Pre-Transplant Social History

Donor Assessment

Please do not leave any questions unanswered. Take your time and answer them as fully as possible.

Name: ______DOB: ______

Address: ______SS#: ______

City: ______Home phone: (____)______-______

Zip: ______Cell phone: (____)______-______

Recipient______Citizenship ______

Name of your Primary Care Physician: ______

Doctor’s office phone number: (______)______-______


Who lives in your home?

Name Age Relationship to you


Where were you born and raised? ______

Describe your family life growing up. ______


List all other family members outside the home. (Immediate and extended) Use other side if more space is needed.

Name Age Relationship to you


Please list people who give you emotional support. (Family, friends, pastor, etc.)

Name Relationship to you


Kidney donation involves having a major surgery (nephrectomy). You will need a plan to have a successful recovery after your nephrectomy.

Please tell us:

Where will you stay once discharged from the hospital? ______

Who will be able to stay with you for the first few days after you are discharged from the hospital?



If you have young children, who will look after them, get them to school, etc.?




Do you have Advance Directives? (Living Will. Durable Power of Attorney.)

If not, would you like information about Advance Directives? ______


Although having a nephrectomy is a very safe surgery it is, nonetheless, a major surgery and will put you at medical risk. People often turn to their source of spiritual support and guidance when in harm’s way. Do you a spiritual community? If so, what is it? Who do you turn to when you (or a loved-one) is in danger? ______



Are you active in any clubs or social organizations? If yes, please list



What are your favorite things to do to relax and enjoy yourself?



What was the last grade of school you completed? ______

Where did you go to school? ______

Are you currently employed? _____Yes _____No

If yes, what is the name of your employer? ______

Please describe in detail what you do at work. ______

How long have you worked there? ______

Have you discussed donating with employer? _____ Yes ____No

If yes, describe employers response:______

Do you have medical insurance? If so, what is it?______

Are you eligible for short-term disability /FMLA benefits? _____ Yes _____ No

Is your Spouse/S.O. employed? ____Yes ____ No

If yes, where? ______


After your nephrectomy you may need to be off from work 4 – 6 weeks for your recovery. Do you have adequate sick/vacation time accrued to cover that much time away from your job?

Will being off from work create financial hardship for you and your family?______

If yes, how will you manage? ______


Who is dependent on you financially? ______


Please list all past surgeries: ______

During your recovery did anyone help you out? If so, who______



Do you exercise regularly? If so, describe what you do. ______How well do you cope with stress? ______

Describe a time in your life that was very stressful. What was going on? ______


What did you do to help yourself cope with the stress? ______


Do you smoke? ____Yes ____No If yes, how much?______

Do you drink alcohol? _____Yes _____No

Have you ever been treated for alcohol abuse? _____Yes _____No

Do you smoke marijuana?______If so, how often?______

Have you ever used illegal drugs or misused prescription medicines?

____Yes ___No

If yes, what drugs did you use? ______

Have you ever been treated for substance abuse? ____Yes ____No

If yes, where were you treated and when? ______

Have you seen a counselor, psychiatrist, or therapist? ______Yes _____No

If yes, When?______

If yes, please briefly describe the circumstances and whether you found it helpful? ______



What are your motivations for wanting to donate? ______

In what ways will donation affect your relationship with the recipient? Please describe. ______



Please list your four biggest worries about donating? 1.______2.______3.______4.______

Signature: Date: