Annual Report Form for Adjunct Professor Members

Annual Report Form for Adjunct Professor Members

Department of Educational Policy Studies

7-104 Education North Building Tel: 780.492.7625

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G5 Fax: 780.492.2024

Annual Report Form for Adjunct Professor Members

Appointed in the Department of Educational Policy Studies

Reporting Period: July 1, 2009 to May 2010

Name: / Adj. Professor Luis Alberto D'Elia
Appointed to the Department of Educational Policy Studies – Fac.Education- University of Alberta
Email address: /

Please list your activities in conjunction with the Department of Educational Policy Studies or the University of Alberta from July 1 of last year up to June 30 of this year. We offer the following headings as suggestions only. While your participation in the Department is encouraged and heartily welcomed, please note that we do not expect you to have entries in all sections, or active involvement with the Department in every year. Feel free to include activities you think may be of interest to the Department, whether with UofA or otherwise. The text boxes expand or if you are working from paper copy, feel free to attach pages if needed.

While annual reporting is required to maintain your Adjunct appointment, the format is entirely at your discretion. You are welcome to report in a brief letter or email message if you prefer.

1.Teaching (optional)

2.Service (optional)

Such as committee or event participation, mentoring, guest lectures or other service at University of Alberta, or public service of academic interest (eg ATA, Alberta Education).

None with UofA during this period.


-Curriculum analysis and translation work for Alberta Education (current)

3.Professional Development (optional)

Participation or development of courses, workshops, conferences, new certification, or other studies in academic field.

None with UofA during this period.

4.Research (optional)

Such as research projects, presentations, publications or current specializations or academic interests.

Yes, (please list):

-Research: Alternative Science Teaching Appropriate to Urban Youth at Risk. Perspectives in Canada and in Spain

-Collaboration work: After completing my role in the collaboration agreements between the University of Alberta and the University of Costa Rica (San Jose, Costa Rica), I am focusing on preparatory work towards collaboration agreements between University of Jaume I, (UNESCO Chair) in Spain and the University of Alberta.

5.Other projects or involvement with the Faculty or University (optional)

Yes, (please list):

Universitat Jaume I - UNESCO Chair for Philosophy on Peace – Castellon, Community of Valencia, SPAIN.

Planning with UJI faculty staff tdelivery of seminars to graduate students (peace & conflict studies) on prevention of human rights abuses by security forces through police human rights education.

6.Other non-UofA activities, which may be of interest to the Department (optional)

Any other activities or achievements you would like to share with the Chair/Department.

None with UofA during this period or relevant to the Department/Faculty.

Yes, (please list):

1- Collaboration with Amnesty International Spanish Section on police Human Rights education and human rights violations prevention work

2- Visit, collaboration and promotion of an educational initiative (“Ayni” project) in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina (

The project is designed to encourage and support young rural Humahuacas, Coyas, and other young natives in the Humahuaca andean region to complete their schooling (fromal and traditional). My role has been to help in translation into English of project material and to make presentations in Canada to educate, inform and invite Canadians to visit the project and to promote it by encouraging booking accommodation at their (fundraising) native/non-native hostel

7.Any other comments for the Chair (optional)

Feel free to attach an additional page if you need more space.

8.If you were also a SessionalInstructor with our Department during the reporting period, would you like us to copy this report and use it as your Sessional Annual Report?

Not applicable.

Yes, please use this report.

No, I will submit separately.

9.Signature and date (electronic signature is fine)

April 28, 2010