributions to the ITU-R WP 4C
on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7
(Presented by Y. MIKUNI, Japan)
(Prepared by Y. SUZUKI, JRANSA)
SUMMARYSome issues on finalizing the CPM text at the next WP 4C meeting for WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7 are discussed including;
(1) Japan's activities of raising AMS(R)S problems and asking to develop appropriate measures to solve the problems.
(2) Concepts of the consultation meeting in the process of ensuring priority access of the AMS(R)S spectrum.
(3) Some considerations on the CPM text provided at the last WP 4C meeting.
WG-F members are asked to consider this working paper and to provide appropriate guidelines to develop contributions to the next WP 4C meeting to finalize the CPM text on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7.
1.1.WRC -07 adopted WRC-12 agenda item 1.7 in order to ensure long-term spectrum availability and access to spectrum necessary to meet requirements for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service (AMS(R)S) in the 1.5/1.6 GHz bands, and to take appropriate action on this subject, and requested ITU-R to conduct the appropriate technical, operational and regulatory studies in accordance with Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07).
1.2.The WP4C considered options for technical or regulatory means to satisfy the Agenda Item 1.7 as well as spectrum requirements for the AMS(R)S networks and provided draft CPM text but not reached to the consensus yet.
1.3This working paper presents some ideas to develop contributions to the ITU-R WP 4C on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7, and asks WG-F members to develop appropriate guidelines for their preparation of contributions to finalize the CPM text at the next WP 4C meeting so as to finalize the CPM text on this subject.
2. Background
2.1.The frequency coordination on the 1.5/1.6 GHz bands for the GSO/MSS networks is conducted under Article 9 of the Radio Regulations and two multilateral coordination fora have been established in each geographic area by the notifying Administrations of MSS networks to facilitate the coordination of these networks. Although R.R. No. 5.357A and Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07) indicate priority access and protection for the required spectrum to the AMS(R)S communications in 1.5/1.6 GHz bands, current practice in the multilateral coordination does not satisfy the spectrum requirements of an AMS(R)S operator. Additionally, as there is no relationship in multilateral coordination between Region 1&3 (Europe and Asia) and Region 2 (Americas), it poses another problem on the incompatibilities of both assignment of frequency ranges.
2.2.Administration of Japan and the MTSAT have a great concern about such situation and raised the problem and asked to improve it at every possible occasions including to propose a new Agenda Item of the WRC.
2.3WRC-07 adopted the WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7 to ensure long-term spectrum availability and access to AMS(R)S, and to take appropriate action on this subject, and requested ITU-R to conduct the appropriate technical, operational and regulatory studies to satisfy the Agenda Item.
2.4ITU-R WP 4C has been studying issues indicated by invite ITU-R i) to iv) and provided draft CPM text as Doc. 4C/TEMP/187. However, due to large disagreement on the issues between AMS(R)S group and MSS group, it was left to be discussed and finalized at the next WP 4C meeting in June 2010.
2.5Aviation community has great concerns on current status of the work in the WP 4C, and underscores the need forthe efforts to make MSS group correctly aware of the AMS(R)S problems and to establish agreement on appropriate measures to satisfy the Agenda Item.
3. Discussions
3.1Current problems and activities to ensure priority access to AMS(R)S spectrum.
3.1.1Current problems in the practice of the ORM
Although R.R. 5.357A indicates to ensure required spectrum for the AMS(R)S communications, it is difficult to achieve in practice at the frequency coordination.
The history of the spectrum assignments to one AMS(R)S network and problems are shown in the Attachment 1.
3.1.2Effort made by Japan/MTSAT to improve current situation
In the discussion of the CPM text for the WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7, some administrations consider that there is no evidence that any existing AMS(R)S system has failed to satisfy its traffic requirements within the spectrum assignments made in the coordination process, and that no dissatisfaction with the coordination outcome for an AMS(R)S network has been raised to the level of the notifying Administrations resulting in an administration invoking the priority provision of RR No. 5.357A. However, Administration of Japan and its AMS(R)S operator continued to raise the problems and requested to improve situation at every possible occasions. WRC-07 recognized the facts and agreed to set the WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7.(See Attachment 2)
3.2Ideas to solve the problem
3.2.1Summary of current problems
Noting current practices of the AMS(R)S frequency coordination including in the ORM, reasons that the provisions of R.R. 5.357A and Res. 222 are difficult to achieve are summarized as below;
(1) As the bands are congested, it is difficult to find spectrums required for MSS networks.
