Precalculus Syllabus 2016-2017

Mrs. Breen


Be present. In order to be successful at ANYTHING…you must show up!

Be prompt. Be in your seat and work on the warm-up when the tardy bell rings.

Be prepared. Bring all supplies including homework to class each day. Have questions ready.

Be polite. Respect others around you as well as the classroom as a learning environment.

Be positive. You canmaster the precalculus material!! Others have before you and others will behind you. Be confident and know I am here to help.

Be patient. Sometimes math concepts don’t come easily at first. Give it some time. To really learn math well, you may have to struggle with it on occasion. Some may struggle longer than others before they “get it”. Don’t belittle other students’ questions. You may have the next one! Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek help as needed.


4 AAA batteries for use of school calculator

1 box tissue

Binder or spiral to take notes.

Pencils, erasers,and notebook paper.

Calculator for home use. We will be using the TI-84 calculators in class, and each student will be assigned one to use at school. You must have access to a scientific/graphing calculator for homework. There are several apps (such as Desmos) for the iPad that can be used for homework; however, these will not be allowed on tests as the school calculators will be used for testing purposes with the memory cleared on them to create a level testing field. Please talk to me if you have questions/concerns about the calculators if this presents a problem for you.


Practice (30%). Homework will be assigned online using MyMathLab and occasional quizzes will be given and may carry double weight.

Application (30%)

Evaluation (40%)


You WILLhave homework in this class. It is extremely important that you do ALL of your homework in order to keep up as concepts build upon one another. Mathematics is not a spectator sport, and to really learn the math you must DO the math. Keeping up and completing the assigned work is critical to learning and mastering the material. Bring your iPad charged each day to class to be able to work on your MyMathLab assignments. If you fail to bring your iPad or it is not charged you will be given a written assignment to do in class but will still be expected to complete the online homework. You will not be allowed to use your phones to complete your online assignments at school. Extra credit is not given; however, students will receive one dropped practice grade at the end of each six weeks.


Online assignments using MyMathLab have due dates as indicated within the program; they are typically due by 11:59 p.m. If an assignment is not completed on time, you have 1 extra day to get the assignment completed; however, the late problems will have a 30% deduction applied to them. If you were absent for class, you will be able to access a copy of the notes through Edmodo either as a pdf document or video lesson. If you miss a test, you will need to get with me to schedule a make-up time to do so within 3 days unless extenuating circumstances prevent otherwise. It is your responsibility to check Edmodo and MyMathLab to get assignments and to be aware of their due dates.


Please see me if you need help!! Seek help early!! Don’t wait if you start having trouble. I will generally be available both before/after school each day for help but check ahead of time to make sure I can be there. My scheduled tutorial times will be Mondays and Thursdays (7:40 a.m.-8:10a.m) and Wednesdays (3:40-4:10 p.m.)


It is imperative that you access Edmodo DAILY! It is where I will post links to required videos, notes, and other assignments. Check it regularly! Check Edmodo through the website and not the app in order to see the Edmodo Planner or if you are having problems with it. You will be given instructions once iPads have been issued on how to join the class in Edmodo and the code you will need to do so. You will only need one Student Account to join all your Groups!

*Technology Use:

Although we will use technology in this class, you will be expected to adhere to the MISD guidelines regarding the proper use of the technology. When you enter the classroom, your electronic devices should be put away and this also includes having cell phones out during the passing period. Class discussion and lessons are not a time to have any electronic devices out or in use without the authorization of the teacher. You do not have permission to take pictures or video the daily lesson activities. Inappropriate use of the technology will result in warnings and discipline referrals. If class time is given to work on onlineassignments, you are expected to participate as directed and use class time wisely. Please remember to charge your iPad fully each day! As per MISD policy, you will not have access to plugs in the classroom to charge your devices.