PrelimenaryProgram CLIMMAR Congress

Venice Italy 2016

Thursday 20 October 2016

All day longArrival and registration at the NH Hotel Laguna Palace

15:00- 17:00 possibility of pre-meetings of Working Groups

17:00 – 19:00Meeting for Presidents & Secretaries

19:30 Welcome and Dinner in the hotel

Friday 21 October 2016

08:00-08:05Welcome and Greetings byRoberto Rinaldin, President of the Italian organisationUNACMA

08:05-08:15Opening Congress by Climmar President Erik Hogervorst

08:15-10:15President Reports:

  • Highlights of the associations – situation in each member country

10:15–10:45Coffee break

10:45-11:30Report of Working Group onServices:

  • Presentation of the CLIMMAR Branch Reports by Ulrich Beckschulte, Managing Director of LandBauTechnik, Germany

11:30-12:30Report on the DSI results 2016

  • Presentation of the EU results of the DSI 2015 by Anne Fradier, Secretary General of SEDIMA, France

12:30-14:00Lunch at the hotel

14:00-14:30Report of Working Group on Education and Training:

  • Presentation on the CLIMMAR activities on Skillscompetitionsand a short preview on the EuroSkills in Gotenborg Sweden by Gilbert Daverdisse, Manager Education & International Relations SEDIMA, France

14:30 - 15:30Report of Working Group on Lobby:

  • Presentation on the lobby issues including the status on the RMI file by Erik Hogervorst, President of CLIMMAR (and others..)

15:30-16:00Coffee break & Photography (?)

16:00-17:00:open program/ to be filled inwith a keynote speaker ??

17:00-17:30Conclusions of the day and closing by the CLIMMAR President

19:00 (?)Departure by bus to the Roncade Castle

20.00-23:00Dinner at the Roncade Castle.

Bus transfer back to the hotel after dinner

Saturday 22 October 2016

08.00-08.30Greetings of the authorities

  • President of Venoto On. Luca Zaia
  • Minister if Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), ON Maurizio Martina

08:30-09:15Presentations of several sponsors ??(Argo Tractors/Breviglieri/Krone/EIMA)?

09:15-10:00“European farming goes digital” by CristianoSpadoni. Farmers, contractors, dealers use more and more digital resources to plan activities, share experiences, search for latest innovation.The Web is a concrete mean of production and an ecosystem where professionals can build relationships with suppliers and customers.

The keynote of Cristiano Spadoni, marketing & communication manager for Image Line, will underline key figures and perspectives concerning the usage of web in the agricultural sector.

Profile:Since 1988 Image Line develops applications for digital farming and shares information on agri portals as and

Image Line Network is media partner of several event organizers such as DLG (next one: Intervitis-Interfructa-Hortitechnica- Messe Stuttgart, November 2016), Federunacoma (next one: EIMA - Bologna, November 2016), SaloniInternazionaliFrancesi (next one: SIMA - Paris, February 2017).

10.00-10.30Coffee break

10:30-11:15“Certification of Agricultural machines as an important tool for a globalized agriculture” by Dr. Sandro Liberatori.The new scenarios we will have in agriculture in the near future will provide for many changes as well as for new players. In order to provide for common rules and a continuous progress of agricultural productions as well as for fighting hunger it will be fundamental to promote certification processes worldwide. It will also be important to link subsidies to quality machinery. The work done in the international networks as OECD Tractor Codes, ENTAM (European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines) and ANTAM (Asian Network for testing Agricultural Machines) are a good example of progress for all stakeholders including dealers.

Profile:Dr. Sandro Liberatori is the General Director of Enama (Italian Body for Agricultural Mechanization and Engineering). ENAMA is acting for the Ministry of Agriculture and its Members as a certification body in the field of agricultural engineering. Sandro is actively involved in international co-operation in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) as past Chair of the Tractor Codes and National Designated Authority of Italy; in ENTAM (European Network for testing Agricultural Mechanisation) and in UN-ESCAP/CSAM offering his experience in the development of the Asian ANTAM Network.

11.15-12.00“Certification of Energy production plants as a new activity for farmers and dealers” by..??

Energy from agriculture will play a very important role in the near future because of technologies and opportunities offered by new regulations. In this frame the production of biogas as well as other biofuels is a very important worldwide. High investments will be required and in this frame it will be very important to provide for proper information and certification is fundamental. Besides dealers might have a key role dealing directly with farmers providing the proper plants as well as the proper maintenance.

12:00-12:15Closing of the congress by the President

12:30-14:00Lunch at the hotel

14:30 ??Departure by boat to the old town of Venice ??

16:00-17:30Visit to the Palazzo Ducale

20:00-00:00Gala dinner at the Casino

Sunday 18 October 2015

Individual departures

Accompanying Partner Programme

Thursday 20 October

Arrival during the day

19.30 Dinner at the hotel

Friday 21 October

08.30 – 12.00 Burano island tour (the Island is well known for the typical laces and coloured houses)

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.30 – 17.00 Murano island tour (visit to a typical glassmaker)

20.00 – 23.00 Dinner at the Roncade Castle

Saturday 22 October

08.00 – 09.30 Transfer to Padua

10.00– 11.00 Visit to Del Santo Church and to the Scrovegni Chapel (two of the art masterpieces in the world)

11.00– 12.00 Visit to the Botanical Garden (it is the oldest academic Botanical garden in the world)

12.30– 14.00 Lunch at the Hotel

16.00 – 17.30 Visit to Palazzo Ducale

20.00 – 00.00 Gala dinner at the Casinò

Sunday 18 October 2015

Individual departures