Miss Baber
8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus 696-1405 ext. 4163
Welcome Panthers to a new school year!
Coursework in 8th grade is designed to facilitate mastery of the Common Core State Standards and to help you become a better reader, writer, speaker, and thinker. Along the way, we’ll enjoy compelling modern works of non-fiction and classics from literature, including S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders and Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None. We’ll improve your grammar, advance your vocabulary, increase your confidence about your ability to improve the world and, I hope, have a really great time learning together.
To help you start the year successfully, here is some important information and class expectations that will help you live the Panther L.I.F.E. Please read everything, complete the online acknowledgement form, and submit for student credit.
Classroom Guidelines and Expectations
1. Be here.
- Be on time.
- Be in your seat at the beginning of class,working on the warm-up.
2. Be responsible.
- Bring everything you’ll need, such as paper, a pen, and work that’s due.
- Bring an independent reading book.
- Turn in all assignments and projects by the end of the day.
- Work the entire class period.
- When you’re absent, check Haiku and print out any notes/assignments you missed for when you return.
Make up work in a timely manner– one week from the day of absence.
If work was given that you didn’t have access to, you’ll be given up to five days to complete the work.
Tests / Quizzes: All tests and quizzes must be made up before or after school, the next school day. You may also make prior arrangements with the teacher.
3. Be respectful.
- You are expected to be courteous and respectful to all students, teachers, and guests.
- Remove hats and beanies before entering a building.
- Keep mobile devices in your backpack – off and away, all day!
- Do your best to stay focused by sitting up at your desk.
4. Be awesome.
- All students are expected to “Live the Panther L.I.F.E.” throughout the year.
- Think for yourself and be ready to participate!
- Think deeply, take risks, and work diligently, and you’ll love this class.
Positive Consequences:
Verbal praise, Smiles, High fives, Special privileges, Preferred seating, Notes & phone calls home, Notes to Principal,
Negative Consequences:
First Consequence: Student will be given a verbal warning
Second Consequence: Student will have a time out and a quick discussion at the end of class
Third Consequence: Student will have a second time out; Parent/Guardian will be contacted
Fourth Consequence: Student will be assigned a detention
“You may not disrupt school activities or otherwise willfully defy the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties including being rude, defiant and disrespectful.”
(From the SMS Handbook)
- Assessment Grades (tests, quizzes, essays, and projects) 75%
- Classwork/Homework Grades (classwork, daily notes, activities, in-class participation)25%
- All grades will be determined by the following grading scale:
F59% and below
Each student is responsible to have his/her supplies in class every day! This includes:
2 Composition Books(*Students will reuse these all year as an interactive notebook! (IN) Good idea to buy some extras)
Pencils and erasers
Grading tools (ink pens, markers {no sharpies}, highlighters)
Coloring Materials--thin markers, colored pencils or crayons(kept in a case)
Lined Paper
Thumb Drive/Flash Drive
Index cards
Assignments and Activities:
- Classwork (CW): Students will work independently, with partners and in groups. ALL work will be neatly completed. Writing assignments (essays) will be typed (Arial or Times New Roman, 12pt. font, MLA style)
- Homework (HW): Homework is due by the end of the day. Any classwork that is not completed is homework.
Late Homework, including projects, will ONLY be accepted until the novel final exam/unit of study ends. No work will be accepted after the novel/unit of study test.HW is located on the white board and Haiku.
- Assessments:
Students will be given assessments nearly every week and for every novel/unit of study. Some will be completed independently, while others will be completed in partners/groups. Some will be announced; others will not.Many tests will be on Haiku. It is highly suggested to review your notes nightly and take advantage of all review assignments made available.
- Projects:
Students will have individual and groups projects that will require time outside of class to complete.
These will include computer research, outside novels, and presentations.
Students should use the restroom before school, during their breaks and lunches, and during passing time. In such cases where students still need to use the facilities, they should get the Panther Pass located by the door, kindly and silently, get your teacher’s attention and wait for approval to leave class. This method leaves the teacher and students not to miss any valuable learning time! Students who misuse restroom pass will have them declined.
Sharpening Your Pencil and the Drinking Fountain:
Students may sharpen their pencil during work times, not when the teacher or other adult is speaking. If the student is in the middle of sharpening their pencil and the teacher or other adult starts to speak, the student must stop their action and resume when they are finished.
Students may get a tissue whenever necessary.
Food and Drinks:
Food is not allowed in class! Gum is definitely not allowed!!
Water bottles may be left on desks, but other beverages are required to be left on the counter by the sink.
Lotions and Sprays:
Please refrain from spraying cologne and/or using fragranced lotion or antibacterial gel. Some students are highly sensitive. You are welcome to use these products outside of the class before the bell rings.
Please acknowledge that you understand and agree to my classroom policies by clicking: