Action Note
Meeting: / ArranLocalityPartnershipDate/Venue: / 23March 2017- Ormidale Pavilion, Arran
Present: / Cllr John Bruce, Chair
Jim Nichols, Senior Lead Officer and Health and Social Care Partnership
ThomasReaney, Senior Manager, StreetScene NAC
John McKnight, Lead Officer, NAC
Bill Calderwood, Community Representative
Tom Tracey, Community Representative
Vicki Yuill, Third Sector Interface
Sgt Gow, Police Scotland
Damien Griffith, Senior Partnership Analyst, NAC
Jim Miller, Senior Manager, Planning, NAC
Apologies: / Richard McMaster, Community Council
Cllr Peter McNamara, NAC
Hugh Strachan, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
BrianSkimming, Police Scotland
No. / Action / Responsible
1. / Cllr Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.
2. / Minute and Action Note from Previous Meeting
The Minute and note from last meeting were approved.
Sgt Gow provided a police update stating that current speed checks will be continued. The recent spate of bicycle thefts seems to have stopped. There will be 4 additional officers seconded to the island again this year who are expected to arrive in May.
3. / Arran Locality Profile Presentation
Damien Griffith provided a presentation on the Arran locality profile covering aspects of:
- Predictions have highlighted that by 2026 the total population in Arran may be at risk of decline;
- The average house price in Arran is £192K compared to the Scottish average of £150K and the North Ayrshire average of £92K; and
- Two thirds of Arrans household income is below the North Ayrshire average.
4. / Local Development Plan 2 Presentation
Jim Miller provided an update on the progress of the LDP2 for Arran highlighting that there will be a specific section in the plan which will identify potential solutions to meet the needs of the island.
Group members stated that it has be emphasised that Arran has no desire for ‘towns’ or the need for ‘town centre’ like developments. / JM
5. / Locality Plan Discussion
The group had a discussion about the implementation of the Arran Locality Plan.
6. / Grant Applications
The Nurturing Communities Fund received a grant request from two groups
- Capall Dorcha Theatre Company; and
- Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST)
7. / Locality Youth Forum Update
Due to time constraints this item was not discussed and will be added to the June meeting agenda. / JN
8. / HSCP Locality Forum Update
Due to time constraints this item was not discussed and will be added to the June meeting agenda. / JN
9. / Transport Update
Outstanding issues around the ferry responsibilities are being covered. The MyBus issues were discussed however clarification is still needed. / JN
10. / Community Members/Community Council Representatives
John McKnight discussed CC representatives and advised Bill Calderwood that he would now be classed as a CC Chair and not a Community Representative. This is not what the CC had decided and Bill could not agree without a vote. It was raised that CC Chair is a tentative 1 year appointment. It was agreed that John would contact Bill following the meeting. / JMcK
11. / Housing
Due to time constraints this item was not discussed and will be added to the June meeting agenda. / JN
12. / Playparks Update
Due to time constraints this item was not discussed and will be added to the June meeting agenda. / JN
13. / Social Isolation and Befriending Presentation
Due to time constraints this item was not discussed and will be added to the June meeting agenda. / JN
14. / AOCB
No further business was discussed.
15. / Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting tbc.
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