AGNC Committee Meeting
/ 7/11/13 / BirminghamAttendees / Laura Boyes (Chair) , Anita Bruce (Vice Chair) , Liwsi Kim Protheroe-Davies (Treasurer), Oonagh Claber (Secretary), Cath King, Peter Marks , Claire Giffney ( Co-opted new GC rep)
minutes taken by / Oonagh Claber
Agenda Items
MAtters arising from minutes of AGNC committee Meeting 18th June 2013
DiscussionCommittee meeting minutes
- Exome sequencing working group feedback document. Further discussion with Chris Patch and Anna Middleton decided that it would be okay to submit for publication within agreed terms. Rejected by BMJ and now submitted to ESHG Journal. Position statement on AGNC website
- Career Structure document not to review yet but put it in wider domain rather than in members section.
- Re constitution – not sure whether BSHG is still a trading name and if constitution needs changing
- AGNC email group Sara does check new members are AGNC members but not if someone leaves._ need to check current group members against AGNC membership
- AGNC logo no action as yet
- Workforce Planning – Still to be Done
- Accounts to go on website from this year
- Minutes ( non embedded as from 7/11/13) to go on Website
- Peter to Link with Phil Leonard re website.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Check with Dina re changes to constitutions / Laura Boyes / Next Meeting
Check AGNC Email Group against membership / Cath King / Next meeting
Ensure notification goes to secretary of membership lapse/ end. Secretary to inform email group moderator / Anita Bruce / Next meeting
Speak to Cindy Zaitsoff re logo / Anita Bruce
Minutes/treasurer report on website / Liwsi Kim & Peter Marks
Chairs report
More delegates at BSGM still made 20k loss- was expected but need to promote more. Other groups joining dermato-genetics and ophthalmology. Suggest more educational sessions –
Students – Discussed membership fee for students, currently get a reduced conference rate. Agreed to also allow students of approved MSc in genetic counselling free membership until after completion date of MSc.
Other societies have sub meetings at BSGM but nothing from us. Suggest business meeting to be organised in Feb/ June
Funding for AVR – BSGM no money.
Open great debate up to public.
National genomics and education centre are going to be part of Health Education England.
CGG now have a lead clinicians group developing - Tamoxifen leaflet
JCMG meeting
Lots of discussion re 100k genome project. Some of which was positive.
National screening committee- thinking about NIPT and CAH. Thinking also about screening for carrier of sickle cell and thalassemia in school children - no outcome
Array CGH setting up a workshop around array CGH in pregnancy whether to use targeted or generalised arrays and also issues around consent. Need to suggest potential stakeholder. Possible specialist fetal medicine GC - and ARC and UNIQUE
EACH study now PAGE
LB raised issues around no funding for training which was noted by DOH /
Non invasive testing for trisomies looking towards implementation in 2015.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Speak to Dina re marketing Student membership / LKPD / Feb meeting
Plan for business meeting at AGM / All / Feb meeting
Ask Sally Taffinder if she would be happy in principle to be involved in array workshop / AB / ASAP.
VICe Chair’s report
Discussion-Discussion around panel testing-vast majority of new test approved are panel tests
-UKGTN website – lady who designed website keen to engage with us to promote. People generally happy with new website. Hopefully information will be more easily accessible.
-Education centre new website and tools they are devising
-Test activity rates- good data for everyone except Wales who had failure of their database. Drafts have been distributed to the heads of laboratories and heads of service.
-Workshops to engage people outside genetics, next one may be on Breast cancer
-Positive support re AVR- shared concerns re training of GC.
-Going to run a conference on cardiology.
-IS there a role for us in BRCA workshop?
-Rare disease plan to be published this month.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Speak to Shela Mohamed GC involvement in BRCA workshop / Anita Bruce / Feb Meeting
DiscussionMain change is due to increase in uptake of Travel awards and also JCGCR meetings.
Amendments to be circulated and approved by email
Liwsi Kim Protheroe-Davies to take over as treasurer form today.
Thanks to Cath for her work as Treasurer
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Updated accounts / Cath King / done
Trainee Issues
/claire Giffney
Discussion- 25 members now – no issues to report back
- TOR – Claire has drawn up and reviewed by Liwsi Kim, These were reviewed and minor amendments made. To be put on as part on New trainee page and have tab to new GC section.
- Trainee day - May be useful but to discuss with training panel
- Titles of those in training-need to discuss with Lead GCs.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Trainee day – need to speak to Judy Tocher. / Claire Giffney
Issue re progression and titles to be taken to Lead GC meeting. / OC/LB / FEB 14.
conference issues
Discussion- Need another AGNC rep on BSGM organising committee. Ideally someone on committee.
- Spring Meeting Venue booked, in BristolHospital’s Trust education centre. May be a bit cramped for dining. No major transport issues. Programme being developed. Castings not complete but will aim for £95 member fee and £60 student member fee £120 non member.
- £250 threshold for approval with treasurer
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Review BSGM rep / Committee / End November
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Re Dashboard – Add to agenda to next Lead meeting to look at the data produced.
Need to ask lead GC regarding to data is collected. Laura and Oonagh to Liaise to formulate questions to ask Lead GCs before taking further
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Develop questions for lead GC / OC/LB / Dec 13.
DiscussionPilot 10000 by end of year. Consent forms yet. Concerns re medical record issues. Should we be identifying future issues with Genetic Counsellors regarding workforce and training?
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Draft enquiry to highlight issue – send to Mike Caulfield and John Chisolm / LB, AB CG
travel awards
DiscussionNeed to check to ensure all articles produced and course attended.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Check awards / CK
Discussion / -Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Discussion-Lot of work by GCRB and JCGCR happening in the background. Need Approx 20k
-RE funding all constituent BSGM groups are supportive but unlikely to be able to support.
-Angela Douglas has written to Chief executives of host trusts to ask for £500 towards this which is likely to be cascaded to Directorate managers. Letters also going to Lead GCs and lead Clinicians.
-Have £5000 donated from anonymous trust fund.
-Need registrants vote to hopefully by spring meeting
-Video around AVR is being produced.
Training posts
DiscussionTraining panel looking to various sources for funding for training post. Have met with Mark Caulfield. LB, Georgina Hall and Chris Patch planning attend next meeting. Continue to raise issue at all meetings.
Raising profile does appear to help from the experience in those involved in Modernising Scientific careers.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Discussion / -
Currently available privately Have been asked by Gilly Bromilow if there is position statement from BSGM regarding this
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Write to GB / LB / Nov 13
electronic records
/Anita Bruce
DiscussionGOS electronic records- being incorporated into wider trust records and cannot be closed. Some concerns regarding this including issues re other family members and confidentiality.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Take to genethics / Peter Marks / Nov 13
Contact Cambridge as they are in process / Anita Bruce / Nov 13
Array CGH
DiscussionGC not represented in EACH study need to keep on the agenda.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
DiscussionEmail to membership re what they use website for
Phil Leonard taking over.
Secretarial Issues
DiscussionPeter Marks to take over