First name: Mª Yolanda Family name: López Aguirre
Birthday: May 17th, 1968 Place of birth: Bilbao (Vizcaya) State: married
Permanent address: C/ Leyre 4 – 4A
31002 Pamplona, Navarra, España Phone: +34 948 21 30 98
- Postdoctoral research in Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil (Paris, France), 1998-2000. Molecular mechanisms of the hepatitis C virus resitance to interferon-alpha and/or ribavirin treatment. Role of the non-strucutural 5A protein (NS5A).
- Ph.D. in Cellular Biology, University of Navarra, November 1995. Doctoral dissertation titled “Study of new biological markers in the detection of acquired hypercoagulable states” got an Apto Cum Laude. The research work was developed at the Department of Haematology, under the direction of Dr. José Antonio Páramo Fernández.
- Degree in Biological Sciences (M.Sc.) by the University of Navarra, June 1992.
- Senior Year in Santa Rosa High School, Santa Rosa, California (USA), June 1987.
1992-96 Assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Navarra. Teaching practical classes of Bromatology, analytical and organic chemistry.
1998- Postdoctoral student at the Service of Bacteriology-Virology, Inserm U99, Hospital Henri Mondor, France.
1995-98 Research assistant at the Department of Cardiology, University of Navarra, Spain.
1992-95 Graduate student and research assistant at the Department of Hematology, University of Navarra, Spain.
1992-96 Assistant Teacher at the Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Navarra, teaching Analytical and Organic Chemistry.
1.- JA Páramo, Y López, M Rodríguez-Calvillo, C Panizo.Diagnóstico de los estados de hipercoagulabilidad (Diagnosis of hypercoagulability states). Sangre 1997; vol.42 Nº6:493-502.
2.- López Y, Páramo JA, Valentí JR, Pardo F, Montes R, Rocha E. Hemostatic markers in surgery: a different fibrinolytic activity may be of pathophysiological significance in orthopedic versus abdominal surgery. Int J Clin Lab Res 1997;27:233-237.
3.- López Y, Paloma MJ, Rifón J, Cuesta B, Páramo JA. Measurement of prethrombotic markers in the assessment of acquired hypercoagulable states. Thromb Res 1999;93:71-78.
4.- López-Aguirre Y, Páramo JA.Endothelial cell and hemostatic activation in relation to cytokines in patients with sepsis. Thromb Res 1999;94:95-101.
5.- Pellerin M, Lopez-Aguirre Y, et al. Hepatitis C virus quasispecies variability modulates nonstructural protein 5A transcriptional activation, pointing to cellular compartmentalization of virus-host interactions. Journal of Viroloy 2004;78:4617-4627.
6.- Lopez-Aguirre Y et al. Long-term genetic evolution of the non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) and hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in patients treated with interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-ribavirin combination. Not published.
1995-1997 Study of the expression of PAI-1 gene in human endothelial cells.
Main Investigator: José Antonio Fernández Páramo.
1996-1998 Genesis of the atheromatous plaque in a model of hypercholesterolemic pig : Comparison of its induction by endothelial or adventitial injury.
Main Investigator: Diego Martínez Caro.
1997-1999 Effect of the different lipoproteins and its oxidation degree over the expression of VEGF and its receptors, in cultures of endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
Main Investigator: José Antonio Rodríguez García.
1998- Molecular mechanisms of the hepatitis C virus resistance to interferon alfa and/or ribavirin therapy. Role of the non structural 5A protein.
Main Investigator: Jean-Michel Pawlotsky.
1. Hermida J, Páramo JA, López Y, Cuesta B, Rifón J, Prósper F, Rocha E. ¿Existe un estado pretrombótico en el sujeto anciano?. Sangre 1993; 38 supl.4:26. October 1993, Pamplona: Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
2. Orbe I, Montes R, Páramo JA, Chordá C, López Y, Rocha E. Caracterización funcional de un anticuerpo que interfiere la unión del t-PA a la fibrina. Sangre 1993; 38 supl.4:27. October 1993, Pamplona: Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
3. Montes R, Páramo JA, Chordá C, López Y, Hermida J, Rocha E. Desarrollo de un nuevo método de purificación de complejos plasmina-antiplasmina a partir de plasma. Sangre 1993; 38 supl.4:28. October 1993, Pamplona: Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
4. Hermida J, Páramo JA, López Y, Cuesta B, Rifón J, Rocha E. Is there a prethrombotic state in the elderly?. Haemostasis 1994; 24 supl.1:109. June 1994, Bilbao: 13th International Congress on Thrombosis.
