logo(s) of the partner institution(s)
Agreement on joint international supervision (“cotutelle”) of Doctoral Thesis
Having regard to the French Code of Education, in particular its articles L. 123-7, L. 612-7, D. 611-1 to D. 611-6, D. 123-13 and D. 123-14, to the Ministerial Order of 7th August 2006 concerning the doctoral training and in accordance with the provisions of the Ministerial Order of 6th January 2005 concerning the joint international supervision of doctoral theses:
[Having regard to …. to be completed by the partner institution]
The UniversitéParis-Saclay, located at EspaceTechnologique, immeuble Discovery, RD 128, Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers, 91160 Saint Aubin, France, represented by its President, Mr Gilles Bloch
[full name of the partner institution] (hereafterreferred to as[short name of the partner institution]), located at [address of the partner institution], represented by its [capacity of the Head of the partner institution: president/director], [title: Mrs, Ms, Mr, first name and family name of the Head of the partner institution].
have agreed to enter into an Agreement for the joint supervision of a doctoral thesis (hereafter referred to as “the Agreement”), in order to specify the administrative and pedagogical arrangements for the preparation by
[title of the doctoral candidateMrs/Ms/Mr], [first name and family name of the doctoral candidate], born on [date of birth of the doctoral candidate, in full] at/in [place and country of birth of doctoral candidate], [nationality]
of a doctoral thesis in the framework of a joint international supervision.
Title I: Definitions
1.1 The Agreement:designates the set comprising the present Agreement on joint international supervision of doctoral thesis as well as its annexes (Annex I: Calendar of the research stays, Annex II: Doctoral training programme. Annex III: Doctoral degree certificates, Annex IV: Intellectual property) and its possible amendments.
1.2 The Party:designates one of the institutions providing the doctoral training to the doctoral candidate.
1.3 The Parties:designates jointly the UniversitéParis-Saclay and the institution [short name of the partner institution] providing the doctoral training to thedoctoral candidate.
1.4 The doctoral candidate:designates the physical person whose doctoral training is provided by the Parties.
1.5 The doctoralproject:designates the research project carried out by the doctoral candidate in the framework of [her/his]doctoral training.
1.6 The institution preparing to the doctorate:designates the Higher Education institution (Université Paris-Sud), preparing to the doctorate, and member of the UniversitéParis-Saclay, which will proceed with the registration of the doctoral candidate and whose name will be mentioned on the doctoral diploma.
1.7 The doctoral school:designates the component of the Université Paris-Saclay or of the partner institution [short name of the partner institution]which organizes doctoral training.
1.8 The research unit:designates the component of the UniversitéParis-Saclay or of the partner institution [short name of the partner institution] at which the doctoral candidate is hosted and where the Doctoral Project is prepared.
1.9 The thesis directors:designates physical persons respectively from the UniversitéParis-Saclay and from the institution [short name of the partner institution]who take joint responsibility for the scientific management of the doctoral project.
Title II: Administrative arrangements
Article 1: Duration [SP1]and effective date of the Agreement
The registration of the doctoral candidate for a doctorate degree at the UniversitéParis-Saclay[PS2]will be effective as of [effective date of the Agreement]. The duration of the Agreement will be three (3) years.
If the doctoral candidate is authorized by both Parties to register for doctoral degree beyond this initial period of three years; the present Agreement may be tacitly extended for the new period covered by the registration (one year). Such tacit extension cannot exceed two years.
Article 2: Registration for Doctorate
As of the beginning of the academic year [academic year], the Candidate is registered for doctorate degree:
-of the UniversitéParis-Saclay, with the institution preparing to the doctorate [Université Paris-Sud], the doctoral candidate being hosted at the research unit [name of the local research unit] within which the Doctoral Project is prepared; his/her doctoral training being organized by the doctoral school [name of the local doctoral school]
-of [short name of partner institution], the doctoral candidate being hosted at the research unit [name of the research unit of the partner institution] within which the doctoral project is prepared ; his/her doctoral training being organized by the doctoral school [name of the doctoral school of the partner institution]
Article 3: Registration and tuition [SP3]fees
The doctoral candidate will pay registration and tuition fees for each academic year in only one of the partner institutions, namely the institution where s/he stays, according to the following calendar:
-1st year, payment of registration and tuition fees to [institution collecting the fees year 1] where the doctoral candidate is hosted; ([institution exempting from fees year 1] exempts the doctoral candidate from registration and tuition fees);
-2nd year, payment of registration and tuition fees to [institution collecting the fees year 2] where the Doctoral is hosted; ([institution exempting from fees year 2] exempts the doctoral candidate from registration and tuition fees);
-3rd year, payment of registration and tuition fees to [institution collecting the fees year 3] where the doctoral candidate is hosted; ([institution exempting from fees year 3] exempts the doctoral candidate from registration and tuition fees).
The time foreseen to achieve the thesis work (including the thesis defense) should not exceed three years from the date of first registration for doctorate. The time for preparation of the thesis can be extended, where necessary. In such case, derogation should be requested to both thesis directors and to both doctoral school directors.
