Preparation of Summary Papers for ICAM 2015

Taro Waseda*1, Hanako Todai*2

*1Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-8555 Japan

*2Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656 Japan

The goal of this article is to give you basic instructions for preparing summary papers for the International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015. Please prepare your manuscripts following the guidelines described in this article.


The goal is to prepare yourmanuscript for the International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015.(ICAM2015). Manuscripts must be provided in electronic format, with all images embedded. Only PDF filecan be accepted. To insure that summary papers will be reproduced clearly and in proper size and form, authors should observe the following instructions.

2Paper format

The size of the summary paper should be A4. Both top and bottom margins should be 25 mm, and both left and right marginsshould be 15 mm. The main body of the text should be single-spaced and arranged in a two-column format.

It is required that total page number is 1 or 2.The maximum file size is 2MB.

3Type size and fonts

Try to follow the type sizes as below as possible:

Paper Title:14 points, bold

Authors' Names:12 points, regular

Authors' Affiliation: 10 points, regular

Main Text:10 points, regular

Section Title:10 points, bold

Abstract:10 points, regular

Figure Captions:10 points, regular

References: 9 points, regular

4Title of your summary paper and abstract

Center the title on the page so as to run across the upper portion of the summary paper. The name of the authors and their affiliation should follow on separate lines using fonts described in section 3. A brief abstract should be included as the first paragraph of the paper.

5References style

List and number all the references in the order they appear in the text [1].

6Figures and tables

Figures and tables should be placed at the top and bottom of columns. Fig. 1 and Table 1 are samples.The graphics should have resolutions of 300 dpi.

Fig. 1 Sample figure

Table 1 An example of a table

Year / Place
2015 / Tokyo

7Creating PDF files for ICAM2015

DO NOT use password protection to a PDF file.

All fonts must be embedded and subsetted in the PDF.

8Due date

All authors are required to keep the deadline. Submission deadline is September10, 2015.


[1]Taro Osaka, “Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format for ICAM2010”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2010(ICAM2010), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-2, 2010.