(2) Regional multilateral coordination fora could not solve incompatibilities of spectrum assignments with other area.
(3) As spectrum assignments in the ORM are usually made on equal basis and priority assignments to AMS(R)S network is difficult to achieve among a majority of generic MSS operators.
(4) No appropriate procedure for priority assignments to the AMS(R)S exists.
3.2.2 Methods to satisfy WRC Agenda Item
The following process should be considered to solve the problem;
(1)Spectrum requirements for AMS(R)S networks shall be determined under the consultation of ICAO experts with agreed methodology to estimate them,
(2)Required spectrum for AMS(R)S networks shall be assigned prior to MSS assignments, and,
(3)Spectrum assignments shall be conducted on global basis even the general MSS assignments are conducted on regional basis.
3.2.3Special consultation meeting for the AMS(R)S spectrum
To achieve priority assignments for the AMS(R)S spectrum under the process shown above, special consultation meeting to facilitate priority access to AMS(R)S need to be established. (See Attachment 3)
3.3 Organization of the CPM text
3.3.1The Document 4C/356 presented by the Chairman of the CPM indicates that,
"2.4Page limit and format for draft CPM texts
Draft CPM texts should be developed in the agreed format, structure and length (average page limit of 10 pages per WRC-12 Agenda item in a given Chapter of the draft CPM Report).
In particular, the following guidelines are recommended:
-the draft CPM texts should be clear and drafted in a consistent and unambiguous manner;
-font "Times New Roman 12" for normal texts should be used;
-if acronyms are used, the meaning of the acronym is to be written in full the first time it appears and a list of all acronyms to be provided at the beginning of each Chapter;
-background sections should provide general information in a concise manner in order to describe the rationale of the Agenda items (or issue(s)) and should be limited to half a page;" and
"In order to reduce the number of pages, responsible groups are encouraged to limit the number of advantages and disadvantages for each Method to a maximum of 3 each.
A "No-change" Method could also be included on a case-by-case basis, provided it is proposed by an administration together with reason(s)."
3.3.2It is proposed that the background section should be limited to show rationale of the Agenda Item and should be limited to half a page. Therefore, other descriptions in current background sections shall be given in section 5/1.7/4, Analysis of the results of studies. (See Attachment 4)
In addition, results of the study for each item indicated by invite ITU-R i) to iv) shall be given in section 5/1.7/3, Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations.
4. Proposals
WG-F members are asked to consider this working paper and to provide appropriate guidelines to develop contributions to the next WP 4C meeting to finalize the CPM text on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7.
1. Current problems in the practice of the ORM
2. Effort made byJapan/MTSAT to improve current situation
3. Concept of the Consultation Meeting
4. Proposed modifications to working document toward draft CPM text on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7
Current problems in the practice of the ORM
(Source: WG-F/21 WP9, Annex 1)
Currently, frequency coordination in the 1.5/1.6 GHz bands for the GSO/MSS networks is conducted under Article 9 of the Radio Regulations and two multilateral coordination fora, Regions 1 & 3 and Region 2, were established in each geographic area by the notifying Administrations of MSS networks to facilitate the coordination of these networks, and spectrum assignments were agreed yearly in respective operator’s meeting (the ORM).
Although the MoU, Memorandum of Understanding: the base document for conducting the ORM signed by participating Administrations, clearly indicates priority access for the required spectrum for the AMS(R)S, the MTSAT, one of the AMS(R)S network in Regions 1 & 3,has encountered difficulty inobtaining spectrum at the ORM since 2003, that its spectrum requirements has never been satisfied such as actual assignments are less than 70% of the requests agreed among operators at these meetings.
Moreover, almost a half of the spectrum assigned at the ORMis overlapping with some networks in other Region and requires tough negotiations each year placing undue operational constraints to some portion of the spectrum for the AMS(R)S network.
Table 1 History of spectrum assignments to MTSATnetworks
Year / Spectrum Requested for and agreed by the ORM(1) / Spectrum Assigned
(2) / Satisfaction Ratio
(2)/(1) / Overlapping with other Region (3) / Overlap Ratio
kHz / kHz / % / kHz / %
2000 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2001 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2002 / 600 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2003 / 1,000 / 680 / 68 / 680 / 100
2004 / 1,000 / 680 / 68 / 300 / 44
2005 / 1,000 / 700 / 70 / 400 / 57
2006 / 1,100 / 809 / 74 / 409 / 51
2007 / 1,100 / 837 / 76 / 437 / 52
2008 / 1,388 / 837 / 60 / 437 / 52
2009 / 1,400 / 977 / 70 / 280 / 29
Note: Spectrum indicated in the table are net value.
