Covenant Presbyterian Church

9:30 a.m.Austin, TexasApril 13, 2014

Palm Sunday


PreludePrelude on “St. Theodulph” Healey Willan


Please sign the friendship register at this time and pass it down the row, then return it to its original position,

noting the names of those worshiping with you. At the conclusion of the service, take time to greet one another in the name of Christ.

Passing of the Peace

As God has greeted us with his peace, please greet those around you with signs of Christ’s peace.

Praising God

*Call to Worshipfrom Psalm 27

Leader:The Lord is my light and salvation; whom shall I fear?

People:The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Leader:One thing shall I seek after all the days of my life.

People:To live in the house of the Lord and to behold His beauty forever.

All:Come and let us worship God!

*Processional HymnAll Glory, Laud, and HonorHymn 265

Choral IntroitHosanna to the LordBecki Slagle Mayo

Combined Children’s Choirs and Resonant Ringers

*Prayer of Adoration

Prayer of Confession

Loving God,we come to you this morning with songs of praise on our lips. Our voices join with the crowd who shout “Hosanna!” Yet we are also like the crowd in our desire to control you

rather than follow you. Free us from this idolatry. Forgive us. Allow us to see you more fully than ever before that we might behold your greatness and follow you all the days of our lives. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Grace and Pardon

*Response To Our ForgivenessGloria Patri (Glory Be to the Father)Hymn 734

Ministry of the Word

ScriptureMatthew 21:1-13New Testament, page 802

SermonShow Me the TempleThomas Daniel

* Those who are able, please stand

Response to the Word

*Hymn of Response Hosanna, Loud HosannaHymn 267

Prayers of the People

Offering of our Lives and Gifts

OffertoryBlessed AssurancePhoebe P. Knapp

Marion Johnson, guest soloist Tammy Linn, violin

*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymn 34

*Prayer of Thanksgiving and The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts

as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn for Going ForthMy Savior’s LoveHymn 277


*PostludePrelude in C MinorFelix Mendelssohn

Participating in This Service of Worship

All who worship here – visitors, members, friends, family

Jill Williams at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 contemporary, Munn Hinds at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 traditional

Lay Liturgists: Cheryl Banks at 8:15, Marilyn Adams at 9:30; Bob Peterson at 11:00 traditional

John Schmidt, organist

Marion Johnson is the sister of Covenant member, A.V. Ootsey.

Children’s Choir directors: Music Makers – Barb Miaso, Praise Makers and Sunshine Singers – Julie Pitner, Carolers – Stacy Curtis, and Choristers – Alice Sessi. Accompanist today is David Kerr.

The Resonant Ringers – Linda Rutherford, director

Daniel Izquierdo preaching at 11:30 at Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó (our sister church in Cuba)

The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God by Gloria Moreno and family in honor of Tony Moreno’s 90th birthday on April 22.

The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God by Sydney Langley, Lindsey Sartain and Evan Westerburg in memory of Will Langley on the occasion of his birthday. Will would have been 33 years old today.

For more information about events at Covenant, please see Covenant Matters.

If You Are New to Covenant

Welcome! We are thankful you have chosen to worship with us today! We ask that you identify yourself by signing the red attendance book in each pew. Following each service, you are invited to stop by our brochure rack to pick up information on Covenant’s many groups, programs and events. We want you to feel welcome here and hope that we can help you find ways to grow in your faith.

Four services of worship are offered each Sunday—8:15 a.m. (a traditional Communion service), 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (traditional services), and 11:00 a.m. (contemporary service). A shuttle service carries worshipers from the parking lot at 5508 Parkcrest Drive, 1/2 mile west of Covenant. A second shuttle runs from Texan Eye Center at 5717 Balcones Drive at Northland Drive, two blocks west of campus. Both shuttles run from 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Covenant Prays

Prayers of sympathy and support: Robbin and James Marroquin, family and friends, on the death of James’ grandmother, Margaret Martin, on April 5.

Pastor Daniel Izquierdo, family and friends, on the death of his wife, María Hernández Betancourt, on March 23, in Havana, Cuba.

Prayers for recently hospitalized: Bill Hawkins, Julie Pirkey, Fran Langfitt.

Prayers for: Janelle Hudler, Michael Myers, Gloria Moreno, Brent Stover,Erin Finney, Jan Williams, David Jones, Bob Butcher, Al Sparks, Michelle Waag, Jack Wiswell, Peggy Dougal, Buddy Fults, Larry Schrader, Helen Swanson, Jim Kleinhenz, Gini Nester, Ann Thornton, Albert Iglesias, Jamie Macdonald, Elizabeth Whitehead, Sue Psencik, Bert Armstrong, Billie Drake, Gloria Hazelwood, Kaye Roth, Leslie Bagby, Vi Lee,Bruce Romig, Lois Romig, Debbie Alsup, Gary Stratman, Vince Obar, Pete Antoniewicz, Beth Dudenhefer, and Leslie Rosenstein.

Prayers for people serving in our country’s armed forces: USN LCDR Bryan Gunkel, USA Col. Janet Riley, USAF Lt. Katy Deiters,USAF A1C Taylor Cotham, USMC 1st Lt. Will Hendrickson, USN LCDR Dallas Pope, Spc. Jeffrey Ramsey, USA Maj. Seth Pruett, USA Capt. Matt Irwin, USN LCDR Austin Wade Latour, USAF Lt. Col. Joseph Chennault, USA SFC Kevin Guy, USMC Staff Sgt. Jeremy Alexander, USN PO1 Drew Schlotter.

Prayers requested by our sister church, Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó, in Havana Cuba- Por la familia de María Hernández. Por Albertico Iglesias, Dr. Rolando Sánchez y Rosa María Álvarez. Por nuestra propia iglesia en Luyanó, sus proyectos para extender la misión en espíritu de testimonio y servicio a la comunidad. Por las ancianas y ancianos que dependen de nuestro programa de alimentación. Por el Centro y sus trabajadores, sus planes presentes y futuros.

Prayers requested by the Mission Committee: Samaritan Counseling Center, and Julie & Allen Weeks at Partners in Hope.

Prayers requested by the Session:Prayers of thanksgiving to God for Covenant’s newly ordained and installed elders and deacons and prayers of encouragement for brothers and sisters in Christ at Kairos Church in Atlanta as they enter an interim season.

Although prayer requests will be removed from this listing after three weeks, please contact Kay Austin in the church office, 334-3030, or , if prayer continues to be requested.

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