-Under these conditions, payment of registration and tuition fees [SP4]to [institution collecting the fees year 4] where the doctoral candidate is hosted; ([institution exempting from fees year 4] exempts the doctoral candidate from registration and tuition fees).
Article 4: Social Security
Social security cover and civil liability of the doctoral candidate will be ensured under the following conditions:
-during [her/his] stay at the UniversitéParis-Saclay, the doctoral candidate will be given a social security cover in France subject to, either having complied with the existing procedures for membership and contributions to the French social security scheme (for Candidates or voluntary[PS5]), or owning a European health insurance card.
Article 5: Financing
The stay of the doctoral candidate in France will be financed by [name of the funding organization or facility of the doctoral candidate]. The doctoral candidate will receive funding in the monthly amount [monthly amount of funding] during [her/his]stay in France.
Where necessary, if the time for preparing the thesis should be extended, by way of [PS6]derogation, the stay of the doctoral candidate in France will be financed by [name of the funding organization or facility of the doctoral candidate]. The doctoral candidate will receive funding in the monthly amount [monthly amount of fundingin case of extension] during [her/his]stay in France.
Accommodation is at the doctoral candidate’s expenses.
It is understood that expenses necessary for the good execution of the Doctoral Project are covered by the Research Unit in which the doctoral candidate is staying at the time the expense is incurred.[PS7]
Travel expenses of external members [SP8]of the thesis jury to the place of the thesis defensewill be covered by [entity covering the travel expenses of external members of the thesis jury to the place of the thesis defense].
Travel expenses of members of the thesis jury belonging to [short name of partner institution] to the place of the thesis defensewill be covered by [entity covering the travel expenses of members of the thesis jury belonging to the partner institution to the place of the thesis defense].
Travel expenses of members of the thesis jury belonging to the UniversitéParis-Saclay to the place of the thesis defensewill be covered by [entity covering the travel expenses of members of the thesis jury belonging to the UniversitéParis-Saclay to the place of the thesis defense].
Title III: Modalities of doctoral training
Article 6: Subject of the Doctoral Project
The subject matter of the thesis is: [title of the subject of the thesis]
Article 7: Thesis directors
The doctoral candidate carries out schooling and research work under the joint responsibility of:
In France, a thesis director from the UniversitéParis-Saclay: [title, first name and family name of the thesis director from the UniversitéParis-Saclay],
In [country of the partner institution], a thesis director from [short name of the partner institution]:[title, first name and family name of the thesis director from the partner institution].
Both thesis directors undertake to assume jointly the scientific supervision of the doctoral project and the responsibilities of a thesis director as defined by each of the Parties. A regular joint monitoring of the work will be ensured according to appropriate modalities.[PS9]
Article 8: Schooling process
For the duration of the work, the doctoral candidate will follow, after agreement of both Parties, a doctoral training programme[PS10]provided by the Doctoral School [name of Doctoral School] of the UniversitéParis-Saclay, on the one hand, and by [short name of the partner institution] on the other hand.
Besides [her/his] training through research, the doctoral candidate will attend a personalized training programme made up of modules of collective doctoral training, dedicated to developing [her/his]scientific and technical competences, [her/his]cross-disciplinary competences, and to facilitating [her/his]professional integration and international openness. The implementation modalities of this doctoral training programme are the subject of a specific agreement between the Parties in Annex II.
Article 9: Thesis defense
9.1 Writing of the thesis
The thesis will be written [SP11]in [language of the manuscript] and will include a substantial summary of at least[PS12][number of words of the substantial summary] words in [language of the substantial summary].
9.2 Permission to defend the thesis
In view of the thesis defense, the work of the doctoral candidate is reviewed beforehand by at least two rapporteurs, qualified to supervise research, external to both institutions and to their doctoral schools. They are jointly nominated by the heads of both partner institutions on a proposal from the thesis directors.
The permission to defend will be requested in each institution, after a favourable opinion of both rapporteurs.
[possible prerequisites to request the permission to defend[PS13]].
9.3 Thesis Jury
The thesis jury will be jointly appointed by the Parties at the latest two months before the date foreseen for the defense[PS14].
The thesis jury will comprise between 4 and 8 members[PS15].
The thesis jury is composed of personalities selected for their scientific and technical competences, nominated on an equal basis by both partner institutions. It comprises mandatorily both thesis directors and at least two members external to the institutions, who will serve as rapporteurs. These external members will be recognized experts in the field of the doctoral project.
One of the jury members must belong to the University Paris-Saclay; this jury’s member cannot be the thesis director.
None of the two thesis co-directors can be selected either as rapporteur or as president of the thesis jury.
9.4 Defense
The doctorate degree is subject to a unique thesis defense. [PS16]
The thesis of the doctoral candidate will be defended atname of the university, in the premises of[Université Paris-Sud].
The thesis defense[SP17]will be held in [defense language].
