PREP BASKETBALL: Bibb steps down from Bobcats

by Craig DelkHerald Citizen


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BYRDSTOWN -- Greg Bibb has had a great run as the PickettCounty boys basketball coach. But in the end, he wanted to do what was best for his family.
Bibb -- a former Tennessee Tech standout who guided the Bobcats for eight years -- stepped down from his post at the end of the school year to pursue other business opportunities. He is no longer in the school system, and girls coach Brent Smith has been helping the boys in the interim.
"We were in a situation where we've got a huge opportunity with Zija," Bibb said, "and it's pulling me in a few different directions, a little bit more as we continue to grow. So I have to do what's best for family, and what's gonna take care of my family the best."
That doesn't mean the decision was an easy one.
"Come November, I guarantee you there's gonna be a little bit of a void, and I hope I'm really busy at that time with other things because I know I'm gonna miss it," said Bibb, who compiled a 171-90 record with the Bobcats. "I'm not gonna say down the road that there's not a chance of me coaching because I am gonna miss it. I probably will look back into it in another few years."
But with the growing business, combined with the rigorous coaching schedule, Bibb knew he had to make a decision.
"When we started with it, I poured myself into it," said Bibb, who played for the Golden Eagles from 1993-96. "At times, my family suffered because of it. At times, I've put my family on the backburner because if I wasn't at one of my team's practices or games, I would be scouting a game. Or if I was fortunate enough to be home, I was watching film.
"It was just something all the time, and I know my family deserves more than that."
Bibb -- who started his coaching career with a season at Van Buren County -- began his tenure with the Bobcats in 2003-04 and guided them to the state tournament during the 2004-05 season, plus two subsequent sectional appearances. Five times they won 22 games or more, and in 2010-11 he led a young squad to the Region 4-A semifinals, where they fell to eventual state qualifier ClayCounty.
"The thing I loved the most is just hanging out with the kids, the camaraderie that we had," Bibb said. "We've been so fortunate there at PickettCounty to have such great kids. I could take them anywhere and not have to worry about them. I could take them into a restaurant and not have to worry about them acting up or having to call them down, or take them three hours away and have to stay in a hotel and not have to worry about them acting up. That's a testament to some of the parents there. It's been a really fun eight years on the coaching side of it."
He certainly isn't leaving the cupboard bare. District 7-A Tournament MVP Brannon Roop is back for his senior year, as is classmate Chase Ferrell, a 7-A Third Team honoree. Two more key players, All-Upper Cumberland Freshman of the Year Peyton Garrett and All-UC Freshman Team member Kyle Hughes, give the team a great young nucleus.
"I fully expect them to be at the top of the district and region, and have a chance to go to the state tournament this next year," Bibb said. "They lost two starters (Ben Aaron and Heath Elder) -- of course, those two starters meant a lot to us -- but we have kids ready to step up and fill those voids. I fully expect great things out of them.
"I'm still gonna have a chance to watch a few games next year, and I'm going to get to as many as I possibly can," he continued. "I love those kids, and I'll still do anything in the world to help them. But we just have to do what's right for our family at this time."
In the meantime, Smith -- who preceded Bibb with the Bobcats -- got the team some playing time in this week's first camp session at Tennessee Tech. But it's only a temporary gig, as the search process for a new coach is in full swing.
"They didn't have anybody who could take them to camp, and I didn't want to see them go without going to camp," Smith said. "We practiced a few days, and I took them to camp just to help them out. We're actually taking applications now, so we're gonna try to get something done soon. I didn't want them to have to rush in to hire somebody."
Smith may fill in again over the next couple weeks.
"We're gonna try to get them some more days if they don't have a hire by then," Smith said. "I'll try to get them in another three or four days somewhere. We're just trying to do the best we can with them right now."
After coaching the Bobcats for the last week, Smith agrees with Bibb's assessment.
"Somebody's gonna get a nice group of kids, and a chance to go a long way in tournament time, I believe," he said. "They're very talented, they play hard, and it's gonna be fun for somebody."

Read more: Herald Citizen - PREP BASKETBALL: Bibb steps down from Bobcats