man / hand / manufacture, manual, manuscript
mar / sea / marine, mariner
mater / mother / maternal, maternity, matriarchy, matricide
mere / part, segment / mere
meta, met / behind, between / metacognition—behind the thinking
metri, meter- / measure / geometric, thermometer, odometer
min / small / minority, minuscule, minute
mit, miss / send / permit, submission, mission, emit,
mob, mot, mov / move / mobile, automobile, motion, promote, movie
mon / warn / premonition, admonition
mor, mort / death / mortal, mortician, immortality
morph / form, structure / metamorphosis, amorphous, morphology

Clustering: A form of graphic organizer used to group ideas around a theme,

characteristic, category, or word. Used as a prewriting activity to

generate ideas, but may also be used to demonstrate understanding of reading.

Cohesive Devices: Elements that bind the writing together as a whole. Cohesive devices

may include a logical method of sentence arrangement; pronouns that refer to previous

sentences; repetition of words, synonyms, or ideas to create an effect; parallel sentence

structure; or transitional words such as “first,” “last,” and “also.”

Comparison/Contrast: A process of identifying similarities and/or differences.