Gynecology, Urogynecology, and Minimally Invasive Surgery
2190 Lynn Road, Suite 240
Thousand Oaks, CA91360
(O): 805-449-1778(F): 805-496-9970
Fellowship in Urogynecology Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
July 2003-June 2006
Fellowship in advanced laparoscopic gynecology surgery with Dr. C.Y. Liu
July 2002 – June 2003
Obstetrics and Gynecology residency
July 1998 – June 2002
Sept. 1994 – June 1998
Medical Degree
Major: Psychology. Graduated with honors in psychology
Sept. 1988 – June 1992
Bachelor of the Arts
HONORS: HARBOR-UCLA’06 First place for Best Prize Paper on Minimally Invasive
MEDICALCENTERGynecology on “Anterior Compartment Repairs using
Biological Graft Fixation to the Arcus Tendinous Fascia
Pelvis” (35thAAGL national meeting)
’05 First place for Karl Storz IRCAD Laparoscopic Video
Award on “Laparoscopic Uterine Suspension”
(34th AAGL national meeting)
’05 Third place for the J. Hoffman Postgraduate Paper
on “Transvaginal Repair of Anterior Compartment Defects using Porcine Dermal Graft Fixation to the Arcus
Tendinous Fascia Pelvic.” (34th AAGL nation meeting)
CHATTANOOGA’03 First place for the J. Hoffman Postgraduate
WOMEN’SPrize Paper on “Laparoscopic Vag Vault Suspension”
LASER CENTER(33rd AAGL national meeting)
’03 Da Vinci Robotic training certification
’02 First Place:Laparoscopic Suturing Contest
at the AAGL 31st national meeting
UNIVERSITY OF’02 Resident Achievement Award: Best Laparoscopic Surgeon
ILLINOIS’00 Best PGY2 OB/GYN Teaching Resident of the Year 2000
’98 First place for the Research Paper Award at the District VI
ACOG meeting in Chicago, IL in 1998
RUSH MEDICAL’95 Best Teacher Award in summer session at NorthwesternU.
COLLEGE’96 Clinical Honors: Obstetrics and Gynecology
OB/GYN Research
Maternal Fetal Medicine
LICENSES:Fellow, AmericanCollege of Obstetrics and Gynecology, (FACOG) June 2006
Board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology: issued 11-11-2005, exp 12-31-2011
State of California: # A82619, issued 4-9-2003, exp 5-31-2010
State of Tennessee: # 35927, issued 12-20-01, exp 5/31/04
State of Illinois:# 036-104359, exp 7-31-2002
DEA # BL7664801, exp 3/31/2010
PUBLICATIONS Ho MH, Lin LL, Haessler AL, Bhatia NN. Tension-free transobturator tape procedure for stress urinary incontinence. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Oct;18(5):567-74. Review.
Furr RS, Lin LL, Tan CY, Bhata NN, Liu CY. Laparoscopic Uterovaginal Suspension to the Uterosacral Ligaments: A Review of 39 Cases. (In submission)
Lin LL, Alinsod RM, Haessler AL, Ho MH, Betson LH, Bhatia NN. Anterior Compartment Repair using Biological Graft Fixation to the Arcus Tendinous Fascia Pelvic. (In submission)
Lin LL, Haessler AL, Ho MH, Betson LH, Bhatia NN. Dyspareunia and Chronic Pelvic Pain after Polypropylene Mesh Augmentation for Transvaginal Repair of Anterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse: A Case Report. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2007 Jun;18(6):675-8. Epub 2006 Sep 20.
Lin LL, Ho MH, Haessler AL, Betson LH, Alinsod RM, Liu CY, Bhatia NN. A Review of Laparoscopic Uterine Suspension Procedures for Uterine Preservation. Current Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;17(5):541-546.
Haessler AL, Lin LL, Ho MH, Beston LH, Bhatia NN. Reevaluating occult incontinence.
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;17(5):535-40.
Ho MH, Lin LL, Haessler AL, Bhatia NN. Intravesical injection of botulinum toxin for the treatment of overactive bladder. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;17(5):512-8.
Lin LL, Phelps J, Liu CY. Laparoscopic Vaginal Vault Suspension using Uterosacral Ligaments: A Review of 133 Cases. JMIG. 2005;12(3):216-220.
Phelps J, Lin LL, Liu CY. Laparoscopic Suburethral Sling. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 10(4): 496-500, 2003.
Lin L, Song J, Kimber N, Shott S, Tangora J, Aroutcheva A, Mazees MB, Wells A,
Cohen A, Faro S. The role of bacterial vaginosis in infection after major gynecologic
surgery. Infectious Disease in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 7(3): 169-74, 1999.
Song J, Lin L, Shott S, Kimber N, Tangora J, Cohen A, Wells A, Maezes MB,
Aroutcheva A, Faro S. Evaluation of the Strep B OIA test compared to standard culture
methods for detection of group B streptococci. Infectious Disease in Obstetrics and
Gynecology. 7(4): 202-5, 1999.
PRESENTATIONSSpeaker at “Meet the Professor’s Roundtable Luncheon” discussing the topic of Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy: Tips and Tricks at the AAGL 38th annual meeting, November 2009, Orlando, FL.
