FWISD Summer


Preparation Courses

Offered at 12High School

Sites in Fort Worth

Raise Test Scores

Entry to College of Choice

Win Scholarships

About FWISD’s Summer Course

The PSAT/SAT courses offered at the various sites indicated in this brochure will cover the basic concepts necessary for success on these college readinessassessments.Among the things addressed will be critical reading skills, mathematics reasoning skills, test-taking skills, essay/writing skills and vocabulary enhancement.Sites will address students’ ability levels and needs. Students will be provided several versions of the PSAT and SAT (used as teaching materials during the course).Students will also be provided with actual PSAT and/or SAT score results for the purpose of measuring progress.

ANY student in the Fort Worth area may choose to attend the sites described here.

Fort Worth ISD will not provide bus transportation to any of the PSAT/SAT sites.

The basic price of the PSAT/SAT course is $150.00 for families who live within Fort Worth ISD.Students are encouraged to register early for the summer course, andwe are offering a reduced price of $150.00 for students who register ON ORBEFORE MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016. After May 16,2016 the price is $175.00. Your payment must be RECEIVED by May 16,2016 in order to receive the reduced tuition.Scholarship Application Forms are available upon request at designated sites and must be approved by the specific site coordinator(s) of the summer course site attending.

We expect class size to range from 15 to 25 students per study skill section.We will schedule students in critical reading, math, and writing sections, according to their needs.

This course is an excellent skills-building experience for all college-bound students.Itcan help students in all course trajectories, regular, Pre-AP, AP and students for whom English is a second language.Any student who will be in high school in 2016-2017 is welcome to participate, and parents of younger students are invited to call the site of their choice to discuss possible inclusion.Several 8th grade students have participated in past years.

We encourage interested students and families to submit the registration form and payment,as soon as possible, to the contact person at your chosen site.(Names, addresses, and phone numbers of these persons are included in this brochure.)You may wish to call the contact person if you have questions about the summer course – with regard to content, structure, payment options, etc.BE SURE to discuss payment options with the contact person at your chosen site.

Families will receive a registration acknowledgment orreminder as the opening date approaches for the chosen session.