Predictive Neuroimaging

for Alzheimer’s Disease:

Ethical Challenges and

Future Directions

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Public Session: 8:00am-12:00pm
Room M-104, Stanford Medical School

8:00 am Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:40 am Welcome

Judy Illes, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

8:40-9:10 am Normal aging: What makes a good biomarker?

Claudia Kawas, UC Irvine, Dept of Neurology

9:10-9:40 am Predicting Alzheimer’s disease through neuroimaging: Ensuring meaning, not menace

Hank Greely, Stanford School of Law

9:40-10:10 am Structural brain changes in aging

Howie Rosen, UCSF, Dept of Neurology

10:10-10:20 am Break

10:20-10:50 am EEG & PET

William Jagust, UC Berkeley, Dept of Public Health

10:50-11:20 am Predicting AD: Genetic risk and functional MRI Susan Bookheimer, UCLA, Dept of Psychiatry

11:20-11:50 am The ADNI experience

Neil Buckholtz, National Institute on Aging, NIH

11:50 am-Noon Summary

Michael Greicius, Stanford, Dept of Neurology

This event is sponsored by NIH/NINDS NS#045831

For directions or additional information, contact Karen Rentschler ()

For information on the May 15th conference sponsored by the

Alzheimer’s Association of Northern California, please visit