26th March 2017

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent ( Mothering Sunday )

Hymns at Eucharist : 630 , 72 , 887 , ( 448 , 166 , 162 ) , 631

TODAY 9.15 amChoir Practice

10.00 amFamily Eucharist led by the Sunday School

4.00 pm Cream Tea and Songs of Praise (crypt)

MONDAY 9.30 amParent and Toddler group

2.00 pm Deanery M.U. Lady Day Eucharist (here)

7.30 pm Evening M.U. : Colin Weldon James : “The role of

the supernatural in the first Crusade.”

TUESDAY 11.30 amHoly Eucharist in Morriston Hospital Chapel

- all welcome

2.00 pm Mother’s Union : Mrs Enfys Tanner on ‘India’

WEDNESDAY 10.30 amFood Bank ( Salvation Army )

THURSDAY 10.30 amHoly Eucharistfollowed by tea /coffee

6.00 pm Youth Club for school years 4,5,6 ( Crypt )

6.00 pm Clergy Surgery for booking of baptisms, banns and

weddings etc. No appointments necessary.

NEXT SUNDAY Ez. 37:1-14 , Rom. 8:6-11 , Jn. 11:1-45

9.15 am Choir Practice

10.00 amParish Eucharist with Sunday School

11.30 am Baptism

6.00 pm Lent Talk : Forgiving God


Welcome : to all who join us today for the Mothering Sunday service. Thankyou to Jill and all the Sunday School for preparing our Service.

Electoral Roll : in preparation for our Annual Parish meeting we need to update our Electoral Roll. A copy of our current list is at the back of church. If there are any alterations or additions please make the changes on the form. Application forms for those wish to join are also available. Can you please check the phone numbers we hold as a number have changed since this list was compiled.

Thankyou : all the family of Les Miles would like to sincerely thank everyone for their prayers and support following the recent passing away of Les.

Lent Collection : a collection plate is at the back of the church if you wish to make a donations to the Bishop’s Lent appeal in aid of: Open Door Trust , RNLI , The Princess Trust and Faith in Families.

Defibrillator Training : if you would like to be included in our training sessions can you please put your name on the list as soon as possible.

Annual parish Meeting : Sunday 23rd April following the 10 a.m. service. Nomination forms for PCC and Wardens are now available. Please give some thought to serving in these roles.

Open Church : from 1st April the church will pen daily ( Monday to Friday ) from 10 a.m. to 12 midday. If you can hep on the rota of opening the church and welcoming visitors please let June or Jan know. Thankyou.

Chrism Eucharist : at Brecon Cathedral on Tuesday 11th April at 12 Midday. All are welcome. If anyone is going and would like lunch please let me know so I can pass numbers on to the Bishop.

Good Friday Craft Morning for Children : if anyone can help with the activities please let Jill Lewis know.

Swansea Philharmonic Choir : Easter Concert. Saturday 8th April at 7.30 p.m. in the Brangwyn. Performing Mozart’s Requiem and Solemn Vespers. For details or tickets please speak to Eira.

Parish Meal : our annual Parish meal will take place on Friday 5th May at 7 p.m. in the Treetops. The booking form will be available soon but please put the date in your diary. All are very welcome to join us.