5. Hermida J, LópezY, Chordá C, Paloma MJ, Páramo JA, Rocha E. Marcadores de hipercoagulabilidad en diversas situaciones clínicas. Sangre 1994; 39 supl.2:19. October 1994, Granada: XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia.
6. Páramo JA, Hermida J, López Y, Montes R, Orbe I, Rocha E. Marcadores de daño endotelial y citoquinas en pacientes con sepsis. Sangre 1994; 39 supl.2:20. October 1994, Granada: XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia.
7. López Y, Panizo C, Muñoz C, Chordá C, Montes R, Páramo JA, Rocha E. Marcadores de hipercoagulabilidad y citoquinas en sepsis. Revista Iberoamericana de Trombosis y Hemostasia 1995; 8: 47. April 1995, Murcia: Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
8. Chordá C, Orbe I, Montes R, López Y, Páramo JA, Rocha E. Modificación del potencial fibrinolítico endotelial por heparina no fraccionada, heparina de bajo peso molecular e hirudina. Rev Iberoamer Thromb Hemostasia 1995; 8: 29. April 1995, Murcia: Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
9. Montes R, Páramo JA, Chordá C, Orbe I, López Y, Rocha E. Clinical application of a new ELISA to detect plasmin-antiplasmin complexes. Thromb Haemostas 1995; 73: 1145. June 1995, Jerusalem: XVth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
10. Rocha E, López Y, Hermida J, Cuesta B, Panizo C, Páramo JA. Prethrombotic markers in conditions at high risk of thrombosis. Thromb Haemostas 1995; 73: 953. June 1995, Jerusalem: XVth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
11. López Y, Hermida J, Panizo C, Múñoz MC, Páramo JA. Marcadores de activación de la coagulación en cirugía general y ortopédica. Sangre 1995; 49 supl.4:23. November 1995, Reunión Nacional de la Asociación de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
12. Páramo JA, López Y, Hermida J, Panizo C, Cuesta B, Muñoz MC, Rocha E. Cytokines and hypercoagulability in sepsis. Br J Haematol 1996; 93 supl.2: 12. May 1996, Paris: Second Meeting of the European Haematology Association.
13. Páramo JA, López Y, Panizo C, Hermida J, Rifón J, Rocha E. Different fibrinolytic profile in orthopedic and abdominal surgery. Fibrinolysis 1996; 10 supl.3: 132. June 1996, Barcelona: XIIIth International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis.
14. López Y, Muñoz C, Cuesta B, Rodríguez-Calvillo M, Páramo JA, Rocha E. Plasmin-antiplasmin complexes and fibrin degradation products in adquired hypercoagulable states. Fibrinolysis 1996; 10 supl.3: 134. June 1996, Barcelona: XIIIth International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis.
15. Rocha E, López Y, Muñoz MC, Valentí JR, Pardo F, Rifón J, Páramo JA. Actividad fibrinolítica en cirugía: diferencias entre cirugía abdominal y ortopédica. Sangre 1996; 41 supl.3:36. November 1996, Málaga: XXXVIII Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
16. Panizo C, López Y, Páramo JA, Cuesta B, Rodríguez-Calvillo, Rocha E. Activación fibrinolítica en estados hipercoagulables adquiridos. Sangre 1996; 41 supl.3:44. November 1996, Málaga: XXXVIII Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia.
17. Rodríguez JA, Grau A, Arias R, Belzunce M, López-Aguirre Y, Eguinoa E, Martínez-Caro D. Vitamins C and E improve endothelial dysfunction of internal iliac arteries in an experimental model of porcine hypercholesterolemia. August 1998, Cairns, Quensland (Australia). Xth International Vascular Biology Meeting.
18. Lopez-Aguirre Y, Frainais PO, McHutchison JG, Dhumeaux D, Pawlotsky JM. Long-term genetic evolution of the non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in patients treated with interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-ribavirin combination. Antiviral Therapy 2000; 5 suppl. 1. April 2000, Atlanta: 10th International Symposium om Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease.
19. Pellerin M, Lopez-Aguirre Y, Frainais PO, Penin F, Dhumeaux D, Pawlotsky JM. Variability and evolution over time of transcriptional activation by non-structural 5A (NS5A) quasispecies variants from interferon- and interferon/ribavirin-resistant hepatitis C virus (HCV). Antiviral Therapy 2000; 5 suppl. 1. April 2000, Atlanta: 10th International Symposium om Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease.
ENGLISH and FRENCH: Spoken and written correctly
- Wide Knowledge on Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and a good management in molecular biology software: PHYLIPS, MEGA, Clustal-W.