Co-chair of the Video Committee to evaluate Best Surgical Video (the Golden Laparoscope Award) at the AAGL 38th annual meeting, November 2009, Orlando, FL.
Moderator at the Surgical Tutorial 5: Total laparoscopic hysterectomy and Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy at the AAGL 38th annual meeting, Orlando, FL.
Speaker at “Meet the Professor’s Roundtable Luncheon” discussing the topic of Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy: Tips and Tricks at the AAGL 37th annual meeting, November 2008, Las VegasNV
Speaker at “Meet the Professor’s Roundtable Luncheon” discussing the topic of Transvaginal Anterior Compartment Repairs & Graft Augmentation at the AAGL 35th annual meeting, November 2006, Las Vegas, NV.
Presented my paper on “Laparoscopic Uterovaginal Suspension to the Uterosacral Ligaments: A Review of 39 Cases” at the AAGL 35th annual meeting, November 2006, Las Vegas, NV
Poster presentation of my paper on “Dyspareunia and Chronic Pelvic Pain after Polypropylene Mesh Augmentation for Transvaginal Repair of Anterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse: A Case Report” at the AAGL 35th annual meeting, November 2006, Las Vegas, NV.
Co-moderator at a Video Session 3 on Endometriosis at the AAGL 35th annual meeting, November 2006, Las Vegas, NV
Poster presentation at the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons (SGS) national meeting on “Transvaginal Repair of Anterior Compartment Defect using Porcine Dermal Graft Fixation to the Arcus Tendinous Fascia Pelvis” Tustin, AZ, April 2006.
Poster Presentation at Los Angeles OB/GYN society meeting on “Transvaginal Repair of
Anterior Compartment Defect using Porcine Dermal Graft Fixation to the Arcus Tendinous
Fascia Pelvis”Los Angeles, CA, March 2006.
Presented my video on “Laparoscopic Uterine Suspension” at the AAGL 34thannual
meeting, November 2005, Chicago, IL.
Presented my paper on “Transvaginal Repair of Anterior Compartment Defect using Porcine Dermal Graft Fixation to the Arcus Tendinous Fascia Pelvis” at the AAGL 34thannual meeting, November 2005, Chicago, IL.
Co-Moderator for an Open Communications session on Urogynecology at the AAGL 34thannualmeeting, November 2005, Chicago, IL.
Co-Chair of the Fellow’s Committee at the AAGL 34th annual meeting, November 2005, Chicago, IL.
Presented my video on “Laparoscopic Enterocele Repair and Vaginal Vault Suspension”
at the AAGL 33rd annual meeting, November 2004, San Francisco, CA.
Co-Moderator for an Open Communications session on Urogynecology at the AAGL 33rd annual meeting, November 2004, San Francisco, CA.
Co-Chair of the Fellows Committee at the AAGL 33rd annual meeting, November 2004,
San Francisco, CA.
Part of the AAGL/SRS Resident and Fellows Breakfast Committee at the AAGL 33rd annual meeting, November 2004, San Francisco, CA.
Part of the Video Committee at the AAGL 33rd annual meeting, November 2004,
San Francisco, CA.
Co-Moderator for a session on Adnexal Masses and Chronic Pelvic Pain at the
AAGL 32nd annual meeting, November 2003, Las Vegas, NV.
Presented my video on “Laparoscopic Suburethral Sling using Autologous Fascia”
at the AAGL 32nd annual meeting, November 2003, Las Vegas, NV.
Presented my paper on “Laparoscopic Vaginal Vault Suspension” at the AAGL 32nd annual meeting, November 2003, Las Vegas, NV.
Presented my research paper at the annual District VI ACOG conference in Chicago, IL.
This paper won first place for best research paper at the conference. (Infectious Disease
in Obstet Gynecol. 7(3): 169-74, 1999.)
TEACHING Instructor for Ethicon’s Advanced Laparoscopic Gynecologic Training at the University
EXPERIENCE of Southern California, October 2005, Los Angeles, CA.
Instructor at the 13th Annual Comprehensive Workshop on Gynecologic Endoscopy for
Residents, Fellows, and O.R. Personnel for the AAGL, March 2004, Los Angeles, CA
Taught residents the surgical techniques of extracorporeal and intracorporeal knot tying.
Instructor at the 12th Annual Comprehensive Workshop on Gynecologic Endoscopy for
Residents, Fellows, and O.R. Personnel for the AAGL, March 2003, Chicago, IL
Taught residents the surgical techniques of extracorporeal and intracorporeal knot tying.
University of IllinoisHospital, July ’00 –June ‘02
Pelvic Teaching. Taught medical students pelvic anatomy for one hour, once a month.
.Instructor at Northwestern University (NU), Sum ’95 & Sum ‘91
Taught an Introductory Physiology course and Introductory Psychology course to high
school students in a summer program at NU. Lectured for one hour, five times a week.
Princeton Review Instructor, June ’93 – Dec ‘93
Taught SAT math and could improve most student’s SAT score by 80 points
PROFESSIONALAmerican Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists
AFFILIATIONSAmericanCollege of Obstetrics and Gynecology
American Medical Association
Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
American Urogynecologic Society
INTERESTSBasketball, baseball, tennis, running, video editing