Spectrum requirements for the AMS(R)S communications are relatively small and their addition or increase of the spectrum should not be significant.
For example, MTSAT total spectrum requirements accumulating all beams in 2010 are 1.4MHz and they are only 0.3 % of total accumulating spectrum requirements of all networks (469MHz).
It is noted that MTSAT spectrum requirements are the smallest among all networks in Regions 1&3 and lowest spectrum assignments/requirements ratio (62 %), while total average is 81 %.
Reasons why MTSAT requirements are not so satisfied seem to be that;
(1)The MTSAT is the last entry and most spectrum had already beenfully occupied at the time of MTSAT’s entry,
(2)Reassignment of all networks should have been made to make enough room for new comers, but not yet be done,
(3)the ORM did not respect Res. 222 resolves 3 at all and MSS networks did not yield their assignments,
(4)There is no clear procedure to prioritize AMS(R)S spectrum in the process of developing SSA.
Moreover, it is certainly dangerous for safety communications which require long-term and stable access to the AMS(R)S spectrum that a framework of yearly multilateral coordination is probable to be blocked intentionally or unintentionally by any one of the MSS operators.
Attachment 2
Effort made by Japan/MTSAT to improve current situation
1. Introduction
Some examples of Japan's effort to improve the problem of ensuring spectrum access to AMS(R)S communications for MTSAT are presented and listed.
2. ITU-R Activity
2.1 WRC and relating activities
Since WRC-97, Japan, notifying administration of the MTSAT networks, have a great concern to future spectrum access to AMS(R)S, and actively informed its problem and asked to improve such situation to WRC.
(a) WRC-03
Administration of Japan (MIC) proposed to establish WRC-07 Agenda Item informing difficulty of achieving priority access to the AMS(R)S spectrum through the APT preparatory group meeting (APG) and CPM.
However, it was not adopted but only agreed the subject for the provisional agenda of the WRC-10
(b) WRC-07
Administration of Japan (MIC) again proposed to establish WRC-11 Agenda Item for this subject through the APT preparatory group meeting (APG) and CPM.
After tough discussions at the WRC-07, WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.7 was unanimously agreed by all regional group providing new invite ITU-R i) to iv) to Res. 222.
2.3 Study groups
In parallel with WRC activities, Japan also actively participate in ITU-R studies expressed the necessity of ensuring spectrum for the AMS(R)S communications and asking to consider practicable measures to improve the situation to SG8/WP8D (later SG4/WP4C).
3. Multilateral coordination
3.1 Multilateral coordination meeting (MLM)
Administration of Japan (MIC)repeatedly expressed concern over the dissatisfaction of the requirement of the AMS(R)S. It also expressed the necessity of ensuring spectrum access to AMS(R)S networkswith priority over other MSS networks and of harmonizing with spectrum assignments of Region 2, and then proposed to develop appropriate methods to solve the problems.
The MLM provided a provision to respect R.R. 5.357A but this was nod practicably effected.
3.2 Operator's review meeting (ORM)
Although the MLM provided a guideline to respect R.R. 5.357A, ORM did not satisfy agreed and justified spectrum requirements of the AMS(R)S communications for the MTSAT, Operator of the MTSAT, MLIT, accepted to sign the SSA in the spirit of corporation to support the MoU, but stated their dissatisfaction and requested for respecting R.R. 5.357A at each meeting and recorded it in the Summary Record.
4. Conclusion
Administration of Japan (MIC) and MTSAT operator continued to raise their concern of dissatisfaction of spectrum assignments to the AMS(R)S communications and requested to improve the problem as listed in the Table 1 and examples.
It is proposed that, based on the fact described above, descriptions such as " there is no problem for ensuring spectrum access to AMS(R)S communications and modifications of current practice under R.R. is not needed" should be removed from the CPM text.
Table 1 Document relating to raise difficulty of priority access to AMS(R)S
presented by Japan
Meeting / M/Y / Doc.No. / Title/Item / Summary / RemarksCPM02-2 / Nov. 2002 / CPM02-2/68 / Proposed text for the draft CPM report, section 7.32 / Propose WRC-07 Agenda Item
MLM-4 / Dec. 2003 / MLM4/J1 / Proposed Amendment to MoU, Special considerations to ensure frequency assignments for safety related services / Expressed concern over the dissatisfaction of the requirement of the AMS(R)S and propose to develop appropriate procedures to solve it.
