Pre-Vet Animal Skeleton Project

Animal Skeleton Project

Ø  Select one other person to work with (or you may work on your own!)

Ø  Choose an animal skeleton to replicate and find an accurate skeletal diagram to use as your construction guide

Ø  Consider all the pasta shapes/sizes/etc that are available to you for this project

Ø  Start with the pipe cleaners to create a base for your skeletal outline shape. This is what you will use to attach the pasta to.

Ø  You will need one (1) paper plate to serve as the base of your skeleton. This will provide a means for your skeleton to be able to stand.

Ø  After construction is complete, you MUST add labels to the different bones in your skeleton. You MAY add color and other details, as time permits.

Ø  Grading:

o  35 points for overall correctness (does it resemble the actual animal that you are replicating?)

o  20 points for accurate form and labeling (have you labeled at least 20 different bones?)

o  10 points for stability of the skeleton (does your skeleton stand on its plate?)

o  10 points for creativity (did you use color and imagination in constructing your skeleton?)

o  10 points for work ethic (did you utilize the class time to complete this project?)

o  15 points for meeting deadline/due date ( MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th!)