Pregnancy and Development

“Makin’ Babies” –

Egg Production

1)Eggs are also known as ______.

2)The eggs are stored in the ovary since ______.

3)Hormonal messages cause:

  1. ______
  2. ______

4)Estrogen prepares the lining of the ______for the egg.

5)When the eggs travels through the Fallopian tube to the uterus, two things may happen:

  1. ______
  2. ______

6)The absence of a ______causes menstruation.

Sperm Production

1)The seminiferous tubules are the site of ______.

2)A man’s seminiferous tubules produce over ______sperm per month.

3)The immature sperm travel to the ______to mature and be stored.

4)Seminal vesicle secretions contain:

  1. ______
  2. ______

5)The prostatic fluid helps the sperm ______.

6)The sperm have ______hours to find and fertilize the egg cell.

7)Of the ______sperm ejaculated, about ______will survive, and only ______will fertilize the egg cell.


1)The ______propels the sperm to the egg cell.

2)A single sperm cell will enter an egg cell in a process called ______.

3)If the developing zygote divides into two, ______twins will form.

4)Each developing embryo contains the same ______as the other.

Understanding Ultrasound Fetus Images

Embryonic and Fetal Development

Embryo: ______weeksFetus: ______weeks

Role of Amniotic Fluid

1)The amniotic sac contains ______.

2)The fluid is import because it:

  1. ______
  2. Keeps the baby’s rapidly growing body parts from ______.
  3. Lets the baby ______easily.
  4. Provides ______for the baby.

3)Amniotic fluid is _____ water and _____ salts and cells from the baby.

4)After month four, the baby contributes to the amniotic fluid with its ______.

5)The baby ______amniotic fluid which circulates through its ______and ______systems.

Formation of Twins

1)Twins occur in about _____ of all pregnancies.

2)_____ of twins are identical twins, while _____ are fraternal.

3) Identical twins are also called ______twins.

4)Identical twins are formed when the zygote splits during ______week.

5)The stage when the egg cell splits determines how the twins will implant in the ______.

6)Non-identical (______) twins develop from ______fertilized egg cells.

7)Fraternal twins are also known as ______twins.

Vaginal Delivery

1)When the cervix dilates to ___ cm, it signals the pushing and delivery stage.

2)The baby’s skull has gaps, called ______, that allow it to fit through the birth canal.

Cesarean Section

1)Reasons for C-section:

  1. If the baby is in the feet-first, or ______, position
  2. If the baby is in the shoulder-first, or ______, position
  3. If the baby’s head is too ______to fit through the birth canal
  4. If the mother’s cervix will not dilate to ______
  5. If there are signs of ______

2)The surgery for a C-section usually takes ____ minutes.