Study Guide

Hunter Gatherers to Farmers

Prehistory: Events that happened before written history

A.C.E and B.C.E: Before the Common Era and After the Common Era. This is used instead of B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini-In the Year of our Lord) for religious reasons.

Oral Tradition: Cultural material and tradition that is said orally from one generation to another

Hominid:Human like creatures that are bipedal or walking on two feet

Migration: Moving from one place to another

Irrigation:Moving water to the land or soil for agriculture.

  • Family of human like creatures are called Hominids
  • Term that is used to refer to the birth of Jesus, but is no longer used in books today is called A.C.E or after the Common Era.
  • Irrigation:To bring water for crops using pipes or ditches.
  • Migration:When people move from one place to another.
  • Pre-historyAny period that is before the written word.
  • Oral History:History that is told by one person to the next word of mouth is.
  • The five themes of geography are
  • location,
  • Place,
  • Human-Environment Interaction,
  • Movement and Region.
  • Artifacts:Items made by Humans
  • Hominids: in order of existence
  • Australopithecus,
  • Homo-Habalis,
  • Homo-Erectus,
  • Neanderthals,
  • Cro Magnon
  • Homo-Sapiens
  • Ice Age: A period where the earth and some land were covered in ice
  • Land Bridge: Connection of land between Russia and Alaska during the Ice Age allowing Homo sapiens to enter North America.
  • Herder: Person who is responsible to the caring of animals.
  • Trade: Person who barter and trading material for survival in ancient times
  • Division of Labor: The ability to do other types of work other than farming.
  • Job Specializations: Having one expertise in a particular type of job.
  • Hunter –Gatherers: Hominid who used tools to hunt animals and gather food.
  • Nomad: People who travel from place to place to find food for their animals.
  • Technology: the creation of materials by man for the betterment of their lives
  • Religion: The belief of faith in a higher order in life.
  • Agriculture: The science of farming and growing crops and rearing animals for human consumption.
  • Slash and Burn: The burning of farmland to clear and fertilize the land.
  • Bipedal: By walking Lucy could carry food.
  • Homo Erectuswas able to stand up straight verses Lucy, or Homo Habalis.
  • Water: When Early farming communities came together they needed a source of to survive
  • Surplus:When early farmers grew more food that they needed it is called
  • Domestication of Animals: Pertains to raising sheep, cows, pigs chickens goats horses ect.
  • Religious beliefs: When archaeologists learn aboutdiscoveries about religious building or shrines.
  • Domesticate crops: When people started to farm, they learned how toand grow them purposely, they stopped
  • Wandering and gathering: When peopledid not hunt, but wandered from place to place gathering
  • Survive together.When people started working together and creating villages and other people to
  • Cave Painting:Ancient man created to show how they hunted, what they hunted, how they hunted and with what they hunted with.
  • Latitude: Imaginary lines that divide the Earth North and South.
  • Longitude:Imaginary line that divide the Earth East to West
  • The Stone Ages are the following the Neolithic(New Stone Age), Mesolithic(Middle Stone Age) and Paleolithic (Old Stone Age)
  • Agriculture Revolution: When Hunters and Gathers started to live on one place and farm this caused the.
  • Paleolithic Age
  • Homo-Habalis, Homo-Erectus, and Homo Sapiens Liver during this period
  • Early humans lived as hunters and gatherers
  • People used simple tools with single sharp edges to cut and chop
  • Mesolithic Age:
  • Mesolithic people developed needles and thread, harpoons, and spear throwers
  • They began to control fire and develop language
  • The specializes in hunting particular animals
  • Developed grinding stone to prepare the vegetable they collected
  • Neolithic Age:
  • Only Homo Sapiens liver during this periods
  • People learned to polish stone tools and make pottery
  • They began to grow crops raise animals, and settle in villages

Study methods

  • Make flash cards
  • Practice writing definitions in your own words
  • Rewrite your assignments
  • Sit at computer and write with pencil and paper all the possible questions you can think of that could possible be on the test and their answers.