April 8, 2018


9:30 A.M.

Prelude…………………………………….Organist:Alma Verburg

Pianist:Joyce Van Berkum


Call to Worship

Opening Prayer


*Hymn # 63…………………………………………..“Praise Him!”

Moment for Mission: Awana Program


Prayers of Intercession


1st: Church Ministry Fund

2nd: Northwestern College

*Doxology/Offertory Prayer

*Song…………………………………………………….“We Believe”

Scripture………………………………………………John 20:24-28

Scripture Reader:Brian Vande Hoef

Message………………………………………………Pastor Verlyn

“My Lord and My God”

Prayer for Blessing on the Word

*Confession of Faith: (Q/A 46 Heidelberg Catechism)

I believe that on the third day following his death on the cross, Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

I believe that Christ’s resurrection benefits us because by his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might make us share in the righteousness he won for us by his death. Also, by his power we too are already now resurrected to a new life and Christ’s resurrection is a guarantee of our glorious resurrection.

*Song……………………………………………….“In Christ Alone”


*Closing Song…………………………………………..“He is Lord”


*If you are able, please stand with us

John 20:24-28

Jesus Appears to Thomas

24Now Thomas(also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.25So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side,I will not believe.”

26A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said,“Peacebe with you!”27Then he said to Thomas,“Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”


Welcome to the First Reformed Church, we are glad to have you worshiping with us. Please join us for coffee, juice, and cookies following the morning service.

Calendar for the Day

9:30 AM Morning Worship

10:50 AMSunday School/Membership Classes

11:00 AMCongregational Meeting

4:00 PMCommunion @ Whispering Heights

Pianist: Joyce Van Berkum

Those Serving Today

Nursery–Jacob & Tyse Brosamle & Brooklin Wiersma

Greeters: Randy & Wanda Bliek(NF)

Keith & Doris Boer(SF)

Arlyn & Shirley Boersma (N)

Ross & Brooke Bousema(O)

Ushers–Jesse & Ethan Van Egdom, Gary Miller

Sound –Taylor family

Lift –Marv Hoogendoorn

Coffee – Gary & Donna Miller

Elder Greeters –Jerry Kelderman(B), Ralph Bousema(BW), Marv Vonk(O), Pastor Verlyn(FE),Marlan Hoogendoorn (FW)

Offering: Church Ministry Fund

Northwestern College

Prayers & Praises

Bev Vande Vegte as she continues immunotherapy.

“At The Well” Ministry team as they servethe Women

of the South Dakota prison. Richard Schwanke is part

of the ministry team.

We express our Christian Sympathy to the family and

friends of Marlys Groeneweg. Marlys passed away

on Monday; funeral services were held on Friday.

Calendar for the week

Monday, April 9:

3:30 PMThe Block

6:00 PMExec. Team Mtg.

7:00 PMElder’s Mtg.

7:00 PMDeacon’s Mtg.

8:00 PMConsistory Mtg.

Tuesday, April 10:

3:00 PMClassis Exams @ Central Reformed

Church, Sioux Center

3:30 PMKids’ Block

6:30 PMGrace Bible Study

Wednesday, April 11:

3:30 PMThe Block

6:30 PMCLASS/JAM @ Whispering Heights

Thursday, April 12:

3:30 PMKids’ Block

7:00 PMSearch Team Mtg.

Those Serving Sunday, April 15:

Pastor Verlyn will lead worship. Our congregation will serve at The Lighthouse following worship.

Nursery– Marlan & Bonnie Hoogendoorn

Greeters –Ralph & Sheri Bousema (NF)

Jim & Esther Bouwman (SF)

Kevin & Melinda Bouwman(N)

Bill & Carol Bouwman (O)

Ushers –Matt Vande Kamp, Micah Vis, Tim Landegent

Sound –Kelderman family

Ministry of Music – Kingdom Builders

Children’s Message –Dawn De Wit

Lift –Duane Ver Mulm

Coffee –Laurie Baatz & Bud Vogelzang

Offering – Church Ministry Fund


1501 16th St., PO Box 174

Rock Valley, IA 51247

Office Hours: T-Th 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Pastor Verlyn(712)476-9952

Pastor Verlyn (home)(712)722-2978

Sheri (Office)(712)476-2376

Jen (Youth)(712)476-9951

Kids’Block/The Block(712)476-2674



Pastor Verlyn:

Sheri Bousema:

Jen Taylor:


Digital Channel 76.78

DVR Channel 78

Analog Channel 12

Morning Services are broadcast live.