Article 10: Awarding the Doctorate degree
In accordance with the regulations in force in each country and on the basis of the report on the unique defense which will take place at [institution at which the defense is held], the grade of Doctor of [speciality of Paris-Saclay doctorate] of the UniversitéParis-Saclay and Doctor of [specialty of partner institution doctorate] of [full name of partner institution] will be awarded to the doctoral candidate.
The Doctorate degree awarded by the UniversitéParis-Saclay will mention the international joint supervision with [full name of partner institution]. It will also mention the name of the higher education institution, member of the Université Paris-Saclay, where the doctorate was prepared, [short name of the Higher Education (HE) institution, member of the Université Paris-Saclay], the title of the thesis, names and titles of the thesis jury members, the date and place of the defense.
The same mentions will appear in the Doctorate degree awarded by the other institution.
The president of the thesis jury shall prepare a defense report countersigned by all members of the jury.[institution where the defense is held] undertakes to forward a copy of the minutes of the defense as well as a copy of the defense report to the other institution for the awarding of the Doctorate degree to the doctoral candidate.
Article 11: Deposit, publication and reproduction of the thesis
The modalities for deposit, advertisement and reproduction of the thesis will be ruled by the regulations in force in each country.
Article 12: Termination of the Agreement
Non-re-registration of the doctoral candidate with one of the Institutions during the execution of the present Agreement results as of right in its termination. The Doctorate degree possibly awarded after the thesis defense by the Institution with which the doctoral candidate continued to register should not mention the international joint supervision. The Doctorate degree is in such case awarded in accordance with the regulations applicable to national theses of the country where the registration was kept.
The institutions undertake to inform each other, in writing and as soon as possible, of the non-re-registration of the doctoral candidate with their respective services, or of the declaration to one of them that the doctoral candidate is renouncing to prepare [her/his]thesis.
In case of termination of the Agreement, the provisions stipulated in IV of the Agreement remain in force.
Article 13: Notification
Any communication related to the implementation of the present Agreement will be forwarded through the following addresses:
For the UniversitéParis-Saclay:
Dr Catherine Dreux, PRI Bat 336
Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex France
For [short name of partner institution]:
[address and business contacts for the partner institution]
Done in [language in which the Agreement is written], in [number of copies in this language] original copies
For the UniversitéParis-Saclay / For [full name of the partner institution]Place , Date
Gilles BLOCH, President / Place , Date
[first name, family name and capacity of the head of partner institution: president/director]
The thesis director from Université Paris-Saclay
Place , date
[title, first name and family name] / The thesis director from [full name of the partner institution]
Place , date
[title, first name and family name]
The director of the doctoral school from Université Paris-Saclay
Place , date
[title, first name and family name]
When signing the present Agreement, the signatories acknowledge to be fully acquainted with its content and undertake to comply with its provisions.
ANNEX I – Calendar of the research stays of the doctoral candidate
The doctorate candidate will conduct the doctoral project in each of the hosting research unit during a one year or [préciser]periods[PS18] according to the following calendar:
-1st yearor [from …. until….]: [short name of partner institution] or [short name of the HE institution preparing to the doctorate, member of the Université Paris-Saclay]
-2nd yearor [from …. until….]: [short name of partner institution] or [short name of the HE institution preparing to the doctorate, member of the Université Paris-Saclay]
-3rd yearor [from …. until….]: [short name of partner institution] or [short name of the HE institution preparing to the doctorate, member of the Université Paris-Saclay]
Subject to derogation relating tothe duration of the thesis.
-4th year[PS19]or [from …. until….]: [short name of partner institution] or [short name of the HE institution preparing to the doctorate, member of the Université Paris-Saclay]
ANNEX II –Doctoral training programme
The doctoral candidate will attend a programme of complementary training jointly defined by the Doctoral School [name of the Doctoral School] of the UniversitéParis-Saclay and by the institution [short name of partner institution].
The contribution of each Party to the doctoral candidate’s training programme is defined in proportion of the duration of the doctoral candidate’s stay in the research unit of each Party on the basis of the doctoral training programme of all doctoral Candidates of each Party.
The training provided by one of the Parties to the doctoral candidate is acknowledged by the other Party.
The requirements of each Party as regards the doctoral candidate’s training programme do not add to each other but complement each other, taking into account the duration of the doctoral candidate’s stay in the research unit of each Party.
Training Programme
[trainingprogramme to be implemented during the stay in France, number of hours, seminars, etc[PS21].]
[trainingprogramme to be implemented during the stay in the partner country, number of hours, seminars, etc.]
ANNEX III –Doctoral degree award[SP22]
ANNEX IV – Intellectual Property[SP23]
Article 1: Definitions
1.1 Background knowledge: any information and technical and/or scientific knowledge, in particular know-how, manufacturing secrets, trade secrets, data, software (in their source-code and object-code version), files, plans, schematic diagrams, drawings, formula, and/or any other kind of information, in any form, patentable or not, and/or patented or not, belonging to a Party or held by it before the beginning of the doctoral candidate’s thesis work.
1.2 Foreground knowledge: any knowledge, including know-how, manufacturing secrets, software or any other kind of information, in any form, developed by one Party and/or the doctoral candidate during the thesis work.