Prelab 4: EE 1106, Intro to EE – Freshman Practicum, Fall 2014
There are seven types of questions that you will be asked in Prelab Assignments:
1. Reading Assignments:
· Readings are NOT GRADED, but are NECESSARY to answer other questions, so read them!
· Readings may be from the textbook or online course materials. You may also be asked to do your own independent research to answer some questions.
· For your own research, you may use ANY books or online RESOURCES that you wish, but YOU MUST CITE ALL SOURCES USED (including the textbook and online course materials) at the end of the submitted prelab assignment. A simple web link or book title and author will suffice.
2. Numerical Answer Questions:
· Numerical answer questions are GRADED, and require you to solve for a NUMBER AND a UNIT.
· The answer should be TYPED (not drawn), and SHOW as part of your answer ALL WORK that you used to arrive at your answer, including all formulas, constants, and assumptions.
3. Formula Answer Questions:
· Formula answer questions are GRADED, and will require you to show a FORMULA that answers the question. The formula will be readily available from the book or online.
· You must EXPLAIN what EACH VARIABLE is to demonstrate that you understand the formula.
4. Graphical Answer Questions:
· Graphical answer questions are GRADED, and will require you to produce a DIAGRAM, PLOT, WAVEFORM, SCREENSHOT, or other figure to answer the question.
· LABEL ALL PARTS of the figure, such as plot and waveform axes, vertical and horizontal scale, important parts of a diagram, etc. Also CITE any FIGURES you did not create yourself.
· If the question asks for a hand drawing/sketch, attach a picture/scan of your drawing as figure.
5. Short Written Answer Questions:
· Short written answer questions are GRADED, and typically require 1 – 3 clear, DETAILED SENTENCES that answer the question in the context of Electrical Engineering.
6. Long Written Answer Questions:
· Long written answer questions are GRADED, and typically require 3 – 5 clear, DETAILED SENTENCES that answer the question in the context of Electrical Engineering.
· You may also be asked to attach a complete programming code to your prelab (often more than 5 sentences). APPEND CODE and other large amounts of text AT THE END of your prelab.
7. Questions from the Textbook:
· Textbook questions are GRADED, and TYPED. FOLLOW TEXTBOOK INSTRUCTIONS, and be sure that you are answering the correct question. (Concept questions and Exercises are different!)
For submission, compile all answer text, code, sketches, plots, and images into a SINGLE PDF DOCUMENT and name the document 'FirstName_LastName_Prelab_X’, where FirstName is your first name, LastName is your last name, and X is the prelab assignment number. Make sure each answer is clearly labeled with the correct problem number. They do not have to be in order. It is not necessary to include these instructions or the original questions in your submission although you may if you wish. SUBMIT the document ON THE UTA BLACKBOARD For full credit, also bring this document in printed form to the lab-lecture and submit it during the first 5 minutes of class. To enter Blackboard, login with your UTA NetID and password, click the link ‘EE 1106 Freshman Practicum’ in the ‘Course List’ section on the upper left. Submit the assignment under Course Materials > Prelabs > Prelab X, where X is the appropriate prelab assignment number. If these submission guidelines are not followed, you may lose a significant number of points from your prelab grade. You are encouraged to consult with your classmates while you work on the prelab, however, writing, coding, sketching, plotting and understanding of final submissions MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK. You may be quizzed over submitted work at any time, and if you cannot demonstrate that you understand your submitted work, you may lose points from your grade.
Using the instructions on the previous page as a guide, answer the following questions (total 100 points):
Reading Assignments:
1) (Reading Assignment) Textbook sections 2-7.1, 2-7.2, and Technology Brief 4 (on page 109)
2) (Reading Assignment) Document on the course website about Multisim and Zener Diodes.
3) (Reading Assignment) Watch this video:
4) (Reading Assignment) Research on your own the operation of a standard diode. You should read from at least three different online/text based sources.
1) (Long Written Answer) Describe how a standard (not zener) diode works (Hint: if you apply a range of voltages, what happens?). (20 points)
2) (Long Written Answer) Describe the internal construction of a standard diode (Hint: you are describing a semiconductor). (20 points)
3) (Short Written Answer) Describe a real circuit that uses at least one diode. (10 points)
4) (Textbook Question) Concept Question 2-17 (10 points)
5) (Textbook Question) Concept Question 2-18 (10 points)
6) (Textbook Question, Graphical Answer) Exercise 2-13, turn in screenshots of circuit and results (10 points)
7) (Long Written Answer) What is the overall purpose of completing the Lab 5 experiment? (20 points)