MLM-4 / Dec. 2003 / MLM4/J2 / Proposed Amendment to MoU, Harmonization of frequency assignments with Region 2 / Inform difficulty ofharmonizing with spectrum assignments of Region 2 and propose to develop appropriate procedures to solve it.
CPM07-2 / Nov. 2006 / Att.3
to Doc 35 / Methods to Ensure Long-Term Spectrum Availability and Protection for the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (R) Service (AMS(R)S) / Propose WRC-11 Agenda Item / Example-1
APT Contribution
APG 2007-4 / Jan. 2007 / APG2007-4/INP-75 / Annex 2 of PROPOSAL 4 / Propose WRC-11 Agenda Item
APG 2007-5 / July 2007 / APG2007-5/OUT-17 / Annex 11 / Propose WRC-11 Agenda Item / APG output
WRC-07 / Nov. 2007 / ASP14/11A28/394, 405 / to consider results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution [ASP/AI7.2/6-XX5] (WRC-07) on the methods to ensure long-term spectrum availability and priority for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service in the bands 1 545-1 555 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz (Earth-to-space), and to take appropriate action on this subject based on current generic allocation for the mobile-satellite service; / Propose WRC-11 Agenda Item / APT Contribution
ORM9 / Dec. 2007 / Section 11 of SR / MLIT statement / Raised a concern and asked to provide appropriate measures
WP4C/1 / Mar. 2008 / 4C/52 / Items to be studied to ensure long-term spectrum availability for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service responding to Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07) / Problems on AMS(R)S frequency usage are informed and elements for the CPM text are proposed.
WP4C/3 / Apr. 2009 / 4C/190 / Methods to be considered for WRC-11 Agenda item 1.7 / Problems on AMS(R)S frequency usage are informed and metods to solve the problem are discussed.
MLM-5 / Aug. 2008 / MLM-5/J1R1 / Process to Develop SSA at the ORM, sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 / Inform difficulty of priority to assign required spectrum for safety communications and problem of conflicting with spectrum assignments of Region 2.
Propose to develop appropriate procedures to solve them.
ORM10 / Dec. 2008 / Att-18 to SR / MLIT statement to Section 11 / Raised a concern and asked to provide appropriate measures
WP4C/4 / Sep. 2009 / 4C/317 / Methods to satisfy WRC-12 Agenda item 1.7 / Problems on the priority access to spectrum for the AMS(R)S communications and ideas to solve the problems are discussed.
ORM11 / Dec. 2009 / Att.13 to SR / Statement by MLIT regarding SSA development at the ORM / Raised a concern and asked to provide appropriate measures / Example-2
WP4C/5 / Mar. 2010 / 4C/417 / Proposed elements for the draft CPM text on WRC-12 Agenda item 1.7 / Current problemson the priority access to spectrum for the AMS(R)S communications are identified and idea to solve the problem are discussed.
Example 1 Attachment 3 to Doc 35 of CPM07-2 (Nov. 2006) presented by APT
Methods to Ensure Long-term Spectrum Availability and Protection for the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (R) Service (AMS(R)S)
At WRC-97, the sub-bands 1 545-1 555 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz (Earth to-space), which had been exclusively allocated to aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMS(R)S) for communications relating to safety and regularity of flights (messages with priority 1 to 6 as per Article 44 of the Radio Regulations) were made generic mobile-satellite service (MSS) allocations with a provision, now amended and renumbered as No. 5.357A, to prioritize and protect AMS(R)S. However, these frequency bands are fully used and thus it is difficult to accommodate required spectrum for safety services, although it is prioritized and protected by the above provisions.
Example 2 Attachment 13 to Summary record of ORM11(Dec. 2009)
Statement by MLIT regarding SSA development at the ORM
MLIT appreciate great effort of Inmarsat and Thuraya for developing common single SSA for the year 2010 including effort to resolve incompatibility between MTSAT assignments and North American assignments. MLIT expects further improvement in the future.
However, MLIT still have a concern that the ORM could not take any appropriate action to satisfy spectrum requirements of the MTSAT, which is the smallest among all operators.
All operators are encouraged to consider appropriate process of developing the SSA taking into account of the Article 14.3 and Annex 7 d) of the MoU.
Attachment 3
Concept of the Consultation meeting