Name: ______Period: ______


Anatomy and Physiology

(PART I: Introduction, Parts of the Heart, and Pathway of Blood)

Where is your heart located? Use the stethoscope to find the location of the heartbeat and place a star on the body below where the heart is located.

Observe the heart pumping blood. Which additional organ works with your circulatory system to give oxygen to all of your cells?______

Roll your cursor over the heart to IDENTIFY the parts of the human heart! In addition, circle the part with a BLUE pen or pencil to represent DEOXYGENATED BLOOD and use a RED pen or pencil to represent OXYGENATED BLOOD.

Left Atrium Pulmonary Vein Pulmonary Artery

Flash Cards on Parts of the Heart

Step One: View the flash cards several times.

Step Two: Press on the box that is titled "LEARN." Try to type in the correct term that matches each description.

Step Three: Press on the box that is titled "TEST." When you are done with the test, record the number of questions you had that where correct and the number that where incorrect. In addition, have your teacher sign the box that says "Completed Practice Test."

Number of Questions Correct ______/14


Number of Questions Incorrect ______/14 Completed Practice Test (Teacher's Signature)

Play the labeling game above. Label the heart diagram below, and record the amount of time it took you to play the game!

About the Heart and Circulatory System

What are the three main parts of the circulatory system?

A. ______B. ______C. ______

Define the two types of circulation discussed on the site:

Pulmonary Circulation: ______

Systemic Circulation: ______

Click on "The Heart: Slideshow" and view the animation of blood flow through the heart and fill in the blanks below.

When blood circulates in the body, it enters the heart through the ______, passes through to the ______, and flows out through the ______to the ______-where it picks up ______and gets rid of

______. From the lungs, blood returns to the ______and enters the ______where it is pumped to the body through the ______.



Watch the videos above on the pathway of blood. Write out the flow of blood from the time it enters the heart to the time it leaves the heart. In addition, outline each box with a red or blue pen/colored pencil to show low levels of oxygen (BLUE) and high levels of oxygen (RED).

PART II: Blood Pressure & Blood Vessels

Understanding Blood Pressure Readings

Complete the table below:

Blood Pressure Category / Systolic
mm Hg (upper #) / Diastolic
mm Hg (lower #)
Normal / and
Prehypertension / or
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 1 / or
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 2 / or
Hypertensive Crisis
(Emergency care needed) / or

Give a brief description of each blood pressure category below



High blood pressure (stage 1): ______


High blood pressure (stage 2): ______


Hypertensive crisis: ______


Describe the two blood pressure numbers and what they mean


Diastolic: ______


Which number is more important? ______

Why is blood pressure measured in mm Hg? ______


What causes high blood pressure? List four causes and identify if any of these causes are preventable or controllable.

Cause / Preventable (Yes or No)

Watch the video on the types of blood vessels. If the video is not working, you will have to refer to your notes or research each answer.

1. Arteries contain blood that is
a. high in oxygen.
2. Arteries carry blood / b. low in oxygen. / c. both high and low in oxygen.
a. away from the heart.
3. The smallest blood vessel is the / b. to the heart. / c. both away and to the heart.
a. vein / b. artery / c. capillary

4.Which blood vessel is the site of diffusion, where oxygen is dropped off and carbon dioxide is picked up?

a.arteryb. capillaryc. vein

5.Veins contain blood that is

a.high in oxygen. b. low in oxygen. c. both high and low in oxygen.

6.Veins carry blood

a.away from the heart. b. to the heart. c. both away and to the heart.

Click "Let's Go!"

Click on "Blood Pressure"

1. Why can having low blood pressure be just as dangerous as having high blood pressure? ______

______Click "Replay"

Click "Arteries"

2.Why is the blood in your arteries bright red? ______

3.As arteries get farther and farther away from the heart they get smaller and smaller and branch into tiny blood vessels called ______.

Click "Replay" Click "Capillaries"

4. What is the function of capillaries in your body? ______

6. Why does the capillary change color as it passes buy your body cells? ______

______Click "Replay"

Click "Veins"

7.Veins collect blood from ______and bring it back to the heart.

8.Why is the blood in veins dark red (blue)? ______

9.Inside your veins there is ______pressure.

a. highb. low

Part III: Blood

1. Be a scientist and take a closer look at the components of blood! Click on each cell to find out more about it and answer the questions below. Note: You will have to click "Replay" to view the function of each part of blood.

Component (Part) of Blood / Job / What do they look like?
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells

See the facts below the blood vessel to answer the questions below.

1.Where are blood cells made? ______

2.True or False: White blood cells can leave the blood vessels and travel into your tissues. Why would this be an advantage? ______

3.What are the four blood types?

A. B. C. D.

4.Which blood type is most common? ______

5.What is "blood count?" ______Click on "Yucky Bites"

6.What is in pus? ______

7.Why does blood taste salty? ______


1.Blood is called the “River of ______”because it carries:

2.______is the FLUID COMPONENT of blood and makes up______%.

3.______makes up the remaining percentage of blood.

4.Red Blood Cells are also known as ______. What is their main function? ______


5.How are Red Blood Cells designed to perform this function? ______


6.What does HYPOXIA or CYONOTIC mean? ______

7.How long do Red Blood Cells live for?______


1.White blood cells are also known as ______.

2.Almost all blood cells are formed from ______, a type of stem cell found in the ______.

3.White blood cells called MACROPHAGESperformPHAGOCYTOSIS…what is this process? ______Draw a picture to support your answer:


1.Every second, ______are destroyed in the human body.

2.Human blood is ______. It is the ______; a pigment present in the ______that is responsible for the ______color of the blood.

3.______is nothing but the sound produced by the closure of ______of the heart when the blood is pushed through its chamber.

4.A ______'s heart beat is faster than that of a ______'s.

5.The human heart continues to ______even after it is taken out of the body or cut in to pieces.

Facts About Blood

1.Blood makes up around ______of the weight of a human body.

2.Blood contains ______, ______and ______.

3.These blood cells float in a yellow liquid called blood ______. Blood ______is made up of ______water and also contains various nutrients, electrolytes, gases, proteins, glucose and hormones.