Horticultural Research Institute
2130 Stella Court
Columbus, OH 43215
Final Research Report Instructions & Template
Please submit your reports in word format, using the following information as your guide. Reports should be emailed to .
The purpose of the final report is two-fold. First, it should give the Horticultural Research Institute’s board of trustees clear and distinct insights to evaluate the research and understand how the research benefits the industry. Second, because the report is made available to the industry, it should also offer key insights on applicability directly to the horticultural professional. Please keep both audiences in mind as you draft your report. Your goal should be to make your report as readable to the industry and consumer as possible. Favor photos over complex charts, common words over jargon, and keep in mind that your audience is looking for applicable advice and instruction. Answer this question: What can they implement as a result of your research that will benefit their business?
Requirements & Formatting
- Reports should not exceed eight single-sided pages. High-resolution photos with captions are highly desired. Photos are not limited to “scientific” shots or graphs. Photos of people and products may be used. Photos will be used by HRI in print, online, and in presentations.
- Use a standard 8 ½ x 11 page size, with 1” margins on all sides. Use a single column of left justified text. Do not use borders or line rules. Use no less than 1.5 line spacing.
- Include a cover sheet. Note the cover sheet template follows these instructions. (The cover page is not included in your final page count.)
- Use an 11-point standard Arial font for body text, 12-pt bold for headers, 8-pt italics for captions (which should appear below the image/chart), and 8-pt for the footer (details below).
- Include a footer on all pages with the following information (use an 8-pt standard Arial font) on a single line:
- © Horticultural Research Institute (left justified)
- Your Project Number, Page X of X (right justified)
- Conclude your report with the following statement:
- All Rights Reserved. © Horticultural Research Institute. For additional information, contact [Principal Investigator Name and Email Address]. Information in this report may not be reproduced without written consent of the Horticultural Research Institute.
- Submit reports in word format (embedding images and charts). Photos must also be provided separately for print publication use. If your file size exceeds your allowable email size, please contact us to make file transfer arrangements via DropBox
- Contents of the reports will be made available on various websites, in HRI and/or AmericanHort print publications, and on social media.
Information to include
- Project Details: Please provide a description of your research devoid of jargon (in layman’s terms). Include the premise of your research, explain how it may benefit horticulture businesses, and summarize any interesting highlights from your findings thus far. (HRI may use this information to create messages for social media, websites, and printed marketing materials. We find it beneficial to provide a clear and non-scientific update on current research projects.)
- Research Report
- OBEJECTIVE: What green industry related question did this research address?
- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: How was this research conducted?
- SIGNIFICANCE: What does the nursery industry know now from your research that was unavailable before (bulleted items permitted)?
- OUTCOMES AND ECONOMIC RETURN ON INVESTMENT: Did this research result in profitability for the green industry? Are there new products or technologies as a result of this research? How does this research specifically/directly benefit a green industry member? How will the research results be utilized in the green industry?
- JOURNALS AND TRADE PRESS: What articles have been published or are in preparation as a result of this research? (Include website links and/or ordering information if applicable).
- PRESENTATIONS: Include a list of presentations (including event name and sponsoring organization) have been made or are in preparation featuring this research.
- IMPLICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL RESEARCH: What else does the industry need to know to solve this problem? What additional research and industry support would be helpful?
- RESEARCH WEBSITE/BLOG: Do you have a research website or blog? Provide website links. HRI may list your website on its web pages.
- OTHER: Any additional information you would like to share?
Horticultural Research Institute
Fiscal Year XXXX Funded Project
Final Report
Project Title
Project Number, $Funded Amount
Principal Investigator Name
City, State, Zip
Email, Phone, Fax
RESEARCH KEYWORDS (Select all that apply)
© Horticultural Research InstituteProject Number, Page X of X
© Horticultural Research InstituteProject Number, Page X of X
air quality
business/financial management
cold/stress tolerance
container production
field production
foliage plants
herbaceous perennials
native plants
nutrient management
people/plant interaction
post-harvest technology
production technology
urban horticulture
water management
other (please specify):
© Horticultural Research InstituteProject Number, Page X of X
INDUSTRY IMPACTS (Select all that apply)
nursery grower
greenhouse grower
hort distributor
other (please specify):
This is the BODY TEXT.
This is the HEADER TEXT.
This is the CAPTION TEXT.
© Horticultural Research InstituteProject Number